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File metadata and controls

61 lines (50 loc) · 2.11 KB


My personal collection of essential pifacecad scripts Please follow install Don't forget to turn on SPI via raspi-config.

  • Modified sysinfo
  • Shutdown message
  • Sysinfo Advanced


Clone from Removed prefix 'IP:' from first line, to guarantee that full IP address is visible.

Install by editing (sudo) /etc/init.d/pifacecadsysinfo with the correct path to SYSINFO_FILE

sudo update-rc.d pifacecadsysinfo defaults


Displays logo + text on shutdown complete to indicate it's safe to remove power. From

Install by : Make sure the path to SCRIPT_FILE is correct in pifacecadshutdown

sudo cp etc/pifacecadshutdown /etc/init.d/
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/pifacecadshutdown
sudo update-rc.d pifacecadshutdown defaults

Jessie alternative : Make sure the path to SCRIPT_FILE is correct in ShutdownMessage.service

sudo cp etc/ShutdownMessage.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo chmod +x /etc/systemd/system/ShutdownMessage.service
sudo systemctl enable ShutdownMessage.service

NOTE : Raspbian Jessie can use both methods, the first seems to schedule the script slightly later. For troubleshooting, see etc/ in this repo.

sysinfo adv(anced)

Builds from the modified sysinfo. - Shutdown prepare by pressing the toggle switch (5) - Shutdown confirm by toggle switch press (5)or to right (7) - Shutdown abort by any other button or display time-out - Toggle display + backlight ON / OFF by right button (4) - Show sysinfo by left button (0) - Uses vars for time-out settings - Returns to 2 default display lines, via vars - On exit : says bye with name from name.txt

(DEBUG : also displays button number when pressed.)

Install by : as above OR Make sure the path to SCRIPT_FILE is correct in pifacecadsysinfoadv

sudo cp etc/pifacecadsysinfoadv /etc/init.d/pifacecadsysinfoadv
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/pifacecadsysinfoadv
sudo update-rc.d pifacecadsysinfoadv defaults