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Backup and Restore

Kyle Gabriel edited this page Dec 20, 2017 · 12 revisions


Mycodo can be backed up and restored from the web UI, under the Configure -> Backup/Restore page. However, if you cannot access this page or prefer to do it from the command line, you may do so with the following commands.

Backup the currently installed Mycodo

sudo /bin/bash ~/Mycodo/mycodo/scripts/ backup-create

Restore a previously backed-up Mycodo

sudo /bin/bash ~/Mycodo/mycodo/scripts/ backup-restore <restore_backup>

Replace <restore_backup> with the backup you would like restored. It must be the full location. Use the following command to see what backups exist.

ls -l /var/Mycodo-backups

Example output

pi@raspberry:~$ ls -l /var/Mycodo-backups
drwxrwxr-x 9 mycodo mycodo 4096 Jun 19 23:33 Mycodo-backup-2017-06-23_02-07-50-5.0.35
drwxrwxr-x 9 mycodo mycodo 4096 Jun 19 23:33 Mycodo-backup-2017-07-06_19-04-27-5.0.41

The full restore command to select the earlier version from this example would be

sudo /bin/bash ~/Mycodo/mycodo/scripts/ backup-restore /var/Mycodo-backups/Mycodo-backup-2017-07-06_19-04-27-5.0.41


An influxdb backup will save all the sensor, relay, and PID data.

Backup the influx databases

influxd backup <path-to-metastore-backup>
influxd backup -database mycodo_db <path-to-database-backup>

Restore the influx databases

service influxdb stop
influxd restore -metadir /var/lib/influxdb/meta <path-to-metastore-backup>
influxd restore -database mycodo_db -datadir /var/lib/influxdb/data <path-to-database-backup>
sudo chown -R influxdb:influxdb /var/lib/influxdb
service influxdb start