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File metadata and controls

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1. Local Deployment Spring Cloud Stream with CLI

1-1. Prerequisites

  • RabbitMQ
  • MongoDB with block-level polygon data of Tokyo - to convert coordinates to block names

1-1-1. Start RabbitMQ


1-1-2. Start Geode

java -jar spring-boot-geode-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --properties.batchSize=5

1-1-3. Start MongoDB Server

Polygon data in MongoDB

1-2. Start Spring Cloud Stream Apps

1-2-1. HTTP Source to retrieve taxi raw event data

java -jar http-source-rabbit-1.0.2.RELEASE.jar --server.port=9000

1-2-2. Geocoding Processor to handle the data from HTTP Source(1-2-1)

java -jar spring-cloud-stream-processor-geocoding-reverse-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --properties.mongo.database=geojson --properties.mongo.collection=blocks --properties.mongo.user=root --properties.mongo.password=keepitsimple --server.port=9100

1-2-3. GemFire Sink to send geocoded data(1-2-2) to Geode

java -jar gemfire-sink-rabbit-1.0.2.RELEASE.jar --gemfire.region.region-name=RegRaw --gemfire.json=true --gemfire.key-expression="payload.getField('uuid')" --server.port=9200

1-2-4. GemFire Source to retrieve top route count data from Geode

java -jar gemfire-source-rabbit-1.0.2.RELEASE.jar --gemfire.cacheEventExpression=newValue --gemfire.region.region-name=RegRouteTopTen --server.port=9300

1-2-5. WebSocket Sink to retrieve top route count data(1-2-4) and send to Stomp

java -jar spring-cloud-stream-sink-stomp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --stomp.topic=toproute --stomp.withsockjs=true --server.port=9400

1-2-6. WebSocket Sink to retrieve geocoded data(1-2-3) and send to Stomp

java -jar spring-cloud-stream-sink-stomp-multi-topic-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --stomp.withsockjs=true --stomp.topicPath=/dropoffDistrictCode --server.port=9210

1-2-7. GemFire Source to retrieve dropoff district count data from Geode

java -jar gemfire-source-rabbit-1.0.2.RELEASE.jar --gemfire.cacheEventExpression=newValue --gemfire.region.region-name=RegDropoffDistrictTop --server.port=9310

1-2-8. WebSocket Sink to send dropoff district count data(1-2-7) to Stomp

java -jar spring-cloud-stream-sink-stomp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --stomp.topic=topdropoff --stomp.withsockjs=true --server.port=9410

2. Visualization

2-1. Start GUI

cd ng-topten-taxi-zones

2-2. Start browser to monitor real-time events

東京タクシー降車イベント http://localhost:8080/#/tokyo23TaxiEvents


2-3. Start browser to monitor real-time aggregated events

東京トップ10タクシー・ルート http://localhost:8080/#/tokyo23TopRoutes

Top Routes

3. Sending data

java -jar FlatFileReader-0.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar --file=./data/sample_data_tokyo_23.csv --url http://localhost:9000 --mode=bulk --interval=100
Fields Descriptions Sample Data
medallion an md5sum of the identifier of the taxi - vehicle bound 22D70BF00EEB0ADC83BA8177BB861991
hack_license an md5sum of the identifier for the taxi license 3FF2709163DE7036FCAA4E5A3324E4BF
pickup_datetime time when the passenger(s) were picked up 2016-08-11 00:02:00
dropoff_datetime time when the passenger(s) were dropped off 2016-08-11 00:05:00
trip_time_in_secs duration of the trip 300
trip_distance trip distance in miles 5400
pickup_longitude longitude coordinate of the pickup location 139.706348
pickup_latitude latitude coordinate of the pickup location 35.576938
dropoff_longitude longitude coordinate of the drop-off location 139.76401
dropoff_latitude latitude coordinate of the drop-off location 35.6651362
payment_type the payment method - credit card or cash CSH
fare_amount fare amount in currency 2000
surcharge surcharge in currency 0
mta_tax tax in currency 160
tip_amount tip in currency 0
tolls_amount bridge and tunnel tolls in currency 0
total_amount total paid amount in currency 2160