Install npm
and node
using the package manager with instructions found here!
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
$ sudo npm install -g express
$ sudo npm install -g truffle
$ sudo npm install -g ganache-cli
$ sudo npm install -g browserify
$ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/truffle /usr/local/bin/truffle
Install npm
and node
using the node-$VERSION.pkg
macOS installer found here! (they will be installed in /usr/local/bin)
$ sudo npm install -g express
$ sudo npm install -g truffle
$ sudo npm install -g ganache-cli
$ sudo npm install -g browserify
# for each project create a Truffle folder structure and add them to version control
$ truffle init
# for each project, navigate into the project and create a package.json via
$ npm init
# package.json is created, add to version control
$ git add package.json
$ git commit package.json
$ git push
# install .env capability for development
$ npm install dotenv --save-dev
# install hd wallet provider for development
$ npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider --save-dev
# install lite-server for DApp development
$ npm install lite-server --save-dev
# add "dev" to package.json
"scripts": {
+ "dev": "lite-server",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
# add config for lite-server
$ cat bs-config.json
"server": {
"baseDir": ["./app", "./build/contracts"]
# install OpenZeppelin smart contracts as base (latest version at the time was v1.11.0)
$ npm install openzeppelin-solidity
# this creates package-lock.json, add to version control
$ git add package-lock.json
$ git commit package-lock.json
$ git push
# everytime you had a fresh checkout, get dependencies via
$ npm install
# compile smart contracts
$ truffle compile
# test smart contracts
$ truffle test
# create an .env file to store wallet seed and infura api keys for smooth deployment
$ cat .env
MNEMONIC=<wallet seed phrases (may be Metamask)>
INFURA_API_KEY=<infura api key>
# deploy smart contracts on various networks
$ truffle migrate --network localhost
$ truffle migrate --network mainnet
$ truffle migrate --network ropsten
$ truffle migrate --network rinkeby
# serve static content with lite-server
$ npm run dev