Existence in a dataSet
Add minWords maxWords rangeWords validators
create a error summary attached to form
Add native form sumbission parlsey(form).submit()
Add data API to set error messages (by form and by field)
[DONE] Ajax check
[DONE] required on radio, checkboxes and selects
[NOPE] add special fields features: password stenght detector for example ?
[DONE] customize error template
[DONE] customize error messages placement
[DONE] customize error and success class names
[DONE] customize error and success class element
refacto ugly manageErrors() function
[DONE] stop binding
events by default. Must be passed as data arguments. By default, onSubmit validation only
Add typical use cases in documentation
[DONE] focus on first or last error on form validation
[DONE] use
event when error detected and displayed, to hide it asap when field ok ? -
[DONE] create API doc
[DONE] Do not bind twice keyup if set by user with data-trigger="keyup"
- test that remote validator imply field has onchange event validation
- customization parsley classes (js & data api)
- customization errorClass handler (js & data api)
- customization error ul position (js & data api)