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Releases: launchdarkly/ios-client-sdk

[6.0.0] - 2022-05-04

04 May 18:46
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This major version has accompanying migration guides for Swift and Objective-C. Please see the guide for more information on updating to this version of the SDK, as the following is just a summary of the changes.

Note that Objective-C bridging types are prefixed by Objc, but that prefix is not exposed to code written in Objective-C. For example, changes listed to ObjcLDClient are changes to the class referred to as LDClient from within Objective-C.


  • Added the LDValue class to represent any data type that is allowed in JSON. This new type is used to provide more type safety when representing complex or non-statically determined data types. The SDK also provides the bridge types ObjcLDValue and ObjcLDValueType for Objective-C interoperability.
  • Added the UserAttribute class which provides a less error-prone way to refer to user attribute names in configuration.
  • Added the type specific variation functions, boolVariation, intVariation, doubleVariation, stringVariation, and jsonVariation, to LDClient.
  • Added the type specific detailed variation functions, boolVariationDetail, intVariationDetail, doubleVariationDetail, stringVariationDetail, and jsonVariationDetail, to LDClient.
  • Added jsonVariation and jsonVariationDetail to ObjcLDClient. These functions allow evaluating feature flags where the provided defaultValue and the resulting variation can be any valid JSON data type.
  • Added ObjcLDJSONEvaluationDetail for retrieving the detailed evaluation information of arbitrary type flag variations.
  • Added ObjcLDChangedFlagHandler type alias for new non-type specific Objective-C flag observers.

Changed (API)

  • LDClient.track(key: data: metricValue:) no longer throws.
  • The type of the data parameter of LDClient.track(key: data: metricValue:) has changed from Any? to LDValue?.
  • ObjcLDClient.track(key: data:) and ObjcLDClient.track(key: data: metricValue:) no longer throws. In Objective-C this change means that the track functions no longer accept a error: parameter.
  • The type of the data parameter of ObjcLDClient.track(key: data:) and ObjcLDClient.track(key: data: metricValue) has changed from Any? to ObjLDValue?. In Objective-C this would be a change from id _Nullable to LDValue * _Nullable.
  • LDClient.allFlags now has the type [LDFlagKey: LDValue]? rather than [LDFlagKey: Any]?.
  • ObjcLDClient.allFlags now has the type [String: ObjcLDValue]? rather than [String: Any]?. In Objective-C this would be a change from NSDictionary<NSString*, id> * _Nullable to NSDictionary<NSString*, LDValue*> * _Nullable.
  • The type of the LDUser.custom dictionary, and the corresponding LDUser.init parameter has been changed from [String: Any]? to [String: LDValue].
  • The type of the ObjcLDUser.custom property has been changed from [String: Any]? to [String: ObjcLDValue]. In Objective-C this would be a change from NSDictionary<NSString*, id> * _Nullable to NSDictionary<NSString*, LDValue*> * _Nonnull.
  • The type of the LDUser.privateAttributes property, and the corresponding LDUser.init parameter, have been changed from [String]? to [UserAttribute].
  • The type of the ObjcLDUser.privateAttributes property has been changed from [String]? to [String]. In Objective-C this would be a change from NSArray<NSString*> * _Nullable to NSArray<NSString*> * _Nonnull.
  • The types of the properties LDChangedFlag.oldValue and LDChangedFlag.newValue have been changed from Any? to LDValue.
  • The type of the LDConfig.privateUserAttributes property has been changed from [String]? to [UserAttribute].
  • ObjcLDConfig.privateUserAttributes now has the non-optional type [String] rather than [String]?. In Objective-C this would be a change from NSArray<NSString*> * _Nullable to NSArray<NSString*> * _Nonnull.
  • The type of the LDEvaluationDetail.reason property has been changed from [String: Any] to [String: LDValue].
  • The type of the reason property of ObjcLDBoolEvaluationDetail, ObjcLDIntegerEvaluationDetail, ObjcLDDoubleEvaluationDetail, and ObjcLDStringEvaluationDetail has been changed from [String: Any]? to [String: ObjcLDValue]?. In Objective-C this would be a change from NSDictionary<NSString*, id> * _Nullable to NSDictionary<NSString*, LDValue*> * _Nullable.

Changed (behavioral)

  • The Equatable instance for LDUser has been changed to compare all user properties, rather than just the key property.
  • Using "custom" as a private attribute name in LDConfig.privateUserAttributes or LDUser.privateAttributes will no longer set all LDUser custom attributes private.
  • The automatically set device and operatingSystem custom attributes can now be set private.
  • SDK versions from 4.0.0 and less than 6.0.0 supported migration of cached flag data from any SDK version of at least 2.3.3. The 6.0.0 release only supports migration of cached flag data from SDK versions of at least 4.0.0.


  • Removed LDClient.variation(forKey: defaultValue:) and LDClient.variationDetail(forKey: defaultValue:) functions. Please use the new type-specific variation functions instead (e.g. LDClient.boolVariation(forKey: defaultValue:)).
  • Removed the LDFlagValueConvertible protocol which was previously used to constrain the parameters and return types of the variation functions.
  • LDErrorHandler and LDClient.observeError(owner: handler:) have been removed. Please use ConnectionInformation instead.
  • Removed the LDUser.init(userDictionary: ) and ObjcLDUser.init(userDictionary: ) initializers, please use the explicit initializers instead.
  • Removed LDUser.CodingKeys. To refer to user attributes, please use UserAttribute instead.
  • Removed LDUser.privatizableAttributes and ObjcLDUser.privatizableAttributes.
  • Removed ObjcLDUser.attributeCustom.
  • The LDUser.device and LDUser.operatingSystem properties, and the corresponding LDUser.init parameters have been removed. These fields will be included in the LDUser.custom dictionary.
  • The ObjcLDUser.device and ObjcLDUser.operatingSystem properties have been removed. These fields will be included in the ObjcLDUser.custom dictionary.
  • The ObjcLDClient functions, arrayVariation, arrayVariationDetail, dictionaryVariation, and dictionaryVariationDetail, have been removed. Please use ObjcLDClient.jsonVariation and ObjcLDClient.jsonVariationDetail instead.
  • The per-type instances of ObjcLDChangedFlag have been removed. Please use the base class ObjcLDChangedFlag, which now provides oldValue and newValue ObjcLDValue properties. The removed classes are ObjcLDBoolChangedFlag, ObjcLDIntegerChangedFlag, ObjcLDDoubleChangedFlag, ObjcLDStringChangedFlag, ObjcLDArrayChangedFlag, and ObjcLDDictionaryChangedFlag.
  • The classes ObjcLDArrayEvaluationDetail and ObjcLDDictionaryEvaluationDetail have been removed. Please use ObjcLDJSONEvaluationDetail instead.
  • The type aliases, ObjcLDBoolChangedFlagHandler, ObjcLDIntegerChangedFlagHandler, ObjcLDDoubleChangedFlagHandler, ObjcLDStringChangedFlagHandler, ObjcLDArrayChangedFlagHandler, and ObjcLDDictionaryChangedFlagHandler, have been removed. Please use ObjcLDChangedFlagHandler instead.
  • The ObjcLDClient functions, observeBool, observeInteger, observeDouble, observeString, observeArray, and observeDictionary, have been removed. Please use the non-type specific ObjcLDClient.observe(key: owner: handler:) instead.

[5.4.5] - 2022-03-11

11 Mar 22:03
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  • Fixed race condition in LDSwiftEventSource that could cause a crash if the stream is explicitly stopped (such as when identify is called) while the stream is waiting to reconnect.

[5.4.4] - 2022-01-19

19 Jan 22:49
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  • Fixed memory leak when stream connections are terminated by updating LDSwiftEventSource dependency to 1.3.0.
  • The SDK would not allow additional fields on delete flag stream events. This has been updated to allow additional fields for improved future compatibility.
  • Improved internal Throttler implementation to reduce concurrency concerns.
  • Removed unneeded Cartfile defining LDSwiftEventSource dependency, which when bundled could lead to warning messages that LDSwiftEventSource definitions are implemented in multiple frameworks.

[5.4.3] - 2021-08-13

13 Aug 23:27
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  • Fixed an issue where 304 NOT_MODIFIED responses to SDK polling mode requests would be considered error responses. This could cause the completion on a identify request to not complete, and gave erroneous connection information data and logging output.
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to cache flag data containing variation JSON values containing a JSON null value nested within a JSON array.

[5.4.2] - 2021-06-17

18 Jun 00:05
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  • Avoid crash when TimeInterval configuration options are set to sufficiently large values. This was caused when converting these values to an Int value of milliseconds. (Thanks, @delannoyk!)
  • Update Package.swift to use SwiftPM tools version 5.2. This prevents test dependencies from being included transitively. (Thanks, @escakot!)
  • Update Quick test dependency to 3.1.2 to avoid build warnings and adopt security fixes. (#243)
  • Use AnyObject over class in protocol inheritance to avoid compiler warnings. (#247)
  • Improve CI to test against multiple supported Xcode and Swift language versions.
  • Restored test suite compatibility with Xcode 11.4 and Swift 5.2.

[5.4.1] - 2021-04-06

07 Apr 00:47
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  • Internal throttling logic would sometimes delay new poll or stream connections even when there were no recent connections. This caused switching active user contexts using identify to sometimes delay retrieving the most recent flags and calling the completion.

[5.4.0] - 2021-02-26

26 Feb 19:56
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  • Added the alias method to LDClient. This can be used to associate two user objects for analytics purposes with an alias event.
  • Added the autoAliasingOptOut configuration option. This can be used to control the new automatic aliasing behavior of the identify method; by setting autoAliasingOptOut to true, identify will not automatically generate alias events.
  • Added the isInitialized property to LDClient. Unless the client has been set offline, this property's value is false until the client receives an initial set of flag values from the LaunchDarkly service. If the client is offline, the value will be true after initialization.


  • The identify method will now automatically generate an alias event when switching from an anonymous to a known user. This event associates the two users for analytics purposes as they most likely represent a single person.


  • Some users reported synchronization issues with the internal DiagnosticReporter implementation, which has been reworked to address these issues. Thanks to @provanandparanjape for one such report (#238).

[5.3.2] - 2021-02-11

11 Feb 18:42
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  • Updated to prevent a crash in dispatch_group_leave.cold.1 that would rarely occur as the SDK transitioned to an online state for a given configuration or user. This issue may have been exacerbated for a short period due to a temporary change in the behavior of the LaunchDarkly service streaming endpoint. Thanks to all the users who reported (#235).
  • Updated LDSwiftEventSource dependency to correct an issue where a streaming connection could sometimes reconnect after being set offline.

[5.3.1] - 2020-12-15

16 Dec 00:23
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  • Decoupled FlagStore from LDUser to fix a bug where multiple environments could overwrite each other's flag values.

[5.3.0] - 2020-11-06

06 Nov 21:51
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  • Adds to LDConfig the ability to dynamically configure the HTTP headers on requests through the headerDelegate property, which has the type RequestHeaderTransform.