Metadata of Lacmus dataset and trained model weitghts tracked with dvc.
Repository in intended to sustain reproducability and versioning of the dataset and model weights.
conda create -n lacmus-dvc python==3.9 pip
conda activate lacmus-dvc
git clone
cd dvc
pip install .
- In order to get access to cloud storage, contact lacmus team as described on wiki and get your
file. - Put credentials to
- Configure dvc and get data:
git clone
cd ladd-and-weights
dvc remote modify --local digital_ocean credentialpath ~/.aws/credentials
dvc pull
- to gather LADD from relevant parts run
to merge with heridal dataset and convert to yolov5 format for training refer to
In case you'll add new imagesSet, please also update dvc.yaml and
- dataset
-- pretrain
--- sdd-lacmus-version - Prepared Standford Dron Dataset
--- VisDrone2019-DET VisDone Dataset
... folders part of dataset, gathered as project evolves
-- unmarked
... folders of file sets, submitted by users, but not yet included into main dataset
-- 3rd_party
--- heridal - (*)
- weights
-- yolo5 - wieghts for yolo v5 ( currently in production
-- keras-retinanet - weights for keras retina-net model ( - previous version of network
-- torch
--- pretrain
--- experimental
(*) Dunja Božić-Štulić, Željko Marušić, Sven Gotovac: Deep Learning Approach on Aerial Imagery in Supporting Land Search and Rescue Missions, International Journal of Computer Vision, 2019.