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Researcher Manual
A Technical Manual for Users of Web-CDI
Register for an account at https://webcdi.stanford.edu/registration/register/
Fill in your full name, email address, and institution. Your registration will be reviewed and approved within a few days. Upon approval, you will receive an email with an activation link. Clicking this will activate your account and allow you to set a password. After this you will be able to create studies and collect data immediately!
Go to the home page and click on Researcher Login. Fill in your login credentials and you'll be taken to the Reseacher Interface screen.
You will be able to see 2 sections: a User section and a Study section. The Study section has a drop down list which contains all your active studies. It will be empty if this is the first time you've logged in.
Select New Study and a Add New Study modal will pop up with the following fields:
- Study Name (required): a name for you to identify the study
- Instrument (required): a drop down list of the different Instruments you have access to for your Studies
- Age Ranger for Study (in months): this will auto-populate on selection of the Instrument to default age ranges, but you can then adjust it through use of the slider. Children with age ranges outside the limits set here will not be able to progress past the background information pages of the administration
- #Days Before Expiration: defaults to 14. This is the number of days a participant has to complete the form
- Measurement units for birthweight (required): We can capture birthweight in lbs or kgs (the default is lbs). If you are using the split background information forms, you must set this to the measurement unit specified within the form. If you are using the default background information form, you can use either.
- Minimum time (minutes) a parent must take to complete the study (default=6) (required): Self explanatory
- Waiver of Documentation text (no titles): If this field has contents, a Waiver form will appear when the participant first enters the background information pages. They must confirm they are happy with the Waiver documentation to continue.
- Pre-fill data for longitudinal participants?: This is a drop down list which allows you to select how much data is prefilled on longitudinal studies.
- Would you like to pay subjects in the form of Amazon gist cards? (You will need to upload gift card codes under "Update Study"): Self explanatory. It should be noted, if you run out of gift codes then participant can still complete the form and will continue through the study and be able to complete it - they will not receive a gift card code. It is therefore important to limit the number of participants in these studies to the number of gift card codes you have available. This is done in the next checkbox.
- Do you plan on collection only anonymous data in this study? (eg posting ads on social media, mass emails, etc): if you tick this box, two new fields will appear.
- Maximum number of participants: set this to the maximum number of participants you require
- **At the end of the form, would you like parents to confirm the age of their child and that they completed the entire test? (Best for anonymous data collections where you haven't personally vetted each participant) **: self explanatory, however a new option has also been added. Further down the form you will see "Would you like participants to answer the confirmation questions (only available when split background information forms are used)". For split background Instruments this can be used instead.
- Would you like to show participants graphs of their data after completion?: If ticked, a graphs are shown on completion of the administration showing how many words were understood/produced in the various categories.
- Would you like participants to be able to share their Web-CDI results via Facebook? : Self explanatory
Would you like participants to answer the confirmation questions (only available when split background information forms are used) : This is only available on split background forms and the
and appropriate weight confirmation field must be included in the front page of the form. See Confirmation Questions for more details. - Provide redirect button at completion of study? : If selected, a redirect button will appear on the completion page of the administration allowing the participant to be redirected to a url of you choice. You must complete this url in the field that will open beneath this field, "Please enter URL".
- **Please enter URL : ** Field containing the redirect URL to be used on completion of the administration. It must be a complete URL, eg https://www.example.com
- Capture the Prolific Id for the participant? : If selected background information will have a field for the participants Prolific Id. Furthermore, the Add Participant modal will include a link you can put in Prolific to automatically load your study with their Prolific Id. When selecting this field, you should also select the "Provide redirect button at completion of the study" and enter the Prolific redirect URL with completion code so the participant can claim their reward.