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Code First with Entity Framework

Simple example of Entity Framework Core Code-First approach.

Data base schema


Required packages and settings

Nuget Packages:

  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
  • Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL


  • Environmental variable: SQLSERVER_MOVIES_LOCAL_CONNSTR
  • Environmental variable: POSTGRES_MOVIES_LOCAL_CONNSTR

Entity Framework CLI commands


  • dotnet-ef migrations add PostgreSqlInitialMigration --project CodeFirst.DataAccess --context PostgresDbContext
  • dotnet-ef database update --project CodeFirst.DataAccess --context PostgresDbContext
  • dotnet-ef database drop --project CodeFirst.DataAccess --context PostgresDbContext

MS SQL Server:

  • dotnet-ef migrations add SqlServerInitialMigration --project CodeFirst.DataAccess --context SqlServerDbContext
  • dotnet-ef database update --project CodeFirst.DataAccess --context SqlServerDbContext
  • dotnet-ef database drop --project CodeFirst.DataAccess --context PostgresDbContext

How to code first?

  • Create a separate project Models, where data models are stored.

  • Create a separate project DataAccess, that is responsible for interaction with database.

  • Load packages to DataAccess project. See section Required packages.

  • Set proper environmental variable for connection string for SQL Server database. For localhost it is:

    "Data Source=DESKTOP-RN0NICT;Initial Catalog=MoviesCodeFirst;Integrated Security=true;"

  • Set proper environmental variable for connection string for Postgre SQL database. For localhost it is:

    "Server=localhost;User Id=postgres;Password=postgres;Database=MoviesCodeFirst;"

  • Build a relations between models, for instance, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many according to the database diagram. Refer to

  • Create proper configurations of models, using Fluent API. Configuration should implement IEntityTypeConfiguration<T> interface from Entity Framework namespace

  • Create BaseContext inherrit it from DbContext in Entity Framework namespace, add related sets BDSet<T>, where T -- models.

  • Create SqlServerContext, inherrit it from BaseContext and override methods OnConfiguring and OnModelCreating.

  • Create PostgreSqlContext, inherrit it from BaseContext and override methods OnConfiguring and OnModelCreating.

  • Create migration for SqlServerContext, use CLI command:

    dotnet-ef migrations add SqlServerInitialMigration --project CodeFirst.DataAccess --context SqlServerDbContext

  • Create migration for PostgreSqlContext, use CLI command:

    dotnet-ef migrations add PostgreSqlInitialMigration --project CodeFirst.DataAccess --context PostgresDbContext

  • Update SQL Server database, use CLI command:

    dotnet-ef database update --project CodeFirst.DataAccess --context SqlServerDbContext

  • Update Postgre SQL database, use CLI command:

    dotnet-ef database update --project CodeFirst.DataAccess --context PostgresDbContext

  • Write unit tests for SqlServerDbContext

  • Write unit tests for PostgresDbContext

  • Create Generic repository interface

  • Implement Generic repository interface

  • Test Generic Repositories


To get MS SQL connection string proceed:

  • Go to visual studio - Server explorer - Data connections
  • Right click on data connections - Add new connection
  • Type there your server name
  • Click add connection
  • Then in properties of such connection you'd get connection string