From 17d7a57bb2a6439c5b62e8ae7997fc8f95edccb3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kunal Bhattacharya Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2024 19:38:24 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] Fixed structural issues for README examples --- | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 073e3e96..07a4975b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -33,32 +33,34 @@ import quinn **validate_presence_of_columns()** +Raises an exception unless `source_df` contains the `name`, `age`, and `fun` column. + ```python quinn.validate_presence_of_columns(source_df, ["name", "age", "fun"]) ``` -Raises an exception unless `source_df` contains the `name`, `age`, and `fun` column. - **validate_schema()** +Raises an exception unless `source_df` contains all the `StructFields` defined in the `required_schema`. + ```python quinn.validate_schema(source_df, required_schema) ``` -Raises an exception unless `source_df` contains all the `StructFields` defined in the `required_schema`. - **validate_absence_of_columns()** +Raises an exception if `source_df` contains `age` or `cool` columns. + ```python quinn.validate_absence_of_columns(source_df, ["age", "cool"]) ``` -Raises an exception if `source_df` contains `age` or `cool` columns. - ### Functions **single_space()** +Replaces all multispaces with single spaces (e.g. changes `"this has some"` to `"this has some"`. + ```python actual_df = source_df.withColumn( "words_single_spaced", @@ -66,10 +68,10 @@ actual_df = source_df.withColumn( ) ``` -Replaces all multispaces with single spaces (e.g. changes `"this has some"` to `"this has some"`. - **remove_all_whitespace()** +Removes all whitespace in a string (e.g. changes `"this has some"` to `"thishassome"`. + ```python actual_df = source_df.withColumn( "words_without_whitespace", @@ -77,10 +79,10 @@ actual_df = source_df.withColumn( ) ``` -Removes all whitespace in a string (e.g. changes `"this has some"` to `"thishassome"`. - **anti_trim()** +Removes all inner whitespace, but doesn't delete leading or trailing whitespace (e.g. changes `" this has some "` to `" thishassome "`. + ```python actual_df = source_df.withColumn( "words_anti_trimmed", @@ -88,10 +90,10 @@ actual_df = source_df.withColumn( ) ``` -Removes all inner whitespace, but doesn't delete leading or trailing whitespace (e.g. changes `" this has some "` to `" thishassome "`. - **remove_non_word_characters()** +Removes all non-word characters from a string (e.g. changes `"si%$#@!#$!@#mpsons"` to `"simpsons"`. + ```python actual_df = source_df.withColumn( "words_without_nonword_chars", @@ -99,10 +101,10 @@ actual_df = source_df.withColumn( ) ``` -Removes all non-word characters from a string (e.g. changes `"si%$#@!#$!@#mpsons"` to `"simpsons"`. - **multi_equals()** +`multi_equals` returns true if `s1` and `s2` are both equal to `"cat"`. + ```python source_df.withColumn( "are_s1_and_s2_cat", @@ -110,8 +112,6 @@ source_df.withColumn( ) ``` -`multi_equals` returns true if `s1` and `s2` are both equal to `"cat"`. - **approx_equal()** This function takes 3 arguments which are 2 Pyspark DataFrames and one integer values as threshold, and returns the Boolean column which tells if the columns are equal in the threshold. @@ -225,46 +225,46 @@ The output is := **snake_case_col_names()** +Converts all the column names in a DataFrame to snake_case. It's annoying to write SQL queries when columns aren't snake cased. + ```python quinn.snake_case_col_names(source_df) ``` -Converts all the column names in a DataFrame to snake_case. It's annoying to write SQL queries when columns aren't snake cased. - **sort_columns()** +Sorts the DataFrame columns in alphabetical order, including nested columns if sort_nested is set to True. Wide DataFrames are easier to navigate when they're sorted alphabetically. + ```python quinn.sort_columns(df=source_df, sort_order="asc", sort_nested=True) ``` -Sorts the DataFrame columns in alphabetical order, including nested columns if sort_nested is set to True. Wide DataFrames are easier to navigate when they're sorted alphabetically. - ### DataFrame Helpers **column_to_list()** +Converts a column in a DataFrame to a list of values. + ```python quinn.column_to_list(source_df, "name") ``` -Converts a column in a DataFrame to a list of values. - **two_columns_to_dictionary()** +Converts two columns of a DataFrame into a dictionary. In this example, `name` is the key and `age` is the value. + ```python quinn.two_columns_to_dictionary(source_df, "name", "age") ``` -Converts two columns of a DataFrame into a dictionary. In this example, `name` is the key and `age` is the value. - **to_list_of_dictionaries()** +Converts an entire DataFrame into a list of dictionaries. + ```python quinn.to_list_of_dictionaries(source_df) ``` -Converts an entire DataFrame into a list of dictionaries. - **show_output_to_df()** ```python @@ -431,44 +431,44 @@ from quinn.extensions import * **isFalsy()** +Returns `True` if `has_stuff` is `None` or `False`. + ```python source_df.withColumn("is_stuff_falsy", F.col("has_stuff").isFalsy()) ``` -Returns `True` if `has_stuff` is `None` or `False`. - **isTruthy()** +Returns `True` unless `has_stuff` is `None` or `False`. + ```python source_df.withColumn("is_stuff_truthy", F.col("has_stuff").isTruthy()) ``` -Returns `True` unless `has_stuff` is `None` or `False`. - **isNullOrBlank()** +Returns `True` if `blah` is `null` or blank (the empty string or a string that only contains whitespace). + ```python source_df.withColumn("is_blah_null_or_blank", F.col("blah").isNullOrBlank()) ``` -Returns `True` if `blah` is `null` or blank (the empty string or a string that only contains whitespace). - **isNotIn()** +Returns `True` if `fun_thing` is not included in the `bobs_hobbies` list. + ```python source_df.withColumn("is_not_bobs_hobby", F.col("fun_thing").isNotIn(bobs_hobbies)) ``` -Returns `True` if `fun_thing` is not included in the `bobs_hobbies` list. - **nullBetween()** +Returns `True` if `age` is between `lower_age` and `upper_age`. If `lower_age` is populated and `upper_age` is `null`, it will return `True` if `age` is greater than or equal to `lower_age`. If `lower_age` is `null` and `upper_age` is populate, it will return `True` if `age` is lower than or equal to `upper_age`. + ```python source_df.withColumn("is_between", F.col("age").nullBetween(F.col("lower_age"), F.col("upper_age"))) ``` -Returns `True` if `age` is between `lower_age` and `upper_age`. If `lower_age` is populated and `upper_age` is `null`, it will return `True` if `age` is greater than or equal to `lower_age`. If `lower_age` is `null` and `upper_age` is populate, it will return `True` if `age` is lower than or equal to `upper_age`. - ## Contributing We are actively looking for feature requests, pull requests, and bug fixes.