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Working with immutable values simplifies your application development and state management, making it easier to detect changes in your application state.

Immuton is a collection of utility functions for working with immutable values, improving the change detection and memory footprint in your app.

Immuton has zero production dependencies, and you may only import the functions you need in your app, allowing your bundler (e.g. Webpack) to exclude any unused files from this library, resulting in smaller bundle sizes.

It is important to note that these functions can only be used if you follow the immutability principle with all parameters and return values in this library. Mutating values passed to or returned by these functions these functions will have dangerous side-effects. To keep this library as lightweight as possible, there is no enforced protection for these mutations.

If you feel unfamiliar with the immutability principle you can learn it by reading the "What does immutability mean?" section below.

Why to use Immuton?

Immuton has the three main motivations:

  1. Improve change detection with immutable state values
  2. Decrease the memory usage and garbage collection when following the immutability principle
  3. Work with immutable values with less code

Improve change detection

Reactive frameworks and libaries are popular in modern web development, such as React, Redux, or RxJS. These frameworks typically rely on the immutability principle. They also rely heavily on change detection. For example, in React, re-rendering or side-effects occur only when values actually change when using React.memo, contexts, or hooks such as useEffect, useCallback or useMemo.

For best performance and least ambiguity, the "change" is typically determined as a strict inequality, meaning that objects and arrays are not deep-checked. This means that updating your state to a new but equivalent object or array will be considered a change, even though all of the properties or items would be equal.

Every function in Immuton that returns an altered object or array will always check if there would be an actual change to the value. In those cases, they return the original references. If you use Immuton when changing the state of your app, you can remove many unnecessary re-renderings or side-effects, leading to better overall performance.

Decrease memory footprint

One challenge in immutability principle is typically increased memory usage. As your app state changes, you copy, at least partially, objects or arrays to create altered versions of them. The old objects and arrays will be deallocated by JavaScript's garbage collector when no longer referred anywhere. Even though deep cloning is rarely necessary, this may still result in a higher number of memory allocations and an increased number of gargabe collections. The impact may be completely unnoticeable in most apps, but it may be a concern in very performance-sensitive apps.

Functions in Immuton try to re-use existing objects and arrays in memory whenever possible, to minimize the effect to the memory footprint of the app.

Less code

On one hand, Immuton anwers to very similar needs than other utility libraries such as Lodash, providing basic object or array manipulation functionality lacking in the JavaScript standard library. On the other hand, Immuton does this differently compared to other libraries. By design, Immuton functions avoid copying objects or arrays if unnecessary, returning references to original instances. As long as immutability principle is fully followed, the end result is the same, but with the benefit of improved change detection and decreased memory footprint.

Getting started

Install Immuton npm package to your app:

npm i --save immuton

Import the helpers to your app where needed. For example:

import map from 'immuton/map';

// ...
const numbers = map([1, 2, 3], (value) => value * 2);

Available functions and helpers

The following functions are available:

The following singleton object and array instances are also available:

What does immutability mean?

"Immutability" can be defined as follows:

Immutability is a principle meaning that after a value is created, it will never be edited afterwards.

In JavaScript, all primitive values are always immutable: you cannot edit strings, numbers or booleans. However, JavaScript allows you to alter objects (setting and deleting its properties) and arrays (adding or removing items). By choosing immutability "principle", even though editing object and array values is technically possible, we just agree not to do that. After you create an object, you never set or delete its properties. Same applies to arrays: once built, its items won't be changed.

The important thing to notice is that immutability principle applies to "values". Any dynamic app contains components that need some kind of state. The state of course needs to change. However, in immutability principle, the state is set to a value, and whenever you change the state, you set it to a different value instead of editing the value itself.

To sum it up as a simplified example, don't do this: = value;

Instead do this:

state = { ...state, property: value };

There are JavaScript libraries such as ImmutableJS providing data structures or protection mechanisms for enforcing the immutability principle, preventing you accidentally editing values. Using this kind of libraries is totally OK, but you don't need them to follow immutability principle.

"Immutability" is not a library, it is a principle, so as long as your app's logic follows this principle, you need no additional libraries, not even Immuton, for this. Your app can be 100% VanillaJS and still follow the immutability principle.

The immutability principle applies to values only after they have been "created". This means that you are totally free to set object properties or push items to the array while constructing a value. The immutability principle starts applying after you have made the constructed value available to other contexts, for example, by returning from your function, or providing it as a parameter to a callback function.

The following function still follows the immutability principle:

function repeat(count, value) {
  const result = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
    // This is OK, as we are still constructing the value
  // After this statement, the array must never be altered again
  return result;

Purists would argue that this does not follow the immutability principle but should be written like this instead:

function repeat(count, value) {
  let result = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
    // A new array with one more value
    result = result.concat([value]);
  return result;

The end-result here is equal to the previous example and it follows the principle more strictly. However, this has a much higher memory-impact than the first example if count is a large number. Many intermediate copies of the array are created in the memory and needs to be garbage-collected afterwards.

The performance and memory-footprint is a significant factor in great UX in apps. To allow mutations while "constructing" a value, but forbid them afterwards, is an excellent tradeoff that enables better performance and the advantages of the immutability principle.