diff --git a/.vim/.gitignore b/.vim/.gitignore index 74fd928..f0dca8b 100644 --- a/.vim/.gitignore +++ b/.vim/.gitignore @@ -2,6 +2,5 @@ backupdir cache swap -syntax undo diff --git a/.vim/after/syntax/jquery.vim b/.vim/after/syntax/jquery.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f9d67b --- /dev/null +++ b/.vim/after/syntax/jquery.vim @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +" Vim syntax file +" Language: jQuery +" Maintainer: Bruno Michel +" Last Change: May 28th, 2011 +" Version: 0.5.2 +" URL: http://api.jquery.com/ + +if version < 600 + syntax clear +elseif exists("b:current_syntax") + finish +endif + +if !exists("main_syntax") + let main_syntax = 'javascript' +endif + +ru! syntax/javascript.vim +unlet b:current_syntax + +syn match jQuery /jQuery\|\$/ + + +syn match jFunc /\.\w\+(\@=/ contains=@jFunctions + +syn cluster jFunctions contains=jAjax,jAttributes,jCore,jCSS,jData,jDeferred,jDimensions,jEffects,jEvents,jManipulation,jMiscellaneous,jOffset,jProperties,jTraversing,jUtilities +syn keyword jAjax contained ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSend ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxSuccess +syn keyword jAjax contained param serialize serializeArray +syn keyword jAjax contained ajax ajaxPrefilter ajaxSetup ajaxSettings ajaxTransport +syn keyword jAjax contained get getJSON getScript load post +syn keyword jAttributes contained addClass attr hasClass prop removeAttr removeClass removeProp toggleClass val +syn keyword jCore contained holdReady noConflict sub when +syn keyword jCSS contained css cssHooks +syn keyword jData contained clearQueue data dequeue hasData queue removeData +syn keyword jDeferred contained Deferred always done fail isRejected isResolved pipe promise reject rejectWith resolved resolveWith then +syn keyword jDimensions contained height innerHeight innerWidth outerHeight outerWidth width +syn keyword jEffects contained hide show toggle +syn keyword jEffects contained animate delay stop +syn keyword jEffects contained fadeIn fadeOut fadeTo fadeToggle +syn keyword jEffects contained slideDown slideToggle slideUp +syn keyword jEvents contained error resize scroll +syn keyword jEvents contained ready unload +syn keyword jEvents contained bind delegate die live one proxy trigger triggerHandler unbind undelegate +syn keyword jEvents contained Event currentTarget isDefaultPrevented isImmediatePropagationStopped isPropagationStopped namespace pageX pageY preventDefault relatedTarget result stopImmediatePropagation stopPropagation target timeStamp which +syn keyword jEvents contained blur change focus select submit +syn keyword jEvents contained focusin focusout keydown keypress keyup +syn keyword jEvents contained click dblclick hover mousedown mouseenter mouseleave mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup +syn keyword jManipulation contained clone +syn keyword jManipulation contained unwrap wrap wrapAll wrapInner +syn keyword jManipulation contained append appendTo html preprend prependTo text +syn keyword jManipulation contained after before insertAfter insertBefore +syn keyword jManipulation contained detach empty remove +syn keyword jManipulation contained replaceAll replaceWith +syn keyword jMiscellaneous contained index size toArray +syn keyword jOffset contained offset offsetParent position scrollTop scrollLeft +syn keyword jProperties contained browser context fx.interval fx.off length selector support +syn keyword jTraversing contained eq filter first has is last map not slice +syn keyword jTraversing contained add andSelf contents end +syn keyword jTraversing contained children closest find next nextAll nextUntil parent parents parentsUntil prev prevAll prevUntil siblings +syn keyword jUtilities contained each extend globalEval grep inArray isArray isEmptyObject isFunction isPlainObject isWindow isXMLDoc makeArray merge noop now parseJSON parseXML trim type unique + + +syn region javaScriptStringD start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"\|$+ contains=javaScriptSpecial,@htmlPreproc,@jSelectors +syn region javaScriptStringS start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'\|$+ contains=javaScriptSpecial,@htmlPreproc,@jSelectors + +syn cluster jSelectors contains=jId,jClass,jOperators,jBasicFilters,jContentFilters,jVisibility,jChildFilters,jForms,jFormFilters +syn match jId contained /#[0-9A-Za-z_\-]\+/ +syn match jClass contained /\.[0-9A-Za-z_\-]\+/ +syn match jOperators contained /*\|>\|+\|-\|\~/ +syn match jBasicFilters contained /:\(animated\|eq\|even\|first\|focus\|gt\|header\|last\|lt\|not\|odd\)/ +syn match jChildFilters contained /:\(first\|last\|nth\|only\)-child/ +syn match jContentFilters contained /:\(contains\|empty\|has\|parent\)/ +syn match jForms contained /:\(button\|checkbox\|checked\|disabled\|enabled\|file\|image\|input\|password\|radio\|reset\|selected\|submit\|text\)/ +syn match jVisibility contained /:\(hidden\|visible\)/ + + +" Define the default highlighting. +" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already +" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet +if version >= 508 || !exists("did_lisp_syntax_inits") + if version < 508 + let did_lisp_syntax_inits = 1 + command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link + else + command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link + endif + + HiLink jQuery Constant + + HiLink jAjax Function + HiLink jAttributes Function + HiLink jCore Function + HiLink jCSS Function + HiLink jData Function + HiLink jDeferred Function + HiLink jDimensions Function + HiLink jEffects Function + HiLink jEvents Function + HiLink jManipulation Function + HiLink jMiscellaneous Function + HiLink jOffset Function + HiLink jProperties Function + HiLink jTraversing Function + HiLink jUtilities Function + + HiLink jId Identifier + HiLink jClass Constant + HiLink jOperators Special + HiLink jBasicFilters Statement + HiLink jContentFilters Statement + HiLink jVisibility Statement + HiLink jChildFilters Statement + HiLink jForms Statement + HiLink jFormFilters Statement + + delcommand HiLink +endif + + +let b:current_syntax = 'jquery'