- The set-up is that it creates a VPC, Subnet, RouteTable, InternetGateway and attaches them through route table association
- Once all the network resources have been set-up then we go ahead and create a security group
- The security group is created with only ingress rules for port 80 and port 22 only
- The EC2 resources are created within the same security group and instance type of t2.micro
- The EC2 resources also has user_data setup which runs the latest update of the Ubuntu OS 18.04
- The EC2 resouces also has http installed along with index.html denoting Server-1 and Server-2
- An ELB with name "aws_elb" has been created with the listener and health_check properties set-up with target to EC2 servers
- Finally, a DynamoDB table is created with name "tflocktable" along with read and write capacities
- The ELB has been tested and it shows both Server-1 and Server-2 in round-robin fashion
- Also, the Dynamo table with name "tflocktable" has been verified from the console.
- In order to run, you need to input access-key, secret-key, key-name