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React Social Login Buttons

Live demo

A simple package to display social login buttons using React.

Buttons do not provide any social logic. They are only visual components listening to some events triggered by the user.

Social login buttons



npm install --save react-social-login-buttons


yarn add react-social-login-buttons


ES6 imports:

import { FacebookLoginButton } from "react-social-login-buttons";

ES6 imports optimized (deprecated):

import FacebookLoginButton from "react-social-login-buttons/lib/buttons/FacebookLoginButton";


Default button content - "Login with Facebook"

<FacebookLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")} />

Custom button content

<FacebookLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")}>
  <span>Custom text</span>

Social Button Types

We currently support just a few login buttons. Others will be implemented later.


<FacebookLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")} />


<GoogleLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")} />


<GithubLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")} />


<TwitterLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")} />


<AmazonLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")} />


<InstagramLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")} />


<LinkedInLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")} />


<MicrosoftLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")} />


<BufferLoginButton onClick={() => alert("Hello")} />

Create your own button

You can create your own button.

You do not have to wait for us to implement all of them.

You can also use your own icons, let's say from font-awesome.

You can also pass a component to the icon prop.

import React from "react";
import {createButton} from "react-social-login-buttons";

const config = {
  text: "Login with Facebook",
  icon: "facebook",
  iconFormat: name => `fa fa-${name}`,
  style: { background: "#3b5998" },
  activeStyle: { background: "#293e69" }
/** My Facebook login button. */
const MyFacebookLoginButton = createButton(config);

export default MyFacebookLoginButton;

Config can also look like.

import svgIcon from "./my-svg.svg";
import {createSvgIcon} from "react-social-login-buttons";

const config = {
  text: "Login with Facebook",
  icon: createSvgIcon(svgIcon),
  iconFormat: name => `fa fa-${name}`,
  style: { background: "#3b5998" },
  activeStyle: { background: "#293e69" }


Props for every Button

onClick {function} (optional)

Will be triggered when clicked on the button.

style {Object} (optional)

Custom button styles

className {String} (optional)

Custom button class

children {React.children} (optional)

You can pass any children to our buttons.

activeStyle {Object} (optional)

activeStyle styles will be applied instead of style when mouse hovers above the element

icon {String|Node} (optional)

This icon will be displayed.

If you pass a string, <i className={format(name)}/> will be rendered.

iconSize {String} (optional)

Icon will have this size. Eg. "26px"

iconColor {String} (optional)

Icon will have this color - default #FFFFFF

size {String} (optional)

Box will have this size. Eg. "150px"

iconFormat {function} (optional)

Format icon className. Eg. (name) => "fa-icon fa-icon-" + name

align {"left" | "right" | "center"} (optional)

Align the text on the button (default is left).

preventActiveStyles {Boolean} (optional) default: false

If set to true, activeStyles won't be used and will be used styles from the style prop.


  • onClick
  • onMouseEnter
  • onMouseLeave

Why react-social-login-buttons ?

react-social-login-buttons is focused on speed and simplicity.


I welcome issues and pull requests on


version 3.1.0
  • Add support for icon color
version 3.0.0
  • Use button elements instead of a div
version 2.3.0
  • Add support for styled-components
version 2.2.0
  • Added Buffer login button
  • Exposed createSvgIcon util
version 2.1.2
  • Added TypeScript definition for createButton util
  • Deprecate optimized imports
version 2.1.1
  • Fixed TypeScript definitions
version 2.1.0
  • Add TypeScript definitions
  • Add Travis CI
version 2.0.1
  • Fixed importing
version 2.0.0
  • Using flexbox instad of floating styles
  • Using SVGs for smaller build sizes
  • Easier api for development
  • Removed SocialLoginButtonProvider
  • Using createButton util to create buttons
  • onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave handlers
  • preventActiveStyles for easier styling
version 1.3.5
  • Change react version
version 1.3.4
  • Fix package.json error
version 1.3.3
  • Removed react from dependency
version 1.3.1
  • Fixed syntax highlighting
version 1.3.0
  • Allowed to pass children into SocialLoginButton
version 1.2.1
  • Fixed a bug when react-social-login-buttons don't compile
version 1.2.0
  • Added new buttons for: Instagram, LinkedIn, Microsoft
  • New development api - SocialLoginButtonProvider


Special thanks to people creating awesome svg icons