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User's Guide


kind and kubectl are required. Note that we plan to add support for other Kube distros. A hosting kind cluster is created automatically by the kubeflex CLI.

Download the latest kubeflex CLI binary release for your OS/Architecture from the release page and copy it to /usr/local/bin or another location in your $PATH.

If you have Homebrew, use the following commands to install kubeflex:

brew tap kubestellar/kubeflex
brew install kubeflex

Once the CLI is installed, the following CLI command creates a kind cluster and installs the KubeFlex operator:

kflex init --create-kind

Creating a new control plane

You can create a new control plane using the KubeFlex CLI or using any Kubernetes client or kubectl.

To create a new control plane with name cp1 using the KubeFlex CLI:

kflex create cp1

The KubeFlex CLI applies a ControlPlane CR, then waits for the control plane to become available and finally it retrieves the Kubeconfig file for the new control plane, merges it with the current Kubeconfig and sets the current context to the new control plane context.

At this point you may interact with the new control plane using kubectl, for example:

kubectl get ns
kubectl create ns myns

to switch the context back to the hosting cluster context, you may use the ctx command:

kflex ctx

To switch back to a control plane context, use the ctx <control plane name> command, e.g:

kflex ctx cp1

The same result can be accomplished with kubectl by using the `ControlPlane`` CR, for example:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: ControlPlane
  name: cp1
  backend: shared
  type: k8s

After applying the CR to the hosting kind cluster, you may check the status according to the usual kubernetes conventions:

$ kubectl get controlplanes
cp1    True     True    5d18h

In the above example, SYNCED=True means that all resources required to run the control plane have been succssfully applied on the hosting cluster, and READY=True means that the Kube APIServer for the control plane is available. You may also use kubectl describe to get more info about the control plane.

To delete a control plane, you just have to delete the CR for that control plane, for example using kubectl delete controlplane cp1. However, if you created the control plane with the kflex CLI it would be better to use the kflex CLI so that it will remove the Kubeconfig for the control plane from the current Kubeconfig and switch the context back to the context for the hosting cluster.

To delete a control plane with the kubeflex CLI use the command:

kubectl delete <control-plane-name>

If you are not using the kflex CLI to create the control plane and require access to the control plane, you may retrieve the secret containing the control plane Kubeconfig, which is hosted in the control plane hosting namespace (by convention <control-plane-name>-system) and is named admin-kubeconfig.

For example, the following commands retrieves the Kubeconfig for the control plane cp1:

kubectl get secrets -n ${NAMESPACE} admin-kubeconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.kubeconfig}' | base64 -d

Accessing the control plane from within a kind cluster

For control plane of type k8s, the Kube API client can only use the address. The DNS name <control-plane-name>`` is convenient for local test and dev but always resolves to, that does not work in a container. For accessing the control plane from within the KubeFlex hosting cluster, you may use the controller manager Kubeconfig, which is maintained in the secret with name cm-kubeconfigin the namespace hosting the control plane, or you may use the Kubeconfig in the admin-kubeconfigsecret with the address for the serverhttps://.:9443`.

To access the control plane API server from another kind cluster on the same docker network, you can find the value of the nodeport for the service exposing the control plane API service, and construct the URL for the server as https://kubeflex-control-plane:<nodeport>

Control Plane Types

At this time KubFlex supports the following control plane types:

  • k8s: this is the stock Kube API server with a subset of controllers running in the controller manager.
  • ocm: this is the Open Cluster Management Multicluster Control Plane, which provides a basic set of capabilities such as clusters registration and support for the ManifestWork API.
  • vcluster: this is based on the vcluster project and provides the ability to create pods in the hosting namespace of the hosting cluster.

Control Plane Backends

KubeFlex roadmap aims to provide different types of backends: shared, dedicated, and for each type the ability to choose if etcd or sql. At this time only the following combinations are supported based on control plane type:

  • k8s: shared postgresql
  • ocm: dedicated etcd
  • vcluster: dedicated sqlite

Creating with a selected control plane type

If you are using the kflex CLI, you can use the flag --type or -t to select a particular control plane type. If this flag is not specified, the default k8s is used.

To create a control plane of type vcluster run the command:

kflex create cp2 --type vcluster

To create a control plane of type ocm run the command:

kflex create cp3 --type ocm

Working with an OCM control plane

Let's create an OCM control plane:

$ kflex create cp3 --type ocm
✔ Checking for saved initial context...
✔ Switching to initial context...
✔ Creating new control plane cp3...
✔ Waiting for API server to become ready...

We may check the CRDs available for the OCM control plane:

$ kubectl get crds
NAME                                                           CREATED AT        2023-07-08T21:17:44Z        2023-07-08T21:17:44Z       2023-07-08T21:17:44Z          2023-07-08T21:17:44Z             2023-07-08T21:17:44Z   2023-07-08T21:17:44Z          2023-07-08T21:17:44Z                  2023-07-08T21:17:44Z          2023-07-08T21:17:44Z                  2023-07-08T21:17:44Z

We may also register clusters with the OCM control plane and deploy workloads using the ManifestWork API. In order to do that, you need first to install the Open Cluster Management clusteradm CLI, e.g.

curl -L | bash

With the current context set to the ocm control plane, we can use clusteradm to retrieve a token used to register managed clusters:

$ clusteradm get token --use-bootstrap-token
clusteradm join --hub-token <some value> --hub-apiserver --cluster-name <cluster_name> 

The command returns the command to run on the managed cluster (actual token value not shown in example).

Now create a kind cluster to register with ocm, with the command:

kind create cluster --name cluster1

Once the cluster is ready, run the command above, taking care of replacing <cluster_name> with cluster1 and leaving the actual token value. Most importantly, make sure to add the flag --force-internal-endpoint-lookup which allows the managed cluster to communicate with the OCM control plane using the docker network that all kind clusters share. Note that the kind create cluster command switches the context to the new cluster cluster, so the clusteramd join command is run using the new cluster context.

clusteradm join --hub-token <some value> --hub-apiserver --cluster-name cluster1 --force-internal-endpoint-lookup

At this point, switch back the context to the OCM control plane with the command:

kflex ctx cp3

and verifies that a Certificate Signing Request (csr) has been created on the OCM control plane running the command kubectl get csr. The CSR request is part of the mechanism used by OCM to register a new cluster. You should see an output simlar to the following:

$ kubectl get csr
NAME             AGE   SIGNERNAME                            REQUESTOR                 REQUESTEDDURATION   CONDITION
cluster1-zx5x5   7s   system:bootstrap:j5bork   <none>              Pending

Approve the csr to complete the cluster registration with the command:

clusteradm accept --clusters cluster1

You can now see the new cluster in the OCM inventory:

$ kubectl get managedclusters
cluster1   true           https://cluster1-control-plane:6443   True     True        3m25s

Finally, you may deploy a workload on the managed cluster using the ManifestWork API:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: ManifestWork
  namespace: cluster1
  name: my-first-work
      - apiVersion: v1
        kind: ServiceAccount
          namespace: default
          name: my-sa
      - apiVersion: apps/v1
        kind: Deployment
          namespace: default
          name: nginx-deployment
            app: nginx
          replicas: 3
              app: nginx
                app: nginx
              serviceAccountName: my-sa
                - name: nginx
                  image: nginx:1.14.2
                    - containerPort: 80

To check the workload has been deployed, switch context back to the managed cluster and list deployments:

kflex ctx kind-cluster1
$ kubectl get deployments.apps 
nginx-deployment   3/3     3            3           20s

Working with an vcluster control plane

Let's create a vcluster control plane:

$ kflex create cp2 --type vcluster
✔ Checking for saved initial context...
✔ Creating new control plane cp2...
✔ Waiting for API server to become ready...

Now interact with the new control plane, for example creating a new nginx pod:

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx

Verify the pod is running:

$ kubectl get pods
nginx   1/1     Running   0          24s

Access the pod logs:

$ kubectl logs nginx 
/ /docker-entrypoint.d/ is not empty, will attempt to perform configuration
/ Looking for shell scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/

Exec into the pod and run the ls command:

$ kubectl exec -it nginx -- sh
# ls
bin   dev          home  media  opt   product_uuid  run   srv  tmp  var
boot  docker-entrypoint.d  etc                   lib   mnt    proc  root          sbin  sys  usr

Switch context back to the hosting Kubernetes and check that pod is running in the cp2-system namespace:

kflex ctx
$ kubectl get pods -n cp2-system 
NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-64c4b4d78f-2w9bx-x-kube-system-x-vcluster   1/1     Running   0          6m58s
nginx-x-default-x-vcluster                          1/1     Running   0          4m26s
vcluster-0                                          2/2     Running   0          7m15s

The nginx pod is the one with the name nginx-x-default-x-vcluster.