*用于ul li标签的拖拽,需引入jquery.easyUtil.js
*3.参数列表如下,或在项目中引入 $.dragUtil(),可在控制台看到日志打印参数。
var option = {
containerClassName: '可拖拽区域的类名,只能是类名,必填,格式为‘.className’', //only for className
sourceArea: {
name: '源区域的idName/className,必填', //drag elemets source area for className idName
type: '源区域的类型:id/class,必填', //source area attr for 'class', 'id'
targetArea: {
name: '目标区域:idName/className,必填', //drag elements target area for className idName
type: '目标区域的类型:id/class,必填', //target area attr for 'class', 'id'
isLimitedMove: '是否有拖动数量限制,默认false,当为true时,以下两项值必填', //if have,for some fileds, have some tagnums limit
limitedMaxNums: ['拖动数量最大数,数组形式,如果有超过1个值,需要与limitedIdNames一一对应'], //if have, tag max nums
limitedIdNames: ['受限制的拖动目标区域idName,数组形式,可共用一个limitedMaxNums值,如果有多个,需要一一对应'], //if have,drag elements target fileds idName, for specail thing for className id or tagName
CssForDrag: {
limitedClass: '限制拖动的Css类名称,isLimitedMove为true时,必填', //if have, limited CSS
targetAreaMoveClass: '拖拽时目标区域Css类样式,默认无', //if have, target area backgroundColor when moving the tags
targetAreaNormalClass: '拖拽结束目标区域Css类样式,默认恢复原样', //if have,target area backgroundColor when move over
movingTagClass: '从源区域拖拽时的标签样式,选填', //if have, when a tag is moving, its CSS
callbackFn: {
mousedownFn: "function() {鼠标按下时的回调函数,选填}",
mousemoveFn: "function() {鼠标拖动时的回调函数,选填}",
mouseupFn: "function() {鼠标放开时的回调函数,选填}",
isLog : '是否输出内部日志,默认true',