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Releases: kleiton0x00/XSScope

XSScope v2.2 - Windows

22 Oct 18:48
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XSScope v2.2 now fully supports Windows OS.


  1. Make sure you install Python 3.x and verify if python is installed by executing python3 in CMD
  2. Install from here and extract it.
  3. Install the required Python modules:
    python3 -m pip install pyngrok requests pyperclip
  4. Install Ngrok (from
  • Create an account on and copy the Authtoken.
  • Extract the .zip into XSScope folder.
  • Now open CMD, change directory to XSScope and type: ngrok authtoken your_authtoken_here
  1. Install PHP on your Windows
  • step 1: Install the PHP .zip file from
  • step 2: Extract the zip to C:\ named php7
  • step 3: On windows search for Edit the system environment variables and press Enter
  • step 4: When a window pops up, click Environment Variables
  • step 5: On System variables click Path C:\Windows\system32;C:\Wdinwos... and then click Edit...
  • step 6: A new window will pop up, click on New
  • step 7: Enter C:\php7 and click OK
  • Verify if PHP is successfully installed by opening a new CMD and typing php -v.

Run XSScope
