You are asking yourself how to use the GTK4.DropDown? The Forums giving a resonable answer to this. What changed from GTK3 is that the system uses a Model, Factory and some other stuff, to make it more structured and to increase the performance.
First of all you need to add a Model Class as GObject
class Country(GObject.Object):
__gtype_name__ = 'Country'
def __init__(self, country_id, country_name):
self._country_id = country_id
self._country_name = country_name
def country_id(self):
return self._country_id
def country_name(self):
return self._country_name
Then you can, for example, use the Gio.ListStore
to add items to the list.
Further you need to setup a Factory
factory = Gtk.SignalListItemFactory()
factory.connect("setup", self._on_factory_setup)
factory.connect("bind", self._on_factory_bind)
def _on_factory_setup(self, factory, list_item):
label = Gtk.Label()
def _on_factory_bind(self, factory, list_item):
label = list_item.get_child()
country = list_item.get_item()
After setting up the factory you can finally setup the DropDown
self.dd = Gtk.DropDown(model=self.model, factory=factory, hexpand=True)
You add it to the GTK.Window like every other child using vbox.append or set_child.
If you want to capture the event like selectedItem use notifications and listen for notify::selected-item
self.dd.connect("notify::selected-item", self._on_selected_item_notify)
Then you can just add a method that catches the event and e.g. prints the selected item (in this case country)
def _on_selected_item_notify(self, dropdown, _):
country = dropdown.get_selected_item()
Taken from the forums and tested.
import gi
gi.require_version('Adw', '1')
gi.require_version('Gtk', '4.0')
from gi.repository import Adw, Gio, GObject, Gtk
class Country(GObject.Object):
__gtype_name__ = 'Country'
def __init__(self, country_id, country_name):
self._country_id = country_id
self._country_name = country_name
def country_id(self):
return self._country_id
def country_name(self):
return self._country_name
class ExampleWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
def __init__(self, app):
super().__init__(application=app, title="DropDown")
nodes = {
"au": "Austria",
"uk": "United Kingdom",
"us": "United States",
# Populate the model
self.model = Gio.ListStore(item_type=Country)
for n in nodes.keys():
self.model.append(Country(country_id=n, country_name=nodes[n]))
# Set up the factory
factory = Gtk.SignalListItemFactory()
factory.connect("setup", self._on_factory_setup)
factory.connect("bind", self._on_factory_bind)
self.dd = Gtk.DropDown(model=self.model, factory=factory, hexpand=True)
self.dd.connect("notify::selected-item", self._on_selected_item_notify)
box = Gtk.Box(spacing=12, hexpand=True, vexpand=True)
box.props.margin_start = 12
box.props.margin_end = 12
box.props.margin_top = 6
box.props.margin_bottom = 6
box.append(Gtk.Label(label="Select Country:"))
# Set up the child of the list item; this can be an arbitrarily
# complex widget but we use a simple label now
def _on_factory_setup(self, factory, list_item):
label = Gtk.Label()
# Bind the item in the model to the row widget; again, since
# the object in the model can contain multiple properties, and
# the list item can contain any arbitrarily complex widget, we
# can have very complex rows instead of the simple cell renderer
# layouts in GtkComboBox
def _on_factory_bind(self, factory, list_item):
label = list_item.get_child()
country = list_item.get_item()
# The notify signal is fired when the selection changes
def _on_selected_item_notify(self, dropdown, _):
country = dropdown.get_selected_item()
class ExampleApp(Adw.Application):
def __init__(self):
self.window = None
def do_activate(self):
if self.window is None:
self.window = ExampleWindow(self)
app = ExampleApp()[])