This diagram shows detailed steps of the demo pipeline implementation. To simplify the diagram, I didn't include the environment and approval.
The core of this demo implementation is the two pipeline template files.
- snowflakeFlywayBuild.yml
- snowflakeFlywayDeploy.yml
Those are very similar as you can see from the deployment flow diagram.
This defines a build process. Let me ask you this. What you do expect at the build stage?
- Detect errors can be caught without running the program.
- Some testing
- Create an Artifact
How does it tie with Flyway?
Detect errors can be caught without running the program.
- Flyway has no concept of the build. However, I run "flyway info" to list up scripts to be deployed.
Some testing
- Flyway has no concept of testing. However, I run "flyway info" to list up scripts to be deployed.
Create an Artifact
- Artifact for Flyway will be migration scripts
It's time for actual code.
Declare Parameter
databasePostfix is used to point to the right database name of the given
parameters: - name: jobName default: '' - name: databaseName default: '' - name: databasePostfix default: '_DEV' - name: artifactName default: 'DatabaseArtifacts' - name: vmImage default: 'ubuntu-16.04' - name: containerImage default: 'kulmam92/flyway-azure:6.2.3'
Define Job Properties
jobs: - job: ${{ parameters.jobName }} timeoutInMinutes: 10 pool: vmImage: ${{ parameters.vmImage }} container: image: ${{ parameters.containerImage }}
Run Flyway Info
steps: - bash: | echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=SNOWFLAKE_JDBC_URL]$(SNOWFLAKE_JDBC_URL)$(SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT_NAME)/?warehouse=$(SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE)&role=$(SNOWFLAKE_ROLENAME)&authenticator=$(SNOWFLAKE_AUTHENTICATOR)" name: Construct_JDBC_URL - script: flyway -url='$(SNOWFLAKE_JDBC_URL)&db=${{ parameters.databaseName }}${{ parameters.databasePostfix }}' -user=$(SNOWFLAKE_DEVOPS_USERNAME) -password=$(SNOWFLAKE_DEVOPS_SECRET) -locations='filesystem:./databases/${{ parameters.databaseName }}' info name: Run_flyway_Info - publish: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/databases artifact: ${{ parameters.artifactName }}
This defines a deployment process. I'm going to ask the same question. What you do expect at the deploy stage?
- Release or deploy the artifact to the target environment
- Validate deployment after the deployment
- Some testing
How does it tie with Flyway?
- Release or deploy the artifact to the target environment
- "flyway migrate" will deploy migration scripts.
- Validate deployment after the deployment
- "flyway validate" can be used for validation.
- Some testing
- There no predefined testing method or framework.
It's time for actual code again.
Declare Parameter
Deploy template has one more parameter - "environmentName" - to time each deployment stage to a environment.
databasePostfix is used to point to the right database name of the given environment.
parameters: - name: jobName default: '' - name: databaseName default: '' - name: databasePostfix default: '_DEV' - name: artifactName default: 'DatabaseArtifacts' - name: vmImage default: 'ubuntu-16.04' - name: containerImage default: 'kulmam92/flyway-azure:6.2.3' - name: environmentName default: 'DEV'
Define Job Properties
You need to use a deployment job for deployment.
jobs: - deployment: ${{ parameters.jobName }} displayName: deploy to ${{ parameters.jobName }} timeoutInMinutes: 10 pool: vmImage: ${{ parameters.vmImage }} container: image: ${{ parameters.containerImage }} environment: ${{ parameters.environmentName }} strategy: runOnce: deploy:
Download pipeline Artifact
# download location $(Pipeline.Workspace)/{artifact} - download: current artifact: ${{ parameters.artifactName }}
Run Flyway command - Repair, Migrate, Validate
I'm running Repair before running Migrate. If your previous deployment failed, in many cases you need to run Repair command to repair the history table. Below is the explanation about the Repair from the official documentation.
Repair is your tool to fix issues with the schema history table. It has two main uses:
- Remove failed migration entries (only for databases that do NOT support DDL transactions)
- Realign the checksums, descriptions and types of the applied migrations with the ones of the available migrations
- bash: | echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=SNOWFLAKE_JDBC_URL]$(SNOWFLAKE_JDBC_URL)$(SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT_NAME)/?warehouse=$(SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE)&role=$(SNOWFLAKE_ROLENAME)&authenticator=$(SNOWFLAKE_AUTHENTICATOR) name: Construct_JDBC_UR - script: flyway -url='$(SNOWFLAKE_JDBC_URL)&db=${{ parameters.databaseName }}${{ parameters.databasePostfix }}' -user=$(SNOWFLAKE_DEVOPS_USERNAME) -password=$(SNOWFLAKE_DEVOPS_SECRET) -locations='filesystem:$(Pipeline.Workspace)/${{ parameters.artifactName }}/${{ parameters.databaseName }}' repa name: Run_flyway_Repair - script: flyway -url='$(SNOWFLAKE_JDBC_URL)&db=${{ parameters.databaseName }}${{ parameters.databasePostfix }}' -user=$(SNOWFLAKE_DEVOPS_USERNAME) -password=$(SNOWFLAKE_DEVOPS_SECRET) -locations='filesystem:$(Pipeline.Workspace)/${{ parameters.artifactName }}/${{ parameters.databaseName }}' migrate name: Run_flyway_Migrat - script: flyway -url='$(SNOWFLAKE_JDBC_URL)&db=${{ parameters.databaseName }}${{ parameters.databasePostfix }}' -user=$(SNOWFLAKE_DEVOPS_USERNAME) -password=$(SNOWFLAKE_DEVOPS_SECRET) -locations='filesystem:$(Pipeline.Workspace)/${{ parameters.artifactName }}/${{ parameters.databaseName }}' validate name: Run_flyway_Validate
Define Resources
Define resource to use templates in the template repository
resources: repositories: # template repository - repository: PipelineCommon type: git name: PipelineCommon
Define Resources
Note that I'm including the variable group "Snowflake.Database"
variables: - group: Snowflake.Database - name: DBNAME value: flyway_demo - name: flywayartifactName value: DatabaseArtifacts - name: flywayVmImage value: 'ubuntu-16.04' - name: flywayContainerImage value: 'kulmam92/flyway-azure:6.2.3'
Define a trigger
trigger: - master
Build Stage
stages: - stage: Build variables: - name: DBNAME_POSTFIX value: _DEV jobs: - template: YAMLpipelines/templates/snowflakeFlywayBuild.yml@PipelineCommon parameters: jobName: 'BuildDatabase' databaseName: $(DBNAME) databasePostfix: $(DBNAME_POSTFIX) artifactName: $(flywayartifactName) vmImage: $(flywayVmImage) containerImage: $(flywayContainerImage)
DEV deploy stage
- stage: DEV variables: - name: DBNAME_POSTFIX value: _DEV jobs: - template: YAMLpipelines/templates/snowflakeFlywayDeploy.yml@PipelineCommon parameters: jobName: DEV databaseName: $(DBNAME) databasePostfix: $(DBNAME_POSTFIX) artifactName: $(flywayartifactName) vmImage: $(flywayVmImage) containerImage: $(flywayContainerImage) environmentName: DEV
QA deploy stage
The stage is assigned to QA environment and that has approval. The approver needs to manually approve for the deployment.
- stage: QA variables: - name: DBNAME_POSTFIX value: _QA jobs: - template: YAMLpipelines/templates/snowflakeFlywayDeploy.yml@PipelineCommon parameters: jobName: QA databaseName: $(DBNAME) databasePostfix: $(DBNAME_POSTFIX) artifactName: $(flywayartifactName) vmImage: $(flywayVmImage) containerImage: $(flywayContainerImage) environmentName: QA
PROD deploy stage
- stage: PROD variables: - name: DBNAME_POSTFIX value: '' # Empty string for PROD jobs: - template: YAMLpipelines/templates/snowflakeFlywayDeploy.yml@PipelineCommon parameters: jobName: PROD databaseName: $(DBNAME) databasePostfix: $(DBNAME_POSTFIX) artifactName: $(flywayartifactName) vmImage: $(flywayVmImage) containerImage: $(flywayContainerImage) environmentName: PROD
There is some room for improvements including the below items.
Manual process automation
Variable group
Add better testing
- Come up with a testing framework and run testing.
This is the end of the post. Thank you for reading a lengthy post in the era of Twitter.
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