A Code of Conduct provides expectations for all participants in this decentralized space. We appreciate and orient towards autonomy, responsibility, curiosity, and respect for one another, inspired by the maxim: "love thy neighbor as thyself."
- Our non-negotiable values are kindness, honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior.
- You have autonomy and freedom to make your own choices within the bounds of this Code of Conduct.
- You could support open dialogue, and the free exchange of ideas.
- Your actions and their consequences within the project are your own.
- We are each, individually, accountable to orient our behavior to the values outlined in this Code of Conduct.
- We express these values in all interactions.
- Everyone has individual perspectives, culture, and experiences.
- Respect that, and be curious about them.
- You could use persuasion, negotiation, and consideration to create something that benefits other participants.
- Respect other people's time; It's a finite resource.
- Treat others with kindness, consideration, and compassion.
- Discrimination, harassment, cruelty, harm, just won't be tolerated.
- We assist and support each other because collaboration builds a better community, and better communities are critical for a better world.
By participating in this decentralized project, you agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and uphold these principles of autonomy, responsibility, curiosity, and respect.