In this lab, we will install MySQL using rpm and tar methods. First of all, we will install MySQL using rpm followed by custom install using tar
All the MySQL insatll files are kept in /opt/download/mysql. The installation scripts are stored in /opt/download/lab with sub-directories with all the lab files labeled with number, such as 01-install, 02-Admin, etc
- Install MySQL by executing the scripts in /opt/download/lab/01-install
cd /opt/download/lab/01-install
cd 01-mysql-server
sudo ./
- Start MySQL (initialization and start-up MySQL)
sudo ./
- Once MySQL is started, you can explore the system to find out where are the MySQL data directory, binaries, etc
rpm -ql mysql-commercial-server-8.0.19-1.1.el7.x86_64
cd /usr/sbin
cd /etc
cd /var/lib
cd /usr/bin
cd /usr/lib/systemd/system/
- Stop MySQL
sudo ./
- Unstall MySQL RPM
sudo ./
- Now install MySQL (MySQL Server, MySQL Router and MySQL Shell) using tar
sudo ./
cd ../02-shell
sudo ./
cd ../03-router
sudo ./
- MySQL is now installed in /opt/mysql-commercial-8.0.19-el7-x86_64
cd /opt/mysql-commercial-8.0.19-el7-x86_64
cd /usr/local/mysql
cd /usr/local/shell
cd /usr/local/router
- You are ready to move to other labs