Browse books in Powell's City of Books (they sell used and new books)
Watch a movie in Cinema 21, a vintage theater
Check out Portland Saturday Market or Portland Farmers Market
Have breakfast at Fried Egg I'm In Love on Hawthorne (not the one on the west side). Their sandwiches was one of my highlights.
Visit Loyly sauna - it's an authentic Finnish sauna with public hours for just $30 for a visit. It's really well designed.
Skip Voodoo Doughnut, they're overrated
Portland's special is food trucks grouped into food pods. My favourite is this one but you'll find lots of blocks across the city with food trucks. Explore and try things!
Coava Coffee Roasters is a must if you're into coffee. They have a well designed space and they share the building with woodworking shop.
- Pacific Pie Company
- Lardo
- Bollywood Theater
- Sammich PDX
- I'll repeat Fried Egg I'm In Love because it's really good
- Baerlic Brewery & Taproom
- Cascade Brewing Barrel House
- If you're going camping, check out Next Adventure - their basement floor has great deals and I could equip for camping for $100 total.
- Drive to Columbia River George and Multnomah Falls
- Drive futher that scentic route and make it around Mt Hood and camp somewhere in the area (map)