#Stake Wars 2.0 Validators List
Hello! This is the list of professional validators that joined Stake Wars 2.0 Fork this repo and submit a PR adding your validator, or fixing any typo or error in the description. The list etiquette is first come, first serve: please append your validator to the end of the table.
Validator Name | website | Logo | Blurb | Account ID | Fees | Country |
Nearkats | https://near.dev | https://docs.nearprotocol.com/img/icon-core.svg | The unofficial and Betanet-only validator that provides token delegation services. Stake with us! | @nearkat | 0% | US |
NUC Home Alone | - | - | A small, Intel NUC-based validator node, connected to a residential Interenet connection | @nuc.test | 0% | US |
Validators.Online | https://validators.online/ | --- | --- | @validatorsonline.test | 1% | MY |
Wetez | https://wetez.io | http://www.wetez.io/_nuxt/img/72ebb49.png | Wetez is the most professional team in the POS ( Proof of Stake) field. And we provide the most secure and efficient node management service. Stake with us! | @wetez11.test | 0% | CN |
Jazza | - | - | Professional validator | @jazza.test | 0% | RU |
Mitera.net | https://mitera.net | https://camo.githubusercontent.com/e01879d323491dd09b33fd93792f130b01f71b21/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f6d38556b4d7a412e706e67 | Mitera runs on bare metal in a SSAE16 SOC2 certified Tier 3 datacenter with geographically distributed private sentry nodes, hardware protected keys, with 24/7 monitoring, alerting, and analytics. | @gaia.test | 0% | NL |
Novy | https://stake.novy.pw | https://miro.medium.com/fit/c/256/256/2*x4-T9Pv2avw-3nwaagqJBQ.jpeg | Validator in Cosmos Ecosystem for 1 year, deliver quality staking and support services! | @novy.betanet | 1% | MD |
Note: at this stage, the delegation contract doesn't support validator fees. Therefore the Fees
column can be safely omitted by now, so we can scope this phase to test the deposit/staking, performance/returns, and unstaking/withdraw.