From 261cef4d492ffd2638773fdb62f6a2db71b7f994 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ben Burns <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 19:38:27 +1300
Subject: [PATCH] Initial PregelRunner port

 libs/langgraph/src/errors.ts        |  10 +-
 libs/langgraph/src/pregel/index.ts  | 196 ++++++++++---------------
 libs/langgraph/src/pregel/loop.ts   |  53 ++++---
 libs/langgraph/src/pregel/retry.ts  | 112 +++++----------
 libs/langgraph/src/pregel/runner.ts | 216 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 365 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 libs/langgraph/src/pregel/runner.ts

diff --git a/libs/langgraph/src/errors.ts b/libs/langgraph/src/errors.ts
index ca471bc41..9d4bbf1b0 100644
--- a/libs/langgraph/src/errors.ts
+++ b/libs/langgraph/src/errors.ts
@@ -95,26 +95,24 @@ export class ParentCommand extends GraphBubbleUp {
-export function isParentCommand(e?: Error): e is ParentCommand {
+export function isParentCommand(e?: unknown): e is ParentCommand {
   return (
     e !== undefined &&
     (e as ParentCommand).name === ParentCommand.unminifiable_name
-export function isGraphBubbleUp(e?: Error): e is GraphBubbleUp {
+export function isGraphBubbleUp(e?: unknown): e is GraphBubbleUp {
   return e !== undefined && (e as GraphBubbleUp).is_bubble_up === true;
-export function isGraphInterrupt(
-  e?: GraphInterrupt | Error
-): e is GraphInterrupt {
+export function isGraphInterrupt(e?: unknown): e is GraphInterrupt {
   return (
     e !== undefined &&
-    ].includes(
+    ].includes((e as Error).name)
diff --git a/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/index.ts b/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/index.ts
index b349ec7df..2c39ba53f 100644
--- a/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/index.ts
+++ b/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/index.ts
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import {
 } from "@langchain/core/runnables";
 import { IterableReadableStream } from "@langchain/core/utils/stream";
-import type { CallbackManagerForChainRun } from "@langchain/core/callbacks/manager";
 import {
@@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ import {
 } from "../constants.js";
 import {
@@ -71,8 +69,6 @@ import {
-  isGraphBubbleUp,
-  isGraphInterrupt,
 } from "../errors.js";
 import {
@@ -89,7 +85,6 @@ import {
 } from "./utils/index.js";
 import { findSubgraphPregel } from "./utils/subgraph.js";
 import { PregelLoop, IterableReadableWritableStream } from "./loop.js";
-import { executeTasksWithRetry } from "./retry.js";
 import {
@@ -102,6 +97,7 @@ import { gatherIterator, patchConfigurable } from "../utils.js";
 import { ensureLangGraphConfig } from "./utils/config.js";
 import { LangGraphRunnableConfig } from "./runnable_types.js";
 import { StreamMessagesHandler } from "./messages.js";
+import { PregelRunner } from "./runner.js";
 type WriteValue = Runnable | RunnableFunc<unknown, unknown> | unknown;
@@ -1156,115 +1152,6 @@ export class Pregel<
-  async _runLoop(params: {
-    loop: PregelLoop;
-    interruptAfter: string[] | "*";
-    interruptBefore: string[] | "*";
-    runManager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun;
-    debug: boolean;
-    config: LangGraphRunnableConfig;
-  }) {
-    const { loop, interruptAfter, interruptBefore, runManager, debug, config } =
-      params;
-    let tickError;
-    try {
-      while (
-        await loop.tick({
-          inputKeys: this.inputChannels as string | string[],
-          interruptAfter,
-          interruptBefore,
-          manager: runManager,
-        })
-      ) {
-        if (debug) {
-          printStepCheckpoint(
-            loop.checkpointMetadata.step,
-            loop.channels,
-            this.streamChannelsList as string[]
-          );
-        }
-        if (debug) {
-          printStepTasks(loop.step, Object.values(loop.tasks));
-        }
-        // execute tasks, and wait for one to fail or all to finish.
-        // each task is independent from all other concurrent tasks
-        // yield updates/debug output as each task finishes
-        const taskStream = executeTasksWithRetry(
-          Object.values(loop.tasks).filter((task) => task.writes.length === 0),
-          {
-            stepTimeout: this.stepTimeout,
-            signal: config.signal,
-            retryPolicy: this.retryPolicy,
-          }
-        );
-        let graphInterrupt;
-        for await (const { task, error } of taskStream) {
-          if (error !== undefined) {
-            if (isGraphBubbleUp(error)) {
-              if (loop.isNested) {
-                throw error;
-              }
-              if (isGraphInterrupt(error)) {
-                graphInterrupt = error;
-                if (error.interrupts.length) {
-                  const interrupts: PendingWrite<string>[] =
-           => [INTERRUPT, interrupt]);
-                  const resumes = task.writes.filter((w) => w[0] === RESUME);
-                  if (resumes.length) {
-                    interrupts.push(...resumes);
-                  }
-                  loop.putWrites(, interrupts);
-                }
-              }
-            } else {
-              loop.putWrites(, [
-                [ERROR, { message: error.message, name: }],
-              ]);
-              throw error;
-            }
-          } else {
-            loop.putWrites(, task.writes);
-          }
-        }
-        if (debug) {
-          printStepWrites(
-            loop.step,
-            Object.values(loop.tasks)
-              .map((task) => task.writes)
-              .flat(),
-            this.streamChannelsList as string[]
-          );
-        }
-        if (graphInterrupt !== undefined) {
-          throw graphInterrupt;
-        }
-      }
-      if (loop.status === "out_of_steps") {
-        throw new GraphRecursionError(
-          [
-            `Recursion limit of ${config.recursionLimit} reached`,
-            "without hitting a stop condition. You can increase the",
-            `limit by setting the "recursionLimit" config key.`,
-          ].join(" "),
-          {
-            lc_error_code: "GRAPH_RECURSION_LIMIT",
-          }
-        );
-      }
-    } catch (e) {
-      tickError = e as Error;
-      const suppress = await loop.finishAndHandleError(tickError);
-      if (!suppress) {
-        throw e;
-      }
-    } finally {
-      if (tickError === undefined) {
-        await loop.finishAndHandleError();
-      }
-    }
-  }
   override async *_streamIterator(
     input: PregelInputType | Command,
     options?: Partial<PregelOptions<Nn, Cc>>
@@ -1365,21 +1252,23 @@ export class Pregel<
           streamKeys: this.streamChannelsAsIs as string | string[],
+          interruptAfter,
+          interruptBefore,
+          manager: runManager,
+          debug: this.debug,
+        });
+        const runner = new PregelRunner({
+          loop,
         if (options?.subgraphs) {
           loop.config.configurable = {
-        await this._runLoop({
-          loop,
-          interruptAfter,
-          interruptBefore,
-          runManager,
-          debug,
-          config,
-        });
+        await this._runLoop({ loop, runner, debug, config });
       } catch (e) {
         loopError = e;
       } finally {
@@ -1472,4 +1361,67 @@ export class Pregel<
     return chunks as OutputType;
+  private async _runLoop(params: {
+    loop: PregelLoop;
+    runner: PregelRunner;
+    config: RunnableConfig;
+    debug: boolean;
+  }) {
+    const { loop, runner, debug, config } = params;
+    let tickError;
+    try {
+      while (
+        await loop.tick({
+          inputKeys: this.inputChannels as string | string[],
+        })
+      ) {
+        if (debug) {
+          printStepCheckpoint(
+            loop.checkpointMetadata.step,
+            loop.channels,
+            this.streamChannelsList as string[]
+          );
+        }
+        if (debug) {
+          printStepTasks(loop.step, Object.values(loop.tasks));
+        }
+        await runner.tick({
+          timeout: this.stepTimeout,
+          retryPolicy: this.retryPolicy,
+          onStepWrite: (step, writes) => {
+            if (debug) {
+              printStepWrites(
+                step,
+                writes,
+                this.streamChannelsList as string[]
+              );
+            }
+          },
+        });
+      }
+      if (loop.status === "out_of_steps") {
+        throw new GraphRecursionError(
+          [
+            `Recursion limit of ${config.recursionLimit} reached`,
+            "without hitting a stop condition. You can increase the",
+            `limit by setting the "recursionLimit" config key.`,
+          ].join(" "),
+          {
+            lc_error_code: "GRAPH_RECURSION_LIMIT",
+          }
+        );
+      }
+    } catch (e) {
+      tickError = e as Error;
+      const suppress = await loop.finishAndHandleError(tickError);
+      if (!suppress) {
+        throw e;
+      }
+    } finally {
+      if (tickError === undefined) {
+        await loop.finishAndHandleError();
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/loop.ts b/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/loop.ts
index 7dce62159..ce0627637 100644
--- a/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/loop.ts
+++ b/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/loop.ts
@@ -93,6 +93,10 @@ export type PregelLoopInitializeParams = {
   stream: IterableReadableWritableStream;
   store?: BaseStore;
   checkSubgraphs?: boolean;
+  interruptAfter: string[] | All;
+  interruptBefore: string[] | All;
+  manager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun;
+  debug: boolean;
 type PregelLoopParams = {
@@ -115,9 +119,13 @@ type PregelLoopParams = {
   checkpointNamespace: string[];
   skipDoneTasks: boolean;
   isNested: boolean;
+  manager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun;
   stream: IterableReadableWritableStream;
   store?: AsyncBatchedStore;
   prevCheckpointConfig: RunnableConfig | undefined;
+  interruptAfter: string[] | All;
+  interruptBefore: string[] | All;
+  debug: boolean;
 export class IterableReadableWritableStream extends IterableReadableStream<StreamChunk> {
@@ -254,6 +262,16 @@ export class PregelLoop {
   store?: AsyncBatchedStore;
+  manager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun;
+  interruptAfter: string[] | All;
+  interruptBefore: string[] | All;
+  toInterrupt: PregelExecutableTask<string, string>[] = [];
+  debug: boolean = false;
   constructor(params: PregelLoopParams) {
     this.input = params.input;
     this.checkpointer = params.checkpointer;
@@ -277,6 +295,7 @@ export class PregelLoop {
     this.config = params.config;
     this.checkpointConfig = params.checkpointConfig;
     this.isNested = params.isNested;
+    this.manager = params.manager;
     this.outputKeys = params.outputKeys;
     this.streamKeys = params.streamKeys;
     this.nodes = params.nodes;
@@ -285,6 +304,9 @@ export class PregelLoop { =;
     this.checkpointNamespace = params.checkpointNamespace;
     this.prevCheckpointConfig = params.prevCheckpointConfig;
+    this.interruptAfter = params.interruptAfter;
+    this.interruptBefore = params.interruptBefore;
+    this.debug = params.debug;
   static async initialize(params: PregelLoopInitializeParams) {
@@ -401,6 +423,7 @@ export class PregelLoop {
       managed: params.managed,
+      manager: params.manager,
@@ -411,6 +434,9 @@ export class PregelLoop {
       nodes: params.nodes,
+      interruptAfter: params.interruptAfter,
+      interruptBefore: params.interruptBefore,
+      debug: params.debug,
@@ -532,21 +558,11 @@ export class PregelLoop {
    * Returns true if more iterations are needed.
    * @param params
-  async tick(params: {
-    inputKeys?: string | string[];
-    interruptAfter: string[] | All;
-    interruptBefore: string[] | All;
-    manager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun;
-  }): Promise<boolean> {
+  async tick(params: { inputKeys?: string | string[] }): Promise<boolean> {
     if ( && ! {;
-    const {
-      inputKeys = [],
-      interruptAfter = [],
-      interruptBefore = [],
-      manager,
-    } = params;
+    const { inputKeys = [] } = params;
     if (this.status !== "pending") {
       throw new Error(
         `Cannot tick when status is no longer "pending". Current status: "${this.status}"`
@@ -592,7 +608,7 @@ export class PregelLoop {
       if (
-          interruptAfter,
+          this.interruptAfter,
       ) {
@@ -619,7 +635,7 @@ export class PregelLoop {
         step: this.step,
         checkpointer: this.checkpointer,
         isResuming: this.input === INPUT_RESUMING,
-        manager,
+        manager: this.manager,
@@ -669,19 +685,14 @@ export class PregelLoop {
     // if all tasks have finished, re-tick
     if (Object.values(this.tasks).every((task) => task.writes.length > 0)) {
-      return this.tick({
-        inputKeys,
-        interruptAfter,
-        interruptBefore,
-        manager,
-      });
+      return this.tick({ inputKeys });
     // Before execution, check if we should interrupt
     if (
-        interruptBefore,
+        this.interruptBefore,
     ) {
diff --git a/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/retry.ts b/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/retry.ts
index 12fbc08f7..1d16bba4f 100644
--- a/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/retry.ts
+++ b/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/retry.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
-import { CHECKPOINT_NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR, Command } from "../constants.js";
+import {
+  Command,
+} from "../constants.js";
 import {
 } from "../errors.js";
 import { PregelExecutableTask } from "./types.js";
-import type { RetryPolicy } from "./utils/index.js";
+import { patchConfigurable, type RetryPolicy } from "./utils/index.js";
 export const DEFAULT_INITIAL_INTERVAL = 500;
 export const DEFAULT_BACKOFF_FACTOR = 2;
@@ -56,59 +60,19 @@ export type SettledPregelTask = {
   error: Error;
-export async function* executeTasksWithRetry(
-  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
-  tasks: PregelExecutableTask<any, any>[],
-  options?: {
-    stepTimeout?: number;
-    signal?: AbortSignal;
-    retryPolicy?: RetryPolicy;
-  }
-): AsyncGenerator<SettledPregelTask> {
-  const { stepTimeout, retryPolicy } = options ?? {};
-  let signal = options?.signal;
-  // Start tasks
-  const executingTasksMap = Object.fromEntries(
- => {
-      return [, _runWithRetry(pregelTask, retryPolicy)];
-    })
-  );
-  if (stepTimeout && signal) {
-    if ("any" in AbortSignal) {
-      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
-      signal = (AbortSignal as any).any([
-        signal,
-        AbortSignal.timeout(stepTimeout),
-      ]);
-    }
-  } else if (stepTimeout) {
-    signal = AbortSignal.timeout(stepTimeout);
-  }
-  // Abort if signal is aborted
-  signal?.throwIfAborted();
-  let listener: () => void;
-  const signalPromise = new Promise<never>((_resolve, reject) => {
-    listener = () => reject(new Error("Abort"));
-    signal?.addEventListener("abort", listener);
-  }).finally(() => signal?.removeEventListener("abort", listener));
-  while (Object.keys(executingTasksMap).length > 0) {
-    const settledTask = await Promise.race([
-      ...Object.values(executingTasksMap),
-      signalPromise,
-    ]);
-    yield settledTask;
-    delete executingTasksMap[];
-  }
-async function _runWithRetry(
+export async function _runWithRetry<
+  N extends PropertyKey,
+  C extends PropertyKey
   // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
-  pregelTask: PregelExecutableTask<any, any>,
-  retryPolicy?: RetryPolicy
-) {
+  pregelTask: PregelExecutableTask<N, C>,
+  retryPolicy?: RetryPolicy,
+  configurable?: Record<string, unknown>
+): Promise<{
+  task: PregelExecutableTask<N, C>;
+  result: unknown;
+  error: Error | undefined;
+}> {
   const resolvedRetryPolicy = pregelTask.retry_policy ?? retryPolicy;
   let interval =
     resolvedRetryPolicy !== undefined
@@ -117,30 +81,29 @@ async function _runWithRetry(
   let attempts = 0;
   let error;
   let result;
+  let { config } = pregelTask;
+  if (configurable) {
+    config = patchConfigurable(config, configurable);
+  }
   // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
   while (true) {
-    // Modify writes in place to clear any previous retries
-    while (pregelTask.writes.length > 0) {
-      pregelTask.writes.pop();
-    }
+    // Clear any writes from previous attempts
+    pregelTask.writes.splice(0, pregelTask.writes.length);
     error = undefined;
     try {
-      result = await pregelTask.proc.invoke(
-        pregelTask.input,
-        pregelTask.config
-      );
+      result = await pregelTask.proc.invoke(pregelTask.input, config);
-      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
-    } catch (e: any) {
+    } catch (e: unknown) {
       error = e;
-      error.pregelTaskId =;
+      (error as { pregelTaskId: string }).pregelTaskId =;
       if (isParentCommand(error)) {
-        const ns: string = pregelTask.config?.configurable?.checkpoint_ns;
+        const ns: string = config?.configurable?.checkpoint_ns;
         const cmd = error.command;
         if (cmd.graph === ns) {
           // this command is for the current graph, handle it
           for (const writer of pregelTask.writers) {
-            await writer.invoke(cmd, pregelTask.config);
+            await writer.invoke(cmd, config);
         } else if (cmd.graph === Command.PARENT) {
@@ -184,18 +147,21 @@ async function _runWithRetry(
       await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, intervalWithJitter));
       // log the retry
       const errorName =
- ??
+        (error as Error).name ??
         // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
-        (error.constructor as any).unminifiable_name ??
+        ((error as Error).constructor as any).unminifiable_name ??
+        (error as Error);
-        `Retrying task "${}" after ${interval.toFixed(
+        `Retrying task "${String(}" after ${interval.toFixed(
         )}ms (attempt ${attempts}) after ${errorName}: ${error}`
+      // signal subgraphs to resume (if available)
+      config = patchConfigurable(config, { [CONFIG_KEY_RESUMING]: true });
     } finally {
       // Clear checkpoint_ns seen (for subgraph detection)
-      const checkpointNs = pregelTask.config?.configurable?.checkpoint_ns;
+      const checkpointNs = config?.configurable?.checkpoint_ns;
       if (checkpointNs) {
@@ -204,6 +170,6 @@ async function _runWithRetry(
   return {
     task: pregelTask,
-    error,
+    error: error as Error | undefined,
diff --git a/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/runner.ts b/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/runner.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4c256c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/langgraph/src/pregel/runner.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+import { PendingWrite } from "@langchain/langgraph-checkpoint";
+import { PregelExecutableTask } from "./types.js";
+import { RetryPolicy } from "./utils/index.js";
+import { CONFIG_KEY_SEND, ERROR, INTERRUPT, RESUME } from "../constants.js";
+import {
+  GraphInterrupt,
+  isGraphBubbleUp,
+  isGraphInterrupt,
+} from "../errors.js";
+import { _runWithRetry, SettledPregelTask } from "./retry.js";
+import { PregelLoop } from "./loop.js";
+ * Options for the @see PregelRunner#tick method.
+ */
+export type TickOptions = {
+  /**
+   * The deadline before which all tasks must be completed.
+   */
+  timeout?: number;
+  /**
+   * An optional @see AbortSignal to cancel processing of tasks.
+   */
+  signal?: AbortSignal;
+  /**
+   * The @see RetryPolicy to use for the tick.
+   */
+  retryPolicy?: RetryPolicy;
+  /**
+   * An optional callback to be called after all task writes are completed.
+   */
+  onStepWrite?: (step: number, writes: PendingWrite[]) => void;
+ * Responsible for handling task execution on each tick of the @see PregelLoop.
+ */
+export class PregelRunner {
+  loop: PregelLoop;
+  /**
+   * Construct a new PregelRunner, which executes tasks from the provided PregelLoop.
+   * @param loop - The PregelLoop that produces tasks for this runner to execute.
+   */
+  constructor({ loop }: { loop: PregelLoop }) {
+    this.loop = loop;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Execute tasks from the current step of the PregelLoop.
+   *
+   * Note: this method does NOT call @see PregelLoop#tick. That must be handled externally.
+   * @param options - Options for the execution.
+   */
+  async tick(options: TickOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
+    const tasks = Object.values(this.loop.tasks);
+    const { timeout, signal, retryPolicy, onStepWrite } = options;
+    // Start task execution
+    const pendingTasks = tasks.filter((t) => t.writes.length === 0);
+    const taskStream = this._executeTasksWithRetry(pendingTasks, {
+      stepTimeout: timeout,
+      signal,
+      retryPolicy,
+    });
+    let graphInterrupt: GraphInterrupt | undefined;
+    for await (const { task, error } of taskStream) {
+      graphInterrupt = this._commit(task, error) ?? graphInterrupt;
+    }
+    onStepWrite?.(
+      this.loop.step,
+      Object.values(this.loop.tasks)
+        .map((task) => task.writes)
+        .flat()
+    );
+    if (graphInterrupt) {
+      throw graphInterrupt;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Concurrently executes tasks with the requested retry policy, yielding a @see SettledPregelTask for each task as it completes.
+   * @param tasks - The tasks to execute.
+   * @param options - Options for the execution.
+   */
+  private async *_executeTasksWithRetry(
+    tasks: PregelExecutableTask<string, string>[],
+    options?: {
+      stepTimeout?: number;
+      signal?: AbortSignal;
+      retryPolicy?: RetryPolicy;
+    }
+  ): AsyncGenerator<SettledPregelTask> {
+    const { stepTimeout, retryPolicy } = options ?? {};
+    let signal = options?.signal;
+    const executingTasksMap: Record<
+      string,
+      Promise<{
+        task: PregelExecutableTask<string, string>;
+        result?: unknown;
+        error?: Error;
+      }>
+    > = {};
+    const writer = (
+      task: PregelExecutableTask<string, string>,
+      writes: Array<[string, unknown]>
+    ): Array<Promise<unknown> | undefined> => {
+      // placeholder function - will have logic added when functional API is implemented
+      return task.config?.configurable?.[CONFIG_KEY_SEND]?.(writes) ?? [];
+    };
+    // Start tasks
+    Object.assign(
+      executingTasksMap,
+      Object.fromEntries(
+ => {
+          return [
+  ,
+            _runWithRetry(pregelTask, retryPolicy, {
+              [CONFIG_KEY_SEND]: writer?.bind(this, pregelTask),
+            }).catch((error) => {
+              return { task: pregelTask, error };
+            }),
+          ];
+        })
+      )
+    );
+    if (stepTimeout && signal) {
+      if ("any" in AbortSignal) {
+        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+        signal = (AbortSignal as any).any([
+          signal,
+          AbortSignal.timeout(stepTimeout),
+        ]);
+      }
+    } else if (stepTimeout) {
+      signal = AbortSignal.timeout(stepTimeout);
+    }
+    // Abort if signal is aborted
+    signal?.throwIfAborted();
+    let listener: () => void;
+    const signalPromise = new Promise<never>((_resolve, reject) => {
+      listener = () => reject(new Error("Abort"));
+      signal?.addEventListener("abort", listener);
+    }).finally(() => signal?.removeEventListener("abort", listener));
+    while (Object.keys(executingTasksMap).length > 0) {
+      const settledTask = await Promise.race([
+        ...Object.values(executingTasksMap),
+        signalPromise,
+      ]);
+      yield settledTask as SettledPregelTask;
+      delete executingTasksMap[];
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Determines what writes to apply based on whether the task completed successfully, and what type of error occurred.
+   *
+   * Throws an error if the error is a @see GraphBubbleUp error and @see PregelLoop#isNested is true.
+   *
+   * Note that in the case of a @see GraphBubbleUp error that is not a @see GraphInterrupt, like a @see Command, this method does not apply any writes.
+   *
+   * @param task - The task to commit.
+   * @param error - The error that occurred, if any.
+   * @returns The @see GraphInterrupt that occurred, if the user's code threw one.
+   */
+  private _commit(
+    task: PregelExecutableTask<string, string>,
+    error?: Error
+  ): GraphInterrupt | undefined {
+    let graphInterrupt;
+    if (error !== undefined) {
+      if (isGraphBubbleUp(error)) {
+        if (this.loop.isNested) {
+          throw error;
+        }
+        if (isGraphInterrupt(error)) {
+          graphInterrupt = error;
+          if (error.interrupts.length) {
+            const interrupts: PendingWrite<string>[] =
+              (interrupt) => [INTERRUPT, interrupt]
+            );
+            const resumes = task.writes.filter((w) => w[0] === RESUME);
+            if (resumes.length) {
+              interrupts.push(...resumes);
+            }
+            this.loop.putWrites(, interrupts);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        this.loop.putWrites(, [
+          [ERROR, { message: error.message, name: }],
+        ]);
+        throw error;
+      }
+    } else {
+      // Save task writes to checkpointer
+      this.loop.putWrites(, task.writes);
+    }
+    return graphInterrupt;
+  }