Date: 2020-05-13
- Configure your distribution to use a package mirror that provides the official docker and kubernetes packages. You can realize that with apt-mirror, artifactory, squid or many others
- Integrate this in the image templates that will be used by k1 for the control plane and by machine controller for workers.
- Populate the K1 config as usual, but include the following setting, which instructs k1 not the mess with the package sources:
configureRepositories: no
- Execute
kubeone install
- Use either a docker registry that contains all the images kubermatic needs or mirror the docker hub repo, quay and gcr. Can be seperate logical registries or some subpaths of a single one.
- Fetch the kubermatic-installer repo.
- Edit the values.yaml and replace all the 50 image definitions with the ones that are specific to the registry. That sucks but there is not really a generic way to automate that.
- Install kubermatic as usual