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122 lines (111 loc) · 9.24 KB

Avaible commands:


!rc - report cancel. Both captains have to agree (like report draw, only doesn't affect elo)
!atlb - View alltime leaderboard
!atrank - View alltime rank
!reset_season - Resets the season Warning, this action is irrevesible!


!add pickup[ pickup ..]] or +pickup[ pickup ..]] - adds you to specified pickups.
!add or ++ - adds you to all active pickups.
!remove pickup[ pickup ...] or -[pickup[ pickup ..]] - removes you from specified pickups.
!remove or -- - removes you from all pickups.
!expire time - Sets new time delay after you will be removed from all pickups, example: '!expire 1h 2m 3s'.
!default_expire time, 'afk' or 'none' - Set your personal default !expire time or set autoremove on afk status.
!sub - request sub for last game.
!allowoffline or !ao - gives you immune from getting removed by offline or afk statuses until a pickup with you starts. (done for mobile devices users).
!subscribe pickup[ pickup ..]] - adds the promotion role of specified pickup(s) to you.
!unsubscribe pickup[ pickup ..]] - removes the promotion role of specified pickup(s) from you.


!who [pickup[ pickup ...]] - list of users added to a pickups.
!pickups - list of all pickups on the channel.
!pickup_groups - list of pickup groups configured on the channel.
!expire - shows you how much time left before you will be removed from all pickups.
!lastgame [@nick or pickup] - show last pickup, or last pickup by specified argument.
!top [pickup] [weekly or monthly or yearly] - shows you most active players.
!stats [nick or pickup] - shows you overall stats or stats for specified argument.
!ip [pickup or default] - shows you ip of last pickup or specified pickup.
!map pickup - print a random map for specified pickup.
!maps pickup - show all maps for specified pickup.


!cointoss or !ct [heads or tails] - toss a coin.
!pick @nick - pick a user to your team.
!subfor @nick - become a substitute for specified player.
!teams - show teams for current pickup.


!leaderboard [page] or !lb [page] - show top players by rating.
!rank - show your rating stats.
!reportlose or !rl - report loss on your current match (avalible for captains only).
!reportdraw !draw or !rd - report draw on your current match (avalible for captains only, captain of other team has to confirm).
!matches - show all active matches on the channel.
!ranks_table - show rank to rating table.

For moderators and above:

!reportwin or !rw match_id alpha or beta - report win on specified match for specified team.
!undo_ranks match_id - undo all rating changes for a previously reported match.


!noadd @nick [time] [reason] - disallow user to play pickups.
!noadds - show list of users who are disallowed to play pickups.
!forgive @nick - allow user from noadds list to play pickups.
!phrase @nick text - set specified reply for specified user after !add command.
!remove_player @nick - remove specified players from all pickups.
!reset - removes all players from all pickups.
!start pickup - force a pickup to start with deficient players count.
!cancel_match match_id - cancel an active match, match_id can be found at the beginning of pickup start message.


!enable_pickups - turn on the pickup bot on the channel.
!disable_pickups - turn off the bot and delete all configurations/stats on the channel. Warning, this action is irreversible!
!add_pickups name:players[ name:players ...] - create new pickups.
!remove_pickups pickup[ pickup ...] - delete specified pickups.
!add_pickup_group group_name pickup[ pickup...] - create a pickup group wich will contain specified pickups. !remove_pickup_group group_name - delete specified pickup group.
!reset_stats - delete all channel statistics.
!cfg - show global channel configuration variables.
!pickup_cfg pickup - show specified pickup configuration variables.
!set_ao_for_all name 0|1 - allow/disallow offline for all users of specific pickup kind.

!set_default variable value - set a global variable value. Availible variables: admin_role, moderator_role, captains_role, prefix, default_bantime, ++_req_players, startmsg, submsg, ip, password, maps, pick_captains, pick_teams, promotion_role, promotion_delay, blacklist_role, whitelist_role, require_ready, ranked, ranked_calibrate, ranked_multiplayer, help_answer.

!set_pickups pickup[ pickup...] variable value - set variables for specified pickups. Availible variables: maxplayers, startmsg, submsg, ip, password, maps, pick_captains, pick_teams, pick_order, promotion_role, blacklist_role, whitelist_role, captains_role, require_ready, ranked, help_answer.

  • For any variable set 'none' value to disable.
  • admin_role role_name - users with this role will have access to configuration and moderation commands.
  • moderator_role role_name - users with this role will have access to moderation commands.
  • captains_role role_name - random captains will be preffered to this role, also '!capfor' command will be only availible for users with this role if its set.
  • prefix symbol - set prefix before all bot's commands, default '!'.
  • default_bantime time - set default time for !noadd command.
  • ++_req_players number - set minimum pickup required players amount for '++' command or '!add' command without argument, so users wont add to 1v1/2v2 pickups unintentionally. Default value: 5.
  • startmsg text - set message on a pickup start. Use %ip% and %password% in text to represent ip and password.
  • start_pm_msg text - set private message on a pickup start. Use %pickup_name%, %ip%, %password% and %channel% to represent its values.
  • submsg text - set message on !sub command. Use %pickup_name%, %ip%, %password% and %promotion_role% to represent its values.
  • promotemsg text - set message on !promote command. Use %promotion_role%, %pickup_name% and %required_players% to represent its values.
  • ip text - set ip wich will be shown in startmsg, submsg and on !ip command.
  • password text - set password wich will be shown in startmsg, submsg and on !ip command.
  • maps map_name[, map_name...] - set maps.
  • pick_captains 0, 1, 2 or 3 - set if bot should suggest captains.
    • if variable ranked is 0:
      • 0 - doesn't suggest captains
      • 1 - picks captains randomly but with preference of player having captain role
      • 2 - picks captains randomly
    • if variable ranked is 1:
      • 0 - doesn't suggest captains
      • 1 - sorts players by player having captain role and player rank and picks two players from top
      • 2 - sorts players by player rank and picks random pair of adjacent players
      • 3 - picks captains randomly
  • pick_teams value - set teams pick system the bot should use. Value must be in 'no_teams', 'auto' or 'manual'.
    • no_teams - bot will only print players list and captains if needed.
    • auto - bot will print teams balanced by rating on ranked pickups or random teams.
    • manual - users will have to pick teams using teams picking commands.
  • team_emojis emoji emoji - set custom team emojis.
  • team_names alpha_name beta_name - set custom team names (commands with team names will change accordingly).
  • pick_order order - force specified teams picking order. Example value: 'abababba'.
  • promotion_role role_name - set promotion_role to highlight on !promote and !sub commands.
  • promotion_delay time - set time delay between !promote and !sub commands can be used.
  • blacklist_role role_name - users with this role will not be able to add to specified pickups.
  • whitelist_role role_name - only users with this role will be able to add to specified pickups.
  • require_ready none or time - if set users will have to confirm themselves using '!ready' command.
  • ranked 0 or 1 - set pickup(s) to have rating system and make players have to report their matches.
  • ranked_calibrate 0 or 1 - set to enable rating boost on first 10 user's matches, default on. Only for 'set_default'.
  • ranked_multiplayer 8 to 256 - change rating K-factor (gain/loss multiplyer), default 32. Only for 'set_default'.
  • ranked_streaks 1 or 0 - set to enable ranked streaks (starting from x1.5 for (3 wins/loses in a row) to x3.0 (6+ wins/loses in a row))
  • initial_rating integer - set starting rating for new players (default is 1400).
  • global_expire time, afk or none - set default_expire value for users without personal settings.
  • match_livetime time - set a timelimit before a match gets aborted as timed out.
  • help_answer text - set an answer on !help command.

Also, some commands have been hidden and changed, as they were troublesome and often abused or caused major issues. Contact the bot admin if you need access to said commands.