more coding/learning/project/interview/resume resources & how I organized my life in the past year here:
@taniarascia's blog for basically anything JavaScript
- JavaScript, understanding the weird parts by Anthony (wait for the sale)
- @traversymedia's YouTube channel for project tutorials & crash courses
& for any new devs who are learning/job searching, here are some of my fav resources:
- @DiversifyTechCo's newsletter & hiring page
- @ChloeCondon & @beccaroro's BCCAll podcast
- Pure React by @dceddia
Hello Leetcoders,
Lets gather list of all front end coding questions irrespective of frameworks like angular or react. I have small list of questions please feel free to add additional questions in comments. I will keep updating this thread with solutions.
Front End White Board
Star Rating
Design Pop Over
Design Accordion (Amazon onsite)
Design Carousel
Design grid using HTML/CSS and Javascript with search and sort, event bubbling (Amazon onsite)
Design NavBar
Infinite Scroll
Typeahead / autocomplete using trie
Implement Debounce function
Implement tic tac toe
Make snake ladder board
Make calendar of any Month like Date Picker
Implement throttle function
Implement custom Higher Order Functions like Map, Reduce, Filter, Sort (Amazon Phone Interview)
Create an analog clock
Make a todo list
Create functionality to change all text on page to different translations
Build a calculator (add/subtract... then multiply/divide... then log/pow... etc)
Search and display Giphy images (through Giphy api) in responsive format
Build Connect Four
Implement Nested Checkboxes (parent is checked, children are checked and vice versa. Must use actual checkbox input)
Implement a poll widget
Implement Event Emitter
Implement promise.all function
Flatten nested Javascript Array without using Array.prototype.flat()
Implement Sort() function.
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