- Added TypeScript declarations (@evanlouie)
- Version bump after updating npm access token (@chrisn)
Refactored waveform rendering code, added WaveformShape class (@chrisn)
Removed background layer, to reduce the number of Konva layers used (@chrisn)
Avoid building waveform data multiple times when using the Web Audio API (@cky917)
Fixed use of Web Audio API in Safari (@ibobobo)
Fixed point drag event handling (@anthonytex, @chrisn)
Allow Peaks objects to be created using the new operator (@chrisn)
The points.add() and segments.add() methods now operate atomically. This change ensures that the input point/segment objects are validated before storing, so that if an exception is thrown, we leave the state of the points/segments array as it was before the function was called (@chrisn)
Added 'points.mouseenter' and 'points.mouseleave' events. Also added 'points.dblclick', which replaces the (previously undocumented) pointDblClickHandler config option (@markjongkind, @chrisn)
Added 'points.dragstart' and 'points.dragend' events, and renamed 'points.dragged' to 'points.dragmove'. The (also undocumented) pointDragEndHandler config option is deprecated (@chrisn)
Ensure resources used by Player object are released on calling peaks.destroy() (@chrisn)
points.remove() and segments.remove() no longer throw an exception if multiple matching markers are found. The removed markers are returned in an array (@chrisn)
Updated to eventemitter2 v5.0.1, also updated development dependencies (@chrisn)
(#104) Prevent "zoom level too low" exception when using the Web Audio API to compute the waveform data (@chrisn)
(#213) Added withCredentials option to allow users to send credentials when requesting waveform data files using XHR (@bennypowers)
(#212) Fixed points.removeAll() and segments.removeAll() (@chrisn)
Fixed a bug where the time axis would show the wrong times next to the axis markers (@chrisn)
Peaks.js is now available via cdnjs. Added a link to the ReadMe (@extend1994)
- (#112) Fixed a race condition where an audio element that contains one or more source elements is added to a page, and Peaks.init() is called before the audio element has selected which source to use. Also improved error reporting, to avoid a misleading "Unable to determine a compatible dataUri format for this browser" error (@chrisn)
- (#207) Prevent jump in playhead motion after starting playback (@chrisn, @jdelStrother)
- Version bump to refresh npm and browserify cached releases (@chrisn)
(#201) Added showPlayheadTime option to control display of the current time position next to the playhead marker (@chrisn)
(#202) Keep playhead layer in sync with timeupdate events (@jdelStrother)
- (#199) The playhead position is now correctly updated in the zoomable view after calling player.seek() (@chrisn)
- Added parameter validation to player.seek() (@chrisn)
- Show the time when dragging point markers (@chrisn)
- Use a fixed set of default colors instead of random colors for segments (@chrisn)
- Simplified createSegmentMarker, createSegmentLabel, and createPointMarker functions (@chrisn)
- Refactored WaveformPoints and WaveformSegments classes (@chrisn)
- Refactored PointsLayer and SegmentsLayer _removeInvisiblePoints methods (@chrisn)
- Fixed bug in IE11 which caused adding segment objects to fail (@chrisn)
- (#184, #116) Fixed waveform zoom and scrolling behaviour. Note that the animated zoom feature no longer works, and so static zoom is now always used, regardless of the 'zoomAdapter' option (@chrisn)
- Refactored WaveformSegments and WaveformPoints to separate the UI code into new SegmentsLayer and PointsLayer classes (@chrisn)
- Points and segments are now represented by Point and Segment objects, rather than plain JavaScript objects (@chrisn)
- (#117) Improved rendering speed of points and segments (@chrisn)
- Points and segments with duplicate ids are no longer allowed (@chrisn)
- The 'segments.ready' event is deprecated, use 'peaks.ready' instead (@chrisn)
- Added 'add', 'remove', 'remove_all', and 'dragged' events for points and segments (@chrisn)
- The demo page now allows points and segments to be removed (@chrisn)
- Added ZoomController and TimeController classes to simplify main.js (@chrisn)
- Added PlayheadLayer class and refactored WaveformOverview and WaveformZoomView so that the playhead update code is reused between both (@chrisn)
- Added peaks.points.getPoint() method (@chrisn)
- Changed the keyboard interface so that the left/right arrow keys scroll the waveform by 1 second, and shift+left/right by one screen width (@chrisn)
- Improved error messages (@chrisn)
- Removed Node.js v4 and added v8 in Travis CI builds. Please use v6.0 or later to build Peaks.js (@chrisn)
- Many other refactorings and code improvements (@chrisn)
- Fixed deprecation logging from time API functions (@chrisn)
- Added parameter validation to Player.playSegment (@chrisn)
- (#192) Added Player.playSegment() method (@craigharvi3)
- Deprecated the time API; use the player API instead (@chrisn)
- Display optional point label text (@chrisn)
- Added documentation for the points API (@chrisn)
- Build ChangeLog manually (@chrisn)
- Updated to waveform-data.js v2.0.1 (@chrisn)
- (#182) Modified build to output a single UMD module; supporting installation with package managers or the script-tag (@craigjohnwright)
- Another fix to mouse dragging behaviour (@chrisn)
- (#187) Fixed segment handle rendering (@chrisn)
- (#167) Added audioContext config option (@chrisn, @oncletom, @dodds-cc)
- (#165) Fixed mouse dragging behaviour (@chrisn)
- (#161) More reliable clicking behaviour, don't turn seek click off on vertical mouse movement (@Develliot)
- (#159) Added JSDoc comments (@chrisn)
- (#157) Register mouse up/move events to the window rather than the waveform stages (@jdelStrother)
- (#156) Refactored player and keyboard handler objects (@chrisn)
- (#155) Refactored WaveformPoints and WaveformSegments (@chrisn)
- (#150) Add Peaks.destroy method (@jdelStrother)
- (#151) Report XHR errors (@jdelStrother)
- (#152) Use the npm version of waveform-data.js (@oncletom)
- Fixed bug in defaultInMarker() which caused the wrong colour to be used for left-hand segment markers (@chrisn)
- Renamed keyboard events (@chrisn)
- Updated to EventEmitter v1.0.x (@chrisn)
- Updated to Konva v1.0.x (@chrisn)
- Fixed adding points from Peaks.init() (@chrisn)
- (#144) Use Konva.FastLayer for drawing waveforms (@jdelStrother)
- (#143) Improve addSegment() method signature (@jdelStrother)
- (#142) Serve media from Karma during tests (@jdelStrother)
- (#141) Add/remove points and segments by ID (@jdelStrother)
- (#140) Expose browserified version as package.json "main" property (@oncletom)
- (#139) Fixed keyboard right-shift bug (@chrisn)
- Numerous other refactorings (@chrisn)
- (#127) Don't add waveform layer to the overview stage twice and ensure the UI layer is on top (@johvet)
- (#125) Node 0.12 and iojs compability (@oncletom)
- (#120) Explicit segment draw on drag resize (@oncletom)
- (#121) Make more colors configurable (@ziggythehamster)
- (#123) Allow alternate zoom adapters, add a static (non-animated) zoom adapter, add more safety checks (@johvet, @ziggythehamster)
- (#122) Fix typo, seeking instead of seaking (@johvet)
- (#113) Make the axis label and gridline colors configurable (@ziggythehamster)
- (#111) Initial error logging function for async errors (@oncletom)
- (#108) fix for bug #105 (@un-chein-andalou)
- (#101) deamdify and browserify back to optionalDependencies (@oncletom)
- Replaced example image in README.md
- Fixed time-out errors in Travis CI builds
- (#86) Fix Kinetic bower path in README (@oncletom)
- (#72) Upgrade to Kinetic 5.10 (@oncletom)
- (#84) Switch from SauceLabs to BrowserStack (@oncletom)
- (#81) beforeEach -> before, afterEach -> after (@oncletom)
- (#78) Added peaks.points.removeAll() method (@oncletom)
- (#79) EventEmitter2 prototype workaround (@oncletom)
- (#75) Fixed Travis + IE9 tests (@oncletom)
- (#74) 0.3 Build System Fix (@oncletom)
- (#71) Replaced eventEmitter with eventemitter2 (@oncletom)
- (#62) Added waveformZoomReady event (after segments and points initialized) (@chainlink)
- Automatically deamdify files with browserify
- (#66) Simplified build system (@oncletom)
- (#63) Fixed bug when using grunt build for vanilla JS (Kinetic Not Found) (@chainlink)
- (#52) Custom height for each container (@bbcrd)
- Refactored waveform rendering code (@oncletom)
- View height can be set through CSS (@oncletom)
- Added smooth zoom animation (@mgrewal, @oncletom)
- Use waveform-data.js v1.2.0 (@chainlink)
- Added Points interface (@chainlink)
- (#51) Added functions to delete segments (@oncletom)
- Aliased segments.addSegment as segments.add (@oncletom)
- (#50) Peaks build system (@oncletom)
- Added Web Audio builder from waveform-data.js
- (#43) Fixed "SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12" error in Safari (@oncletom)
- (#28) Segment improvement (@oncletom)
- (#36) Ability to work with a video element as well (@oncletom)
- (#39) Fixing the
FAILED Peaks.segments "before each" hook
breaking CI (@oncletom) - (#38) Removing the requirejs builder (@oncletom)
- (#37) Added "segments.ready" event (@oncletom)
- (#35) Simplifying the AMD tree (@oncletom)
- (#32) Resize event is assigned to window and not the Peaks instance (@oncletom)
- (#33) Enforcing strict mode (@oncletom)
- (#26) Removed sass dependency (@oncletom)
- (#20) Removed JST/Underscore dependencies (@oncletom)
- (#19) Added tests for each element of the public API (@oncletom)
- (#15) Partially removed jQuery dependency (@oncletom)
- (#14) Fixed {zoom,over}view mouseup is not releasing document.addEventListener("mouseup") (@oncletom)
- (#11) Handling multiple Peaks instances (@oncletom)
- (#10) Added peaks.time.setCurrentTime() (@oncletom)
- Rewrote the README and added screenshot (@oncletom)
- Fixed playhead positioning after click/drag etc (@oncletom)
- Removed dependency on underscore (@oncletom)
- Added parameter validation (@oncletom)
- Added test cases for segments API and zoom levels (@oncletom)
- Removed bootstrap module (@oncletom)
- (#30) Clicking in the zoomview should just change the playhead position (@oncletom)
- (#25) Dragging zoomview bug (low priority) (@oncletom)
- (#24) Out of Range bug (@oncletom)
- (#22) Seeking not working (@oncletom)
- (#17) Moving the playhead in views now updates the audio element currentTime (@oncletom)
- (#16) Fixed IE9 bug with createSegment (@oncletom)
- (#3) Added TravisCI + Saucelabs (@oncletom)
- (#13) Migrated to Mocha+Chai for tests (@oncletom)
- (#12)
side-effect (@oncletom) - (#5) Segments performance boost (@oncletom)
- (#1) bower install failing for me (@oncletom)