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94 lines (66 loc) · 2.92 KB

File metadata and controls

94 lines (66 loc) · 2.92 KB

Interview Tips:

System Design: (especially Amazon's Dynamo DB paper and Google GFS paper)

Paid System Design Tutorial:

Grokking System Design Interview

Other interesting links:

Other System Design Course:

Programming/Leetcode style:

  1. Get to know the complexities/Big O
  2. Arrays
  3. Strings
  4. Trees
  5. Linked List
  6. Trie
  7. Graphs
  8. DP (

Leetcode Questions Categorized:

Top Questions Encountered:

  • Combination/K-shingles
  • Find top M out of N
  • Merge K sorted arrays into 1
  • Gas station (found on leetcode)
  • Allocate meeting rooms/minimum number of docks needed on port to handle all vessel landing/Assign hotel rooms
  • Anagrams
  • Frog jump
  • Knight path - given N, find all knight paths for size N on a phone dial pad.
  • T9 dictionary
  • LRU cache
  • Moving average
  • Inbound rate limitor
  • Design an elevator system with 4 shafts and 50 floors
  • Guards and walls (found on geeksforgeeks)
  • Given a root directory, group all files with same contents
  • Dengeon game (
  • Given calendars of 2 employees, state whether a meeting of X minutes is possible to schedule.
  • Bold keywords in a string
  • Text justification
  • Largest sum in an array such that no 2 numbers are neighbours
  • Given a prefix, give auto complete suggestions
  • Given a string, state whether is is full/partial/no match
  • Balanced parentheses
  • Given a string, can it be broken such that a sentence can be formed. ( (Twitter/Houzz question)
  • Cruise Automation -> Given a valid string of mathematical operation(+ and -), give its output eg: "23 + 4" output: 27
  • Add 2 numbers
  • Validate IP Address (found on leetcode)
  • Lowest common ancestor in BT or BST
  • Fibonacci series

Apple Leetcode questions:

Design Questions Encountered:

  • Design Room cleaning robot
  • Design system to give top M words from all of Wikipedia
  • Design photo sharing app like google photos
  • Design Siri Search Architecture for query - “How old is Donald”
  • Design Yahoo Finance
  • Design Elevator system (50 floors and 4 elevators)
  • Design a traffic signal