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+# dourflow: keras implementation of YOLO v2
+**dourflow** is a keras/tensorflow implementation of the state-of-the-art object detection system [You only look once](https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/).
+- Original paper: [YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger](https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.08242)
+- Github repo: [Darknet](https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet)
+### Dependancies
+### Usage
+Running `python3 dourflow.py --help`:
+dourflow: a keras YOLO V2 implementation.
+positional arguments:
+ action what to do: 'train', 'validate' or pass an image
+ file/dir.
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -m MODEL, --model MODEL
+ path to input yolo v2 keras model
+ -c CONF, --conf CONF path to configuration file
+ -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
+ detection threshold
+ -w WEIGHT_FILE, --weight_file WEIGHT_FILE
+ path to weight file
+##### *action*
+Pass what to do with dourflow:
+1. A path to an image file/dir or video: Run inference on those file(s).
+2. 'validate': Perform validation on a trained model.
+3. 'train': Perform training on your own dataset.
+##### *model*
+Pass the keras input model h5 file (could be to perform inference, validate against or for transfer learning).
+Pretrained COCO/VOC keras models can be downloaded [here](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bc_kyb_wpOedHAXruj_TN5uIr7D4D_mc). Alternatively, you can download the weights from [here](https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov2/) and generate the model file using [YAD2K](https://github.com/allanzelener/YAD2K).
+##### *conf*
+Pass a config.json file that looks like this:
+ "model" : {
+ "input_size": 416, #Net input w,h size in pixels
+ "grid_size": 13, #Grid size
+ "true_box_buffer": 10, #Maximum number of objects detected per image
+ "iou_threshold": 0.5, #Intersection over union detection threshold
+ "nms_threshold": 0.3 #Non max suppression threhsold
+ },
+ "config_path" : {
+ "labels": "models/coco/labels_coco.txt", #Path to labels file
+ "anchors": "models/coco/anchors_coco.txt", #Path to anchors file
+ "arch_plotname": "" #Model output name (leave empty for none, see result_plots/yolo_arch.png for an example)
+ },
+ "train": {
+ "out_model_name": "", #Trained model name (saved during checkpoints)
+ "image_folder": "", #Training data, image directory
+ "annot_folder": "", #Training data, annotations directory (use VOC format)
+ "batch_size": 16, #Training batch size
+ "learning_rate": 1e-4, #Training learning rate
+ "num_epochs": 20, #Number of epochs to train for
+ "object_scale": 5.0 , #Loss function constant parameter
+ "no_object_scale": 1.0, #Loss function constant parameter
+ "coord_scale": 1.0, #Loss function constant parameter
+ "class_scale": 1.0, #Loss function constant parameter
+ "verbose": 1 #Training verbosity
+ },
+ "valid": {
+ "image_folder": "", #Validation data, image directory
+ "annot_folder": "", #Validation data, annotation directory
+ "pred_folder": "", #Validation data, predicted images directory (leave empty for no predicted image output)
+ }
+##### *threshold*
+Pass the confidence threshold used for detection (default is 30%).
+##### *weight_file*
+Pass the h5 weight file if generating the YOLO v2 input model. (not needed)
+### Inference
+##### Single Image/Video
+Will generate a file in the same directory with a '_pred' name extension. Example:
+python3 dourflow.py theoffice.png -m coco_model.h5 -c coco_config.json -t 0.35
+##### Batch Images
+Will create a directory named **out/** in the current one and output all the images with the same name.
+python3 dourflow.py theoffice.png -m coco_model.h5 -c coco_config.json -t 0.35
+### Validation
+Allows to evaluate the performance of a model by computing its [mean Average Precision](http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk:8080/pascal/VOC/voc2012/htmldoc/devkit_doc.html#SECTION00050000000000000000) in the task of object detection (mAP WRITE UP COMING SOON).
+python3 dourflow.py validate -m voc_model.h5 -c voc_config.json
+Terminal output:
+Batch Processed: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████| 4282/4282 [01:53<00:00, 37.84it/s]
+AP( bus ): 0.806
+AP( tvmonitor ): 0.716
+AP( motorbike ): 0.666
+AP( dog ): 0.811
+AP( horse ): 0.574
+AP( boat ): 0.618
+AP( sofa ): 0.625
+AP( sheep ): 0.718
+AP( bicycle ): 0.557
+AP( cow ): 0.725
+AP( pottedplant ): 0.565
+AP( train ): 0.907
+AP( bird ): 0.813
+AP( person ): 0.665
+AP( car ): 0.580
+AP( cat ): 0.908
+AP( bottle ): 0.429
+AP( diningtable ): 0.593
+AP( chair ): 0.475
+AP( aeroplane ): 0.724
+mAP: 0.674
+### Training
+##### Split dataset
+Script to generate training/testing splits.
+`python3 split_dataset.py -p 0.75 --in_ann VOC2012/Annotations/ --in_img VOC2012/JPEGImages/ --output ~/Documents/DATA/VOC`
+##### Tensorboard
+Training will create directory **logs/** which will store loss and checkpoints for all the different runs during training.
+Model passed is used for [transfer learning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transfer_learning) (TRAINING FROM SCRATCH / TRAINING ONLY LAST LAYER SHOULD BE ADDED SOON).
+`python3 dourflow.py train -m models/logo/coco_model.h5 -c confs/config_custom.json`
+Then, in another terminal tab you can run `tensorboard --logdir=logs/run_X` and open a browser page at `http://localhost:6006/` to monitor the train/val loss:
+#### To Do
+- [ ] cfg parser
+- [ ] Anchor generation for custom datasets
+- [ ] mAP write up
+#### Inspired from
+- [Darknet](https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet)
+- [Darkflow](https://github.com/thtrieu/darkflow)
+- [keras-yolo2](https://github.com/experiencor/keras-yolo2)
+- [YAD2K](https://github.com/allanzelener/YAD2K)
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