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Upgrade from v4.x to v5.x

If you have any questions regarding this upgrade process, please consult the examples directory:

⚠️ Instructions detailed here are for migrating from v4.x to v5.x. For instructions on upgrading to v4.x first, please see

If you find a bug, please open an issue with supporting configuration to reproduce.

List of backwards incompatible changes

Additional changes


  • A second autoscaling group idc (ignore desired capacity) has been added to allow users to utilize an autoscaling group that will ignore changes to desired_capacity


  • var.tags was previously a list of maps of key, value, and propagate_at_launch. It has been changed to a standard map of key = value pairs
  • The use of for_each = lookup(map.value, "attr", null) != null ? [map.value.attr] : [] pattern has been replaced with a more concise, readable pattern of for_each = can(map.value.attr) ? [map.value.attr] : []. This is a no-op change for users

Variable and output changes

  1. Removed variables:

    • propagate_name
    • tags_as_map (use tags instead)
    • use_lt -> this is now the default; only launch templates are supported
    • launch_configuration
    • create_lc
    • use_lc
    • lc_name
    • lc_use_name_prefix
    • user_data
    • associate_public_ip_address
    • spot_price
    • placement_tenancy
    • ebs_block_device
    • ephemeral_block_device
    • root_block_device
  2. Renamed variables:

    • create_asg -> create
    • create_lt -> create_launch_template
    • lt_name -> launch_template_name
    • lt_use_name_prefix -> launch_template_use_name_prefix
    • lt_version -> launch_template_version
  3. Added variables:

    • ignore_desired_capacity_changes -> to flip between using a standard autoscaling group that respects desired_capacity setting or one that ignores
  4. Removed outputs:

    • launch_configuration_id
    • launch_configuration_arn
    • launch_configuration_name
  5. Renamed outputs:

    • None
  6. Added outputs:

    • None

Upgrade Migrations

Before 4.x Example

module "asg" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling/aws"
  version = "~> 4.0"

  # Autoscaling group
  name = "example-asg"

  min_size            = 0
  max_size            = 1
  desired_capacity    = 1
  health_check_type   = "EC2"
  vpc_zone_identifier = ["subnet-1235678", "subnet-87654321"]

  # Launch template
  lt_name                = "example-asg"
  description            = "Launch template example"
  update_default_version = true
  use_lt                 = true
  create_lt              = true

  image_id      = "ami-ebd02392"
  instance_type = "t3.micro"

  tags_as_map = {
    extra_tag1 = "extra_value1"
    extra_tag2 = "extra_value2"

After 5.x Example

module "asg" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling/aws"
  version = "~> 5.0"

  # Autoscaling group
  name = "example-asg"

  min_size            = 0
  max_size            = 1
  desired_capacity    = 1
  health_check_type   = "EC2"
  vpc_zone_identifier = ["subnet-1235678", "subnet-87654321"]

  # Launch template
  launch_template_name        = "example-asg"
  launch_template_description = "Launch template example"
  update_default_version      = true

  image_id      = "ami-ebd02392"
  instance_type = "t3.micro"

  tags = {
    extra_tag1 = "extra_value1"
    extra_tag2 = "extra_value2"

State Changes

There are no required state changes to migrate from v4.x to v5.x. If you are using launch configuration support, you can continue to do so with the v4.x version pinned or evaluate switching to a new autoscaling group that is backed by launch templates.

If you wish to opt into the new feature ignore_desired_capacity_changes, you can perform the following state mv commands on your group(s) if desired:

ℹ️ Be sure to add the ignore_desired_capacity_changes = true to your configuration.

terraform state mv 'module.<xxx>.aws_autoscaling_group.this[0]' 'module.<xxx>.aws_autoscaling_group.idc[0]'

For example, if you previously had a configuration such as (truncated for brevity):

module "example" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling/aws"
  version = "~> 4.x"

  # <your configs>

After updating the configuration to the latest v5.x changes:

module "example" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling/aws"
  version = "~> 5.x"

  # <your configs>

  ignore_desired_capacity_changes = true

The associated Terraform state move command would be:

terraform state mv 'module.example.aws_autoscaling_group.this[0]' 'module.example.aws_autoscaling_group.idc[0]'