JNITasks - Ant Tasks for JNI Projects
Use this task to call the native compiler directly.
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
jobs | String | auto | Number of parallel jobs or auto for host cpu count |
objdir | Dir | Output directory for object files | |
toolchain | String | gcc | The toolchain to use when compiling |
host | String | "" | Host string used to prefix the compiler command |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
value | String | "" | Argument to pass to the native compiler |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
name | String | Name of defined variable | |
value | String | Value of defined variable |
Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
path | String | "." | Argument to pass to the native compiler |
<cc toolchain="clang" jobs="4" objdir="${dir.build}/obj">
<arg value="-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter" />
<arg value="-fPIC" unless="native.os.isWindows" />
<define name="DEBUG" if="ant.build.debug"/>
<include path="${dir.build}/include" />
<include path="${dir.src}/include" />
<include path="${ant.build.javac.include}" />
<include path="${ant.build.javac.include}/win32" if="native.os.isWindows"/>
<include path="${ant.build.javac.include}/${ant.build.native.os}" unless="native.os.isWindows"/>
<fileset dir="${dir.src}/jni">
<include name="**/*.c" />