Implement HTTP endpoints in apartment service that just accept requests as per sample file
Implement HTTP endpoints in booking service
we can try to check if an apartment exist before allowing a booking (direct communication with the other service)
Connect apartment service to a database
Apartments - Bookings Message queue
- Apartment post event (apartment added and deleted) to queue
- Booking register for apartment events
- When a new apartment is created, apartment service sends a rabbit mq message, booking service listen and create the apartment in it's own DB too
Booking post event to another queue (booking added, changed and cancelled)
Booking to post events into exchange
Search service -> javascript
- needs to have a DB with apartments
- needs to have a DB with bookings
- needs to know which apartment exists and are available
- should be able to search apartments using "from" date and "to" date
- register for booking events
- register for apartment events
- Direct call from Search service to Apartment service, if apartments table is empty
- Direct call from Search service to Booking service, if bookings table is empty
Dockerize applications
- Apartments
- Bookings
- Search
- Gateway
- Configuration for yaml file for Gateway
Implement event sourcing for Booking service
Implement NoSQL DB for apartments DB
Docker multistage build
- Gateway
- Apartments
- Bookings
In apartment, when adding new apartment, can check if id is passed in correctly. If yes, use that. If not, generate new UUID
Ensure error messages are set as JSON
- Go: 1.21.4
- Docker