- Project Leads: form the Technical Steering Committee of the Kokkos Project.
- Repository Maintainers: are administrators of Kokkos subproject repositories
- Team Members: Regular contributors to Kokkos subprojects
- Collaborators: Irregular contributors to Kokkos subprojects
- Determine project wide rules
- Decide on subproject inclusion
- Assign Repository Maintainer roles
- Damien Lebrun-Grandie -- GitHub handle: dalg24
- Siva Rajamanickam -- GitHub handle: srajama1
- Christian R. Trott -- GitHub handle: crtrott
- Luc Berger-Vergiat -- GitHub handle: lucbv
- Lead subprojects in Kokkos
- Control who has merge rights for their respective repository
- Determine Team Members of their respecitve repository
- Organize release process for their subproject
- Develop code
- Review Pull Requests
- Maintain documentation