diff --git a/doc/source/services.rst b/doc/source/services.rst
index c66657f2a2..b5519a5cb7 100644
--- a/doc/source/services.rst
+++ b/doc/source/services.rst
@@ -130,111 +130,3 @@ The call to this method should be done within the service code::
from jnius import autoclass
PythonService = autoclass('org.kivy.android.PythonService')
-Service auto-start
-To automatically start the service on boot, you need to add signals inside ``AndroidManifest.xml`` that Android sends to applications on boot.
-Create file ``receivers.xml`` and write this code::
-Next step set path to this file in ``buildozer.spec``, set setting ``android.extra_manifest_application_xml`` code::
- android.extra_manifest_application_xml = %(source.dir)s/xml/receivers.xml
-Then need create ``MyBroadcastReceiver.java``, code::
- package com.heattheatr.kivy_service_test;
- import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
- import android.content.Intent;
- import android.content.Context;
- import org.kivy.android.PythonActivity;
- import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- import com.heattheatr.kivy_service_test.ServiceTest;
- public class MyBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
- public MyBroadcastReceiver() {
- }
- // Start app.
- public void start_app(Context context, Intent intent) {
- Intent ix = new Intent(context, PythonActivity.class);
- ix.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
- context.startActivity(ix);
- }
- // Start service.
- public void service_start(Context context, Intent intent) {
- String package_root = context.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
- String app_root = package_root + "/app";
- Intent ix = new Intent(context, ServiceTest.class);
- ix.putExtra("androidPrivate", package_root);
- ix.putExtra("androidArgument", app_root);
- ix.putExtra("serviceEntrypoint", "service.py");
- ix.putExtra("pythonName", "test");
- ix.putExtra("pythonHome", app_root);
- ix.putExtra("pythonPath", package_root);
- ix.putExtra("serviceStartAsForeground", "true");
- ix.putExtra("serviceTitle", "ServiceTest");
- ix.putExtra("serviceDescription", "ServiceTest");
- ix.putExtra("pythonServiceArgument", app_root + ":" + app_root + "/lib");
- ix.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
- context.startService(ix);
- }
- // Stop service.
- public void service_stop(Context context, Intent intent) {
- Intent intent_stop = new Intent(context, ServiceTest.class);
- context.stopService(intent_stop);
- }
- // Sinals reciver.
- public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
- switch (intent.getAction()) {
- System.out.println("python MyBroadcastReceiver.java
- MyBroadcastReceiver.class onReceive.method: ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED");
- this.service_start(context, intent);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-This code start ``service.py`` from ``buildozer.spec`` when get signal ``ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED``::
- services = Test:./service.py:foreground
-For example ``service.py``::
- import os
- from time import sleep
- from jnius import cast
- from jnius import autoclass
- PythonService = autoclass('org.kivy.android.PythonService')
- CurrentActivityService = cast("android.app.Service", PythonService.mService)
- while True:
- print("python service running.....", CurrentActivityService.getPackageName(), os.getpid())
- sleep(10)
-Name out service will be ``ServiceTest``, prefix ``Service`` + ``Test`` from ``services = Test:./service.py:foreground``.
-You can see how it work in test `project `__.