This page describes some concepts/ideas/patterns used in Kroxylicous. It will later on be merged into some more formal kind of documentation probably.
- Upstream
towards the broker
- Downstream
towards the client
Thus each connection has:
an "upstream pipeline" (for processing requests on their way to the broker). The upstream pipeline begins with the request decoder, and ends with the request encoder.
a "downstream pipeline" (for processing responses on their way to the client). The downstream pipeline begins with the response decoder and ends with the response encoder.
From the PoV of a filter F within a chain there might be: * "downstream filters" (i.e. filters that are downstream of F), which will see requests before F and will process responses after F. * "upstream filters" (i.e. filters which are upstream of F), which will see requests after this F, and see responses before F.
A concept for our API. The filter chain happens to be implemented using a Netty pipeline, having one netty handler per filter, but that is an implementation detail. We could equally have a single handler for all the filters in a chain. Or (in theory) we could implement the proxy on a different stack entirely (e.g. Vert.X).