- #856 [NGX] Fixed, Toast color property works properly
- #858 [Admin] Fixed, allow to kill sessions with roles
- #862 [CI] Fixed, "include" parameters handled for the "car" task
- #864 [CI] Fixed, Gradle can now build projects with ngx tpl < 8.3
- #865 [Engine] Fixed, restored handling of requests with __nolog
- #869 [NGX] Fixed, mobile picker can now be used with array data
- #841 [NGX] Can now use safe operators when generating binding sources on Array
- #840 [Studio] Fixed, The Baserow View now generates stub schema of "lookup" type as an array
- #844 [NGX] Fixed, Shared components files are now copied to main project when using multiple nested shared components from another project
- #845 [Admin] Fixed, Prevent broken password properties if a property is set by JAVA_OPTS and changed in the Admin console
- #846 [Studio] Fixed, Can now rename a project imported from Git
- #848 [NGX] Fixed, The "Include in auto menu" Page property now hide entry in AutoMenu
- #849 [Studio] Fixed, Tutorial now detects success steps
- #853 [Studio] Fixed, Renaming a project now update the Page property of ion-tab-button
- #855 [Studio] Fixed, node based subprocess can be terminated on a fresh Windows 11 (MB builder + PouchDB)
- #132 [Studio] Add an 'Update Mobile Builder Templates' menu for Project Reference beans
- #794 [NGX] Include a HTML style editor inside the Mobile Builder editor
- #796 [Studio] Add a debugger interface for backend scripts (Sequences / Transactions)
- #800 [NGX] TPL 8.3.0 with Ionic 7
- #814 [Studio] Ship Studio with the Eclipse MarketPlace Plugin, ready for Copilot
- #816 [NGX] Add an Angular virtual scroll bean
- #292 Differentiate App/Page needed imports/modules/providers/packages
- #749 [Mobile] Application have icon name and color theme properties to change manifest.json
- #750 Update bases (Eclipse 2023-12 / Tomcat 9.0.89 / JVM 21.0.3 / Node ...)
- #773 [NGX] SearchBar should be bindable
- #820 [NGX] Source Picker for Sequence is a collapsable treeview
- #829 [Documentation] Generate the online documentation for NGX components
- #830 [Studio] Sort Palette categories by alphanumeric order
- #831 [Android] Choose for package APK or bundle AAB for Android release build
- #835 [HTTP Download Transaction] Property to get filename from the Content-Disposition header
- #836 [NGX] Added hints for Image and LazyImage components
- #838 [NGX] Added hints for PageComponent
- #808 [Mobile] Fixed, template the endpoint in cordova config.xml
- #813 [NGX] Fixed, tooltips component can be used in ng-template
- #815 [NGX] Fixed, segment /:param will not fails if value is 0
- #817 [Studio] Fixed, DnD Sequence on a Form component keeps 'Control name' property
- #818 [NGX] Fixed, Ngx source picker gives available options when selecting iterator sources
- #819 [NGX] Fixed, copying and pasting keeps source picker binds
- #821 [Studio] Fixed, no more Invalid Thread Access when importing a project from GIT with =
- #822 [NGX] Fixed, TreeviewComponent works anymore with Angular 16
- #824 [Studio] Fixed, generating Schema from connector data success even if documentation of imported REST Swagger contains illegal characters
- #825 [NGX] Fixed, UseShared class attribute and its Style content are added in the scss file
- #826 [Engine] Fixed, enable "SSL debug" now print SSL debug in stdout after a JVM reboot
- #827 [Engine] Fixed, variable _header log visibility now respected for the input document log (like other variables)
- #828 [NGX] Fixed, Agm core components are now deprecated since Angular 16
- #832 [Download HTTP Transaction] Fixed, Doesn't fail if no lastModified header is returned
- #833 [Palette] Fixed, SharedComponent with the same name in different projects are all visibles
- #834 [Studio] Fixed, Adding and use a sharedComponent appears in page even if the Mobile Builder tab is already opened
- #837 [Studio] Fixed, Baserow view stub generator now generates table_id in quotes
- #839 [NGX] Fixed, App sources are well updated when Cut/Paste or Dnd/Move between different pages
- #803 [Analytics] Upgrade Google Analytics to G4
- #804 [Studio] Option to create sequences with call transaction when importing from Web Services
- #806 [Studio] Baserow stub wizard handle upload file via url for Create and Update
- #805 [Engine] Fixed, allow blank key of JSON parsed by Convertigo
- #810 [Studio] Fixed, 'Export variables to main sequence' on a Call_transaction Step keeps the 'Is file upload' value on the variable
- #812 [OpenApi] Fixed, REST WS reference creation trough a YAML prevents NPE
- #793 [FlashUpdate] Fixed, flashupdate from Android APK is ok
- #798 [NGX] Fixed, bypass Close actions error like 'overlay does not exist'
- #799 [Android] Fixed, auto Android SDK setup handles build-tools > 30 and prevents the 'DX not found' error
- #787 [Cache] Add MariaDB + PostgreSQL drivers for the Cache Database
- #788 [CI] Fixed, Gradle 8 is supported for the Convertigo plugin
- #789 [NGX] Fixed, SCSS Isolation (removed duplicated declaration)
- #790 [Studio] Fixed, gradle installation works for Android local build
- #792 [MobileBuilder] Fixed, doesn't normalize NGX attribute value if the name is set on drop from the palette
- #721 [Studio] Ability to have multiple stubs for a single sequence
- #775 [TestPlatform] Introduction of new JSON and XML formatters, along with color-coded results
- #785 [Docker] The JDWP debug port is now optional
- #776 [Admin] Fixed, no more random NullPointerExceptions on the connection page under heavy session load
- #778 [Step] Fixed , the __testcase variable can now be used in CallTransaction or CallSequence
- #779 [Studio] Fixed, right-clicking in the mobile viewer loader no longer disrupts the highlight component feature
- #781 [Server] Fixed, the Angular router can now handle paths with dots
- #783 [Step] Fixed, file-based steps' path properties will no longer accept a blank expression, avoiding runtime errors. Undefined values are now used instead
- #784 [Step] Fixed, the Rename File Step no longer deletes the file when the source and target are the same
- #764 [Engine] Allow Docker image to output Convertigo logs into stdout
- #767 [MobileBuilder] Apple Silicon downloads x64 NodeJS if arm64 doesn't exist
- #769 [Engine] Update to the latest jGit
- #770 [Admin] See symbols with default value in the symbols' page
- #765 [Admin] Fixed, import symbols with no change in priority server will not delete the global_symbols.properties file
- #768 [Studio] Fixed, removed the old animated gif during execution that can cause JVM crash on MacOS
- #758 [Studio] Add a Menu to set the UIText i18n property recursively
- #761 [Docker] Add arm/v7 and arm64/v8 images to Docker Hub
- #757 [Engine] Fixed, format of engine.properties with default properties
- #759 [Mobile Builder] Fixed, select container popover options now displays in latest chrome version
- #760 [Studio] Fixed, updated files for 'CI > Update Gradle'
- #751 [Server] Upgrade dependencies to reduces CVE
- #752 [Studio] Fixed, Source picker is now correct when using dynamic XPath syntax
- #753 [Studio] Fixed, prevents Browser initialization failure on MacOS
- #754 [FullSync] Fixed, cluster mode now detected for CouchDB 3.2
- #755 [Studio] Fixed, prevents errors in the console view at first Studio launch
- #681 [Studio] New Palette View for all Convertigo objects
- #685 [Studio] New Pickers View changing on object selection
- #698 [Studio] Set the object name on drop from palette
- #700 [Studio] Synchronize some objects Name property with an other property value
- #704 [Studio] Release a MacOS Apple Silicon (ARM64) build
- #711 [Studio] New Interactive Tutorial View
- #719 [Studio] New NoCode BaseRow Databases View
- #725 [Mobile Builder] New QRCode toolbar icon to easily open the viewer with a phone with live update
- #731 [NGX] Add an 'event' entry in picker for Action sources
- #738 [NGX] Add a navParams picker
- #741 [Sequence] Step with source (XPath) can use JS expression inside predicate
- #694 [Studio] Use Eclipse base 2022-12
- #695 [Billing] Insert 'sessionStart' and 'sessionStop' entries
- #697 [Admin] Fast project edit loading
- #701 [Write CSV Step] Use originalKeyName attribute to write line titles of CSV file
- #702 [Studio] New project wizard explicitly propose to create Web / Desktop & Mobile projects
- #703 [Docker] Allow to start the container with a non-root user
- #706 [Studio] The modal "Find an Object" have a full width substring field
- #708 [Studio] Dialog box to warn and ask the application building before deploying a project
- #714 [NGX] Hint for the Reorder group component
- #715 [NGX] Add 'color' property for the Icon component
- #724 [NGX] Improve handling of enable/disable and application sources generation when whole pages are disabled
- #726 [Studio] Add screenshots in the 'readme.md' generated file to explain how to import the project
- #728 [Studio] Review the Deployment wizard window size
- #729 [Studio] NgxComponent Source Picker show which icon is selected
- #735 [Studio] Add 'enableOnOffLabels' property to the NXG Toggle component
- #736 [NGX] Hint 'IfAction' for the AlertAction
- #737 [NGX] Hint for the FabContainer
- #739 [NGX] Handle ion-input type file
- #744 [Server] Custom HTTP 404 page
- #745 [Studio] Some project treeview optimizations
- #634 [Studio] Fixed, can now D&D a Component having the same name as SharedComponent
- #638 [HTTP] Fixed, POST request with followRedirect set to true on transaction now redirects using GET
- #667 [NGX] Fixed, builders now don't release while project is being loaded
- #680 [NGX] Fixed, Cordova plugin dependencies now correctly installed
- #682 [Studio] Fixed, closing a Sequence or a Connector editor now don't close all editors of the project
- #683 [Studio] Fixed, we can now source on step ReadCSV if the property "Title line" is set to true
- #684 [HTTP] Fixed, JSON_HTTP_transaction's Content-Type dynamic property now overrides default HTTP headers defined in properties table
- #686 [SQL Connector] Fixed, now can parse JSON of NULL integers
- #687 [NGX] Fixed, shared components are now "synchronized" properly with the project
- #691 [NGX] Fixed, Angular.json's assets properties are now generated for serve (HMR) configuration
- #692 [Studio] Fixed, adds blue background for JS properties of some steps like the SMTP step
- #696 [SQL] Fixed, now generates correct JSON types for stored procedure responses
- #705 [Studio] Fixed, creating a symbol from a sequence variable using text editor works
- #707 [NGX] Fixed, a textInput cannot have a property [ngModel]="''" generated when it's property binding is set to "not set"
- #709 [Studio] Fixed, renaming a variable now doesn't spread to more variables than it's supposed to
- #712 [NGX] Fixed, Chart Component: Title chart now in default chart options
- #717 [Studio] Fixed, mobile builder highlight selection works on hi-DPI screen
- #718 [Studio] Fixed, property "root Path" fixed on some REST WS import
- #722 [Studio] Fixed, SQL project Wizard now correctly set Database URL property
- #730 [FullSync] Fixed, source picker now handles correctly key values with space(s)
- #740 [NGX] Fixed, disabling a FormatLayout component is effective
- #742 [NGX] Fixed, can now access scope variables from a customAction
- #743 [NGX] Fixed, repaired the "create a shared component from the selected object" action
- #746 [Studio] Fixed, recording XSD Schema from response handles duplicated type name
- #747 [NGX] Fixed, now correctly use the spinner property of Showloading
- #553 [Ngx Builder] Display in Ngx palette shared components/actions provided by projects
- #610 [Studio] Automatic generation of project MD files
- #622 [Ngx Builder] New Font and FontStyle component
- #629 [Ngx Builder] Added an Assets section in Ngx Source picker
- #630 [Steps] Added in "Change to" feature : From XML Elements to JSON Field and vice-versa
- #644 [Docker] Easy configuration to enable HTTPS
- #660 [Ngx Builder] New icon picker with preview for all "Icon" properties
- #493 [Studio] Setup automatic GitRepo creation and Initial Commit on project creation
- #620 [Studio] Manage conflicts of components with the same name from different libraries and used in the same project
- #621 [Steps] ReadCSV step: Add some improvements to Step
- #624 [Studio] Update Eclipse, Tomcat, Browser, Java to latest
- #628 [Studio] Object selection in Convertigo Project View now reveals corresponding file in Project Explorer View
- #639 Added multiline support for requestable variable default value (single and multi valued)
- #640 [Studio] Update the default GitHub Actions file with build cache configuration to speed up builds
- #643 [Admin] Add server time + timezone in admin console
- #646 [Mobile] Handle hard reload of PWA
- #649 [Ngx Builder] Upgrade NGX TPL for the 8.1.0 release (Angular 14.2.3, Ionic 6.2.8)
- #664 [Admin] Toggle "Go to end" to stop log fetch before the end
- #669 [Studio] Auto-expand DOM tree for items having only one child
- #679 [Studio] Remove unwanted Help buttons in new object wizards
- #568 [Ngx Builder] Fixed, shared Components handle correctly page events and subscribe handlers
- #587 [Ngx Builder] Fixed, when starting a project that contains errors, it is displayed into mobile builder view
- #626 [Fullsync] Fixed, GetDocument transaction in JSON output now contains all attachments
- #627 [FS/CouhDB Connector] Fixed, PutDocumentAttachment on PouchDB handles space with + for docid
- #633 Fixed, the generation of the transaction schema from the xml fix the occurrences of nodes
- #636 [FullSync] Fixed, PouchDB mode filter ACL for _changes
- #637 [NGX] Fixed, changing Chart type now have effect
- #641 [SQL] Fixed, now add error element in case of failure
- #642 [NGX] Fixed, NavParams are now updated after a root/push/navigate page
- #645 [Studio] Fixed, importing .car from same workspace and already present doesn't pop error
- #650 [NGX] Fixed, added slot=start attribute in menuAutoItems
- #651 Fixed, Process exec don't lock the Thread
- #656 Fixed, project schema cache is now cleared on successful project delete / import / deploy / reload
- #657 [NGX Builder] Fixed, UIComponent reorder now don't fail anymore
- #658 Fixed, importing Swagger OAS3 API now creates Transactions with the 'Include data type in XML response node' to True
- #661 [Rest Web Service Reference] Fixed, added labels for URL authentication account wizard
- #662 [FullSync] Fixed, PouchDB now can start if another Studio is already open
- #666 Fixed, client-side errors don't contain sensitive information
- #668 [SequenceStep] Fixed, Source Picker of a SequenceStep don't show "output false" elements
- #670 [Admin] Fixed, speed up logviewer init
- #671 [Studio] Fixed, Engine Preferences: speed up mouse wheel scroll and fix the scroll height
- #672 [Node] Fixed, use the right node bin folder for MacOS and Linux
- #674 [Studio] Fixed, hightlight elements supported for recursive shared components
- #675 [Studio] Fixed, project creation invite to perform the registration wizard
- #676 [Step] Fixed, JsonSource handles a single string element
- #678 [Mac] Fixed, drag-n-drop from the NGX Palette to the Builder
- #632 [UrlMapper] Fixed, JSON requests no more abnormally too long
- #635 [FullSync] Fixed, replication re-use the ACL pre-filter for CouchDB server
- #612 [Studio] Better on boarding process
- #616 [Studio] Icons on blank project first Studio start
- #618 [Studio] Add a Run project button
- #611 [NGX] Fixed, when using a segment into a single page application routes are now generated correctly
- #614 [Studio] Fixed, no more error on MacOS when try to deploy or export an unbuild project
- #619 [HttpConnector] Fixed, now handle _header HTTP variable value and remove prefix
- #143 [Mobile Builder + NGX] New Switch Action component in Action Chains
- #183 [NGX] News Ionic 6 / Angular 13 based framework for Front end projects
- #498 [NGX] Builder now generates Standard Angular components for SharedComponents
- #501 [HttpConnector] Added a DownloadHttpTransaction
- #520 [Studio] auto configures PouchDB and uses it for FullSync projects
- #526 [Sequence] Added JSON Steps : Object, Array, Field
- #527 [Studio] Execute Sequence and Transaction with JSON output toggle button
- #528 [Sequence] Added a new JsonSourceStep to transform a source to a JS Object
- #530 [Sequence] Added a JSON to XML Step
- #531 [Studio] Added a 'Upgrade to Ngx Framework' wizard to Migrate old Ionic3 projects to NGX
- #537 [Sequence] Added a ReadJSON and a WriteJSON steps
- #566 [NGX] Create a 'Create shared Component' from existing components Wizard
- #567 [CI] Update CLI CI/CD Build for NGX
- #579 [Studio] Enhanced Drag & Drop in treeview or in app viewer for better previews
- #291 [NGX] Improved event catch/finally feature for actions
- #424 [NGX] Use faster PNPM instead of NPM for Front End builder?s Package Manager
- #506 [Studio] Use Eclipse 2021-12 as base, JDK 17.0.2 and Tomcat 9.0.62
- #510 [Builder + NGX] Added an "Application Init" event
- #515 [SMTP Step] Added a property to customize the SSL version
- #529 [Studio] Hide lib_ projects from project with a toggle button in project view header.
- #533 [NGX] You can now use JSON.stringify() in TS expressions
- #535 [Studio] New transactions are now by default Private
- #539 [Studio] Added an End point Wizard when building locally IPA or APK iOS/Android apps
- #540 [Studio] Deploying an Ngx Project now checks that a Valid build is present in DisplayObjects
- #541 [NGX] Set I18N translate to false by default for Ngx Text beans
- #571 [Studio] Enable 'Hint' components when dragging NGX Components from palette
- #572 [Sequence] Read file Steps (XML, JSON & CSV) now appends result without the 'step' element
- #576 [Admin] In admin console List of certificates are now displayed in alphabetical order
- #577 [NGX] Added new setLocal action in NGX palette
- #578 [NGX] We Allow now to embed custom Angular settings such as assets or styles when using a CustomAction
- #588 [Studio] Added New button to highlight grids for App Viewer
- #590 [NGX] Added new ngOnchanges event for shared components
- #595 [Studio] Now, warn the user when built application isn't up-to-date on Deploy/Export/Local build
- #604 [Studio] Take next available port if tomcat list port is already used
- #605 [Studio] DisplayObjects/mobile/assets changes are now reflected at run time in real time
- #415 [Admin] Fixed, we cannot add anymore an expired key in the key manager
- #480 [HttpConnector] Fixed, prevents HTTP Transaction to "auto-retry" on failure
- #554 [Studio] Fixed, typo issues in New HTTP transaction wizard
- #580 [Engine] Fixed, execution of TestCase with default variable's value set to
- #593 [Build] Fixed, cordova Android build fails to retrieve the JDK8
- #594 [Studio] Fixed, test connection of PostgreSQL connector displays wrong DB Type
- #596 [Studio] Fixed, importing REST WS reference does not set a default transaction preventing the option to Update schema from current connector data
- #600 [Studio] Fixed, objects name are now fully displayed in Projects tree view
- #609 [Engine] Replicate push attachment failed from Android SDK
- #552 [MobileBuilder] Create a 'Convert to shared Component' Wizard on MobileComponent right Click.
- #557 [Studio] Add the Eclipse UpdateSite support for Studio update
- #551 Update RhinoJS to 1.7.14
- #543 Fixed, NodeJS process are now properly killed when user closes the mobile builder page on Windows 11
- #545 Fixed, no more error on dynamic variable in HTTP transaction sub path property
- #546 [MobileBuilder] Fixed, can now edit a fragment object
- #547 [Studio] Fixed, no more freeze at cross-referenced SharedAction modification
- #548 [MobileBuilder] Fixed, a project with its own mobile template doesn't create a ProjectReference on itself anymore
- #549 Fixed, external projects targeted by the mobile components of a project are now taken into account in its dependencies
- #555 Fixed, renaming a transaction now renames the xsd file associated
- #556 [CLI] Fixed, no more build failed with NPE if a project dependency doesn't load
- #558 [Studio] Fixed, disabled 'Index' sub menu in other connectors than CouchDB and FullSync
- #534 [Server] Add a new product zip file distribution for Windows Server (Convertigo + JDK + Tomcat)
- #536 Test Cases can use internal variables or parameters
- #538 Daily check for Activation keys about to expire and write Error in logs as warning
- #525 Fixed, common jar files from /libs/ are now in classpath
- #532 [MobileBuilder] Fixed, switching between pages holding tabs loads the first tab page
- #519 Workspace relatives paths can resolve sibling projects with ./projects/AnotherProject/
- #517 Fixed, multipart 'text/plain' parts are read as UTF-8 by default
- #518 Fixed, prevents same named contexts to terminate concurrent execution
- #522 [Studio] Fixed, MobileBuilder progression message restored
- #523 [Studio] Fixed, Windows installer use a shorter install path prefix
- #505 [Studio] Speed up MobileBuilder page generation at SharedComponent modification
- #508 [MobileBuilder] Speed up project opening by checking translation availability from existing files
- #513 [Studio] Ship the JVM for MacOS and Linux too
- #516 [TestPlatform] Add a "Binary" mode next to "XML" and "Json"
- #503 Fixed, proxy domains exceptions now configured for CouchDB/FullSync and NPM
- #504 [SiteClipper] Fixed, updated certificate using the Certificate Manager used without need to restart
- #507 Fixed, the evaluation of a SmartType property is isolated from parallel execution
- #514 Fixed, SMTP Step now force usage of TLSv1.2 to prevent the SSLHandshakeException
- #491 Update to latest versions of Java, Tomcat 9 and JxBrowser
- #494 [Studio] Fixed, prevents random freeze at Studio startup while opening MobileBuilder projects
- #495 [FullSync] Fixed, no more update conflict for PostBulk with "update if change" property in case of multiple docs with the same _id
- #496 [Studio] Fixed, no more Editor conflict for SequenceJS with the same name inside a same project
- #497 [FullSync] Fixed, prevents the "function_clause error" for the ?Purge database? transaction
- #499 [Admin] Fixed, confirmation pop-up appears on top of the Log levels
- #500 Fixed, TestPlaform redirect works for project that ends with "projects"
- #478 [Studio] Fixed, symbols usage in the JS Steps? Editor (not replaced by values)
- #482 [Admin] Fixed, no more NPE if deleting projects too quickly
- #483 [Studio] Fixed, no more "Unknown transaction" with HTTP calls on a reloaded project
- #484 [Studio] Fixed, Schema & Picker views are empty if a broken source exists in the project
- #485 [Admin] Fixed, licence links are ok in footer
- #486 Fixed, Form PDF Step now handles the originalKeyName attribute
- #489 [MobileBuilder] Fixed, events are correctly unsubscribed on page leave
- #490 [Studio] Fixed, new object wizards allow to set existing bean name but not to validate it
- #477 [Studio] Fixed the syntax coloring of JS editors with the default Dark theme
- #479 [Admin] Fixed the deadlock in case of double import of a project with circular dependencies
- #481 [Studio] Use the latest Browser component
- #474 Fixed, PWA manifest.json can be now customized at project level
- #475 [Admin] Fixed the CouchDB sidebar at the DB view (no more ajax error)
- #476 Can now clone git+ssh project reference (added the ssh library dependency)
- #90 [MB] Add support of Actions in Mobile Picker
- #93 [MB] Mobile Picker Sources are now more user friendly
- #113 [MB] Add Support of Project References for MB projects
- #162 [MB] Add App event to listen result of auto login
- #326 [MB] Add a ion-card-title component for Ionic v3 Cards
- #343 [MB] Add support of Shared Components in Mobile Picker
- #375 [SQL] Retrieve the value of a clob data
- #382 [Gradle] Build native Android and IOS application locally using gradle
- #388 [REST API] Add a Full OAS3 API support
- #392 [MB] Use now standard Angular's service worker for PWA
- #420 Add an Autostart property to a sequence object
- #422 New SAML 2 SSO, ExtendedComponents, Geocoding, Vonage, GoogleSheets and Microsoft Excel libraries are available from the New Project wizard
- #426 [Docker] Images can use sudo and can be disabled at image launch
- #427 [Studio] Added a menu update gradle files + menu to enable github actions file
- #428 [Studio] Support http verb PATCH in yaml WS import wizard
- #437 [MB] Can now edit several Custom Actions at the same time, limit code lines
- #455 [FS] PostDocument and PostBulkDocument transactions now handles _use_merge policy
- #158 [Studio] Updated Browser component to the latest version (7.13)
- #230 [Studio] Upgrade to the latest Eclipse and use the Wild Web Developer plugin for JS/TS/YAML ...
- #295 [Docker] The default tomcat session timeout is now configurable for Docker images
- #324 [MB] Form components are now displayed by name in project's tree view
- #359 [MB] Improved documentation for Subscribe and Publish components concerning Event data property
- #360 [MB] SignaturePad Component : Add onBeginEvent and onEndEvent
- #364 Bump config.xml cordova-version to 10.0.0 to support latest Cordova Version
- #368 Get/PutDocumentAttachmentTransaction now have a base64 mode
- #379 [Studio] For the REST web service import wizard: Add Petstore OpenApi sample urls
- #384 [SQL] Use a short validation query for Oracle connection pools
- #389 [FS] FullSyncListener now calls the Sequences with _conflicts data information
- #390 [HTTP] New HttpTransaction configured to not use HTTP pool by default
- #391 [FS] New FullSync connector configured to deny anonymous replication
- #404 [MB] Add a data return property to the CloseModal Action
- #405 [Studio] Prevents Eclipse to refresh node_modules folders
- #408 [Admin] Import symbols default radio buttons to Merge + Priority import
- #411 [Studio] Replace the modal window "What's new" by a "Video starting" editor
- #412 Make the Swagger OAS3 console the default one
- #413 Projects' templates retrieved from their github repositories
- #421 [MB] Page actions now log the name of the page being handled
- #423 [MB] If, IfElse and CallSequence actions display their current settings in tree view
- #430 [MB] The Modal/Root/Push/Popover actions display their target page in tree view
- #433 [Server] Disable the auto GC preference by default and wait 10 min every each GC
- #439 [Gradle] Added a retry policy for the deploy task
- #440 Explicit error message when deploying a project not compatible with the server version
- #441 [Studio] Http Variable displays Http Name in the TreeView if different of the bean name
- #442 [Studio] Shrink the XML result of editor and add a button to get the full result
- #447 [Studio] Popup warning if a FullSync View is not compiling and accepted by CouchDB
- #454 [REST API] "version" added for the OAS2 YAML
- #459 [MB] Prevents blank lines generated in ts file for pages containing multiple component with identifier
- #464 Differ SAP initialization to allow real SAP driver installation
- #466 [HttpConnector] Add a Basic Preemptive authentication mode
- #271 [MB] Source Picker now recognizes the 'type' attribute in XML Steps
- #347 [MB] Finally Handler are now executed only once
- #358 [MB] PublishEvent component, Event data property in TS mode is now empty by default
- #362 Server now restart properly after clicking "Restart engine" button in administration console
- #365 [MB] No more HTTP 404 on en.json and fr.json on fresh MB project
- #367 [FS] Fix replication for documents with a c8oGrp containing a dot
- #369 Connection string of a SQL connector does not override user/pwd properties
- #370 No more StackOverflow when generating DOM instance for recursive Schema
- #374 [SQL] No more unexpected exception using the DatabaseCacheManager with an SQL Server
- #377 [MB] Can now re-select the same element after a "remove highlight"
- #378 [REST API] Fix import a Swagger RestService through a http (not https) url
- #385 [SQL] Connection pool is now reset when modifying connector properties
- #386 [Rest] Avoid max session exceeded in case new session initiated for authentication
- #387 [MB] Fixed Camera component on Chrome
- #398 Fixed SchemaManager stackoverflow when projects reference each others
- #400 Fixed FullSync listener not always triggered on a CouchDB cluster
- #403 [Studio] Fixed show in picker a Fullsync transaction for some special cases
- #406 [Studio] Fixed Convertigo project URL parser wizard can loose property
- #409 [Admin] Fixed logviewer endless loop
- #410 Prevent a project to be imported more than once if it has circular references
- #414 New session key now taken into account
- #416 Fixed event loop exception in EngineLogView because of widget disposed
- #417 Fixed IOException when EngineLogView is disposed
- #429 Copy/Paste of a Shared Component now updates sourced properties (SC mode)
- #431 [Studio] Prevent too long editor folder name (fails to write files on Windows)
- #432 Handle end of context(s) in Internal Requester
- #434 Can now CTRL+mouse drag of a Sequence in a PageEvent component
- #435 [MB] Fixed issue when setting Marker property of the Call_Sequence component in the Sequence Picker
- #436 Fixed projects are not displaying in project view when studio starts and there are no projects reopened automatically.
- #438 Fixed Null pointer exception when importing a swagger YAML with no summary
- #443 Fixed synchronization issues while using parallel steps in sequencer
- #445 [FS] Automatically clear contexts from FullSync listeners
- #446 Can build/serve old Ionic3 project based on custom or old tpl which does not specify nodeJsVersion
- #448 Prevents shadow context created when requesting a project that does not exist
- #449 [RESTWS] Avoid exception while importing YAML because of a null security scheme
- #450 Fixed error Pop-up at startup: "this.row" is null
- #453 JGit now use proxy settings
- #457 Fixed subscribe handler is not working in some cases
- #463 [Admin] Fixed saving a Variable default value using the Project Edit from the admin Console
- #467 Fixed PDF Step is not handling Base64 image properly
- #473 [FlashUpdate] Ignore the res folder and config.xml for the source package
- #304 Gradle can now generate and compile MobileBuilder applications
- #335 Add a JVM memory Graph to the Administration console Home page
- #341 Docker add a COOKIE_SAMESITE environment variable to set the policy
- #350 Added new Engine property "Automatically GC on low usage" to administration console
- #300 Attribute / jAttribute Steps now show value in tree view
- #307 Project compatibility version set to the highest used bean version
- #314 Studio: Documentation links now open in default external browser
- #316 Mobile Builder Calendar component now fires onChange event
- #317 Mobile Builder Toggle button component now have a 'color' property
- #320 Mobile Builder Badge component now has a 'item-end' value for the 'Item position' property
- #322 Add an "Auto Pull" property for Reference Project (git case)
- #323 Engine "Git Container" property defaults to workspace/git (instead of /git)
- #330 Enforce administration console security
- #342 Studio: Speed up project load/save
- #296 Fixed, new sessions that try to sync a non public database shouldn't be referenced in session count
- #298 Fixed, TreeViewComponent does not build anymore in production mode
- #299 Fixed, NullPointerException while importing JSON WS reference
- #310 Fixed, a copy/paste of a customAction fails to copy complete customs action's code
- #311 Fixed, log files renamed by the log viewer aren't automatically removed
- #312 Fixed, wrong labels for Icon 'icon name' property
- #313 Fixed, HTTP 404 on documentation links for CallSequence Action and Fullsync Actions
- #315 Fixed, PageEvent of a shared component may not be generated in calling page
- #321 Fixed, Server: file path properties with .// can now resolve projects outside of the project folder
- #325 Fixed, Mobile Builder PageEvent of a shared component is correctly generated in calling page
- #327 Fixed, Mobile Builder Button component 'button form type' property is set to "false" in template
- #328 Fixed, Mobile Builder properties set with 'not set' value are correctly saved for all components
- #331 Fixed, no more NullPointerException when importing symbols file
- #333 Fixed, memory is well freed after a PostFind call (CouchDb/FullSync connector)
- #334 Fixed, Mobile Builder CallSequence component "Disable auto login" property is correctly saved
- #337 Fixed, Mobile builder Log component has twice the fatal level in "Level" property
- #338 Fixed, Studio speed up modifying shared objects' properties
- #355 Fixed, Mobile builder subscribe handler is properly removed
- #356 Fixed, when DB prefix for FullSync is used, databases document count and size columns are now filled properly
- #357 Fixed, server "Convertigo Server local URL" property default to 28080 port
- #115 Add an 'Export light' wizard for project
- #117 MobileBuilder, add Pause Action component
- #147 Add support of PageEvent & SubscribeHandler for SharedComponent
- #166 Global FullSync database name prefix
- #168 Add a 'Finally' handler in mobile builder
- #169 Mobile Builder, add the Ionic Lazy loading feature
- #184 Import and reference projects by a GIT url
- #192 Administration Console, integrate Fauxton (CouchDB console)
- #269 __body and Application/json header should automatically transmit JSON from Xpath Source
- #290 CouchDB Connector, add a PostFind transaction for Mango Query
- #146 Save shared actions and shared components in separate YAML files.
- #153 Use Eclipse 2019-06 as Studio base
- #155 Use Tomcat 9 for Studio and Docker
- #162 MobileBuilder, add an auto login event
- #172 MobileBuilder, automatically enable the Angular ProdMode when building in production mode
- #181 MobileBuilder, add the value 'mini' in the Button size property
- #191 MobileBuilder, add variables to SharedComponent
- #201 Set the PWA App title to the MobileApplication's 'Application Name' property
- #206 CouchDB Connector, add query parameters for server Databases Transaction
- #212 Save DesignDocument multi-lines into the YAML project
- #217 MobileBuilder, add a new i18n property for text components
- #245 MobileBuilder, add a 'Disable auto login' property to the CallSequence Action
- #247 MobileBuilder, Signature component generates a PNG with transparent background
- #248 MobileBuilder, can use 'translate.instant()' in any pages
- #262 MobileBuilder, modified default debug log for CustomAction component
- #266 MobileBuilder, add new 'Changes detection strategy' property for Page bean
- #224 Fixed, error when opening lib_AmazonLEX project.
- #225 Fixed, bean Camera not working in web browser
- #237 Fixed, MobileBuilder, 'Post data' component posts extra data
- #246 Fixed, MobileBuilder, some issues with beans using latest TPL
- #265 Fixed, MobileBuilder, renaming a Page name breaks Application build
- #189 Possibility to add a new palette component/action by drag and dropping on its folder
- #276 Set Cookie 'HttpOnly' and 'Secure' (also via Docker setting)
- #277 Global symbols: Values with .secret suffix are stored ciphered and hidden
- #278 Password policy for administration console account (via Reg. Exp.)
- #280 Test Platform Convertigo header display : width too small
- #268 Fixed, SampleMobileOffChat project does not work as intented since 7.6.4
- #270 Fixed, prevent random NPE on heavy charge
- #272 Fixed, global_symbols.properties no more write at startup
- #273 Fixed, premature end of Sequence if calls done on the same Context at the same time
- #279 Fixed, Dev Network link is broken in Administration Console and Test Platform
- #231 Mobile Builder, alert the user for packages reinstallation when changing the template
- #243 Static resources are now correctly managed by navigator caches
- #251 Improve the Studio FindObject dialog for full text search
- #252 Add some missing properties for CouchDB transactions for CouchDB 2.x server
- #254 TestPlatform now displays immediately, without waiting for revision computation
- #258 Add a message in log about how to set a JDBC Oracle Driver
- #259 Add new actionName, actionFunction available as properties in a CustomAction
- #202 Fixed, SmtpStep failed with 'no object DCH for MIME'
- #203 Fixed, Mobile Builder, default value is now used when a boolean property is not set
- #208 Fixed, removed unwanted standard output on XMLCopyStep execution
- #209 Fixed, Studio Git Pull don't fail if there are only files to delete
- #210 Fixed, Studio Open TestPlatform action directly open the platform without redirect
- #213 Fixed, background of selected variable with the JS Editor is visible using the Dark Theme
- #218 Fixed, no more CacheManager backup error at startup
- #219 Fixed, Studio can now open existing projects without '.project'
- #220 Fixed, Mobile Application can build with special characters in Application fields (author, name, description ?)
- #221 Fixed, using twice the same SharedComponent in a Page declares only once its action declarations
- #222 Fixed, Studio MobileBuilder viewer will not mix application editor if opened at the same time
- #229 Fixed, FlashUpdate now follows MobileBuilder application changes to trigger an update
- #232 Fixed, Server session count is now correct when using an overflow session key
- #233 Fixed, Studio can edit symbols of combo properties by validating the symbol option again
- #239 Fixed, FullSync transaction can post/bulk over a deleted document with an override policy
- #244 Fixed, CORS response headers (Access-Control-) also set for error responses
- #249 Fixed, Mobile Builder Styles within a menu component are not appended into App.scss
- #250 Fixed, can now DnD a sequence on a CustomAction to create a CallSequence action
- #253 Fixed, Android localbuild application can reach non https endpoint
- #256 Fixed, CouchDB Connector Purge transaction doesn?t create useless documents anymore
- #260 Fixed, can build mobile source package can be downloaded for multiple platforms at the same time
- #187 MobileBuilder, improved assets files copy at build time
- #188 UrlMapper, added a parameter 'terminate session' to Operations that can be turned off
- #193 CouchDB and FullSync connectors, optimized PostBulk merge/override to do less requests
- #196 MobileBuilder, prevent empty value for properties in TS or SC mode to avoid build failure
- #182 Fixed, file upload variable in Test Platform
- #185 Fixed, MobileBuilder Shared action use right variables values (not previous ones)
- #186 Fixed, MobileBuilder shared action can use 'this' keyword in actions variable/property values
- #194 Fixed, FullSync getDocument transaction is now succeeding for docid containing a +
- #195 Fixed, MobileBuilder RootPage properties are correctly saved
- #197 Fixed, re-introduce the fake sapjco3.jar to be replaced by the real sapjco3.jar
- #199 Fixed, MobileBuilder Alert action 'Enable Backdrop Dismiss' property is now correctly working
- #200 Fixed, calling /index.jsp correctly returns the index.html content
- #178 New 'Application' property 'Use click for tap' to differently handle '(tap)' and 'onTap' events
- #165 Right-clicking a 'SharedComponent' component from another project in Mobile App Viewer now focus element in treeview
- #179 Fixed, UrlMapper is correctly exported with the project from the Server Administration console
- #180 Fixed, retry FullSync insertion when an IllegalStateException occurs, using a new HttpClient
- #112 In Studio, GIT actions that modify the project source asks user for refresh project
- #174 In Studio, Project menu have now 'GitFlow', 'Compare' and 'Replace' entries
- #175 In Studio, startup time divided by 4
- #176 MobileBuilder, improve application performances
- #164 Fixed, MobileBuilder Sliding Tabs compile and can by used
- #167 Fixed, prevents deadlocks on calls for interdependent projects
- #170 Fixed, MobileBuilder RootPage action can now pass data to rooted page
- #171 Fixed, the javascript 'use' function is now available instead of throwing a 'ClassCastException'
- #173 Fixed, init admin password with Docker variable supported again
- #17 Fixed, MobileBuilder Treeview component now compiles
- #138 Fixed, no more pop-up alert after closing a JS Editor in the Studio
- #144 Fixed, MobileBuilder can use older MB projects templates without compilation failures
- #145 Fixed, MobileBuilder Camera action works in the App Viewer
- #148 Fixed, no more collapsed treeview when adding / removing a component to a project
- #149 Fixed, no more freeze when using the SourcePicker
- #152 Fixed, can rename tasks in Scheduler's Administration widget
- #156 Fixed, prevent infinite loop of Scheduler execution, Jobs Group dependencies cannot be circular
- #157 Fixed, Mobile Builder demos now build with their respective templates
- #159 Fixed, MobileBuilder build can fail if project folder name is different of the projet name
- #160 Fixed, the onSessionLost event subscription is now correctly generated in app.component.ts
- #161 Fixed, HttpTransaction using SSL for an untrusted certificate will work over a Squid proxy
- #163 Fixed, AnimateAction is now working again and can be placed inside a Shared Component
- #3 UrlMapper: use swagger 3 and handle oas2 / oas3
- #8 Make Convertigo project more VCS friendly, use a shrinked yaml project descriptor split in several files
- #9 Integrate PDFBox jar file and create a PDF form step
- #13 Add a Mobile Builder Tooltip component
- #22 Implement a Database revision number for FullSync that allows to reset clients FS base automatically
- #42 Make a dark theme for Convertigo Studio
- #54 Studio: remove unwanted menu and toolbar item for Convertigo perspective
- #55 Better security for CouchDB to restrict access for the admin user
- #60 Add a Mobile Builder Ionic Infinite component
- #72 Add a Mobile Builder ClearDataSource action
- #73 Authenticated session responses now contains a X-Convertigo-Authenticated header (used by SDK)
- #74 Add support of Mobile Builder application shared actions
- #76 Introduce use, context.server.set/get and context.project.set/get to JS scope to cache Java method loading and share memory across sessions
- #78 Add a server and a project classloader directory for extra libraries
- #88 Add a CouchDB/FullSync AllDocs and Purge transactions
- #95 Add support of Mobile Builder App events
- #101 Add a Mobile Builder IterateAction action
- #105 Ctrl+DND a Sequence in a Mobile Builder action creates the CallSequence component
- #106 Ctrl+DND a FullSync View in a Mobile Builder action creates the getView component
- #111 Add support of Mobile Builder App Shared Components
- #124 Ctrl+DND a SharedAction on an event or action creates the InvokeAction
- #125 Ctrl+DND a SharedComponent on a component creates the UseShared component
- #127 Add a Mobile Builder ClosePopover action
- #137 Add a new IfElseAction working with a ElseHandler
- #141 Add the lib_AmazonLEX in the new project wizard
- #1 Studio: Import and use projects from any folder (projects can be imported from a git repository elsewhere on the disk)
- #19 Update JxBrowser to 6.23.1 and use the 64bit version for Windows
- #27 Improve Database cache manager for Oracle XMLTYPE/CLOB handling
- #33 New Engine property to configure the current server Endpoint URL
- #35 Prevent Swagger console errors to popup in server mode
- #44 Do not initialize connector for 'void' transaction
- #46 UrlMapper: Basic authentication is improved by checking is user is already connected
- #66 Add a Mobile Builder Chooser action that both support iOS and Android
- #67 Add a Mobile Builder Progress Bar component
- #71 Mobile Builder SetGlobal actions are now displayed according to 'Property' and 'value' properties
- #77 JS 'log' object accepts log4j levels methods (fatal, info, warn, trace)
- #81 Enhance support for wkWebview for iOS for better performances
- #86 Improve Mobile Builder page generation speed
- #87 Sort mobile app template projects by descending order
- #89 Modal Action bean must have a parameter to suspend while displayed
- #94 HttpConnector: Use the standard SSL stack if there is no specific certificate for a Project
- #96 Convertigo SDK settings are now customizable
- #102 Re-use compiled expression for RhinoJS to reduce JVM classes memory space and have better performance
- #104 Scheduler now handles order and limited number of parallel job
- #109 Mobile component help in Reference Manual is better rendered
- #110 Mobile Builder Sequence Calls Actions loading spinner can now be disabled, and 2 new actions has been added to show and close loading spinners
- #133 Improve MB ForEach bean, now item and index elements be customized so they can be inserted in nested loops.
- #134 Handle TenantID in OAuth action for Azure
- #140 Enable GZip compression for text response by default
- #18 Fixed the double save dialog on Studio closing without saving
- #24 Fixed the Call Step generates invalid call data when a variable sources a self closing tag
- #26 Fixed Mobile Builder CalendarPickerAction to work as expected
- #32 Fixed invalid XML generated with some unicode characters
- #38 Fixed extra blank lines added in saved content of editable mobile components
- #39 Fixed extra markers added in saved TS content of editable mobile components
- #41 Fixed the Mobile Palette that does not show all components
- #43 Fixed JDBC Oracle poor performances
- #47 Fixed UrlMapper: context/session not always removed
- #48 Fixed Sequencer: attributes generated through a 'copyOf' step are not appended to DOM
- #53 Fixed the administration project list displays wrong deployment date after export
- #57 Fixed Mobile Builder: some projects do not load due to a validator considered as invalid
- #59 Fixed Mobile Builder component drop that needs to install dependencies is not triggering the reinstall of dependencies
- #61 Fixed the greyed Next button when you select a new Fullsync Listener
- #62 Fixed typo of some bean documentation
- #65 Fixed the random disappearing of files from DisplayObjects/mobile/assets/i18n
- #68 Fixed barcodescanner plugin build for Android
- #69 Fixed all Mobile palette documentation links now to ionic3 documentation
- #75 Fixed 'Null' error when deleting a project
- #80 Fixed the popup error when no bean found with the search bar
- #85 Fixed the Invalid Thread Exception when adding a Component that requiring additional packages
- #103 Fixed Scheduler to count session and clear contexts
- #114 Fixed Certificate Mappings configuration in administration
- #116 Fixed NPE in the Studio stdout console when selecting the LogView
- #126 Fixed 'heap out of memory' for some Mobile Builder builds in production mode
- #128 Fixed the transpilation failure for empty value in TS mode of Mobile Builder actions
- #129 Fixed Mobile Builder missing rebuilds
- #130 Fixed Http response always in UTF-8 even if the Requestable defines an another Charset