Please look at the Example page showing this tool for generation and rating of passwords.
Password generator is entirely in javascript and has very few dependences.
only the js folder contains the utility, other directories are unit tests, examples and dependencies and not necessarily relevant for using the tool.
There are three components:
- Password generation engine: in js/passgen.js
- Password rating engine: in js/passgen.js
- UI engine: in js/passgen-ui.js
- Big dictionary words lists: in js/dict.js
Other directories:
- examples: example HTML pages
- css: css for example pages
- img: image for the example pages
- libraries: third party javascript libraries (for UI)
- test: unit tests
Load passgen.js and call makePassword() to generate a password of any size.
Example in HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/passgen.js"></script>
document.write("Password: " + new SecurePassword().makePasswordWithSize(10));
There are several generation engines. Some more pluggable engines may be plugged.
Generate a password (one line):
// Generate a 20 characters password
var password=new SecurePassword().makePasswordWithSize(20);
Model selection:
var spt = new SecurePassword();
// all random characters password
// OR password with patterns making it easier to remember
// only applies if easyPasswordRequested is true, use real words in patterns
Charsets selection:
// Enable default charsets (not necessary, done automatically)
// OR enable all available charsets
// OR enable only required charsets
- Commonalities
Provided generators have configurable character sets to use at input and expected password length.
- Random generator
The random generator generates random sequence using ALL defined charsets for the given length. Optionally it can avoid character repetition.
- "Easier to remember" password generator
This generator generate patterns in the form of randomized (Text|Separator|Number)+ pattern.
Generated password is easier to remember for a human being, but has less entropy so may be considered weaker.
- "Easier to remember" password generator using dictionaries
This generator generate patterns in the form of randomized (Text|Separator|Number)+ pattern.
The Text is taken from a dictionary (randomly selected, from any loaded dictionary).
NOTE: dictionary may contain characters that are in different charsets than those selected.
Generated password is easier to remember for a human being, but has less entropy so may be considered weaker.
Password rating is defined within a rating policy object that is not yet fully implented and configurable.
Rating is composed of criteria that return a note and a comment, an aggregate is computed for a general note and a general comment.
Rate a password:
// rate the password
var rating=spt.ratePassword("myPasswordToBeAnalyzed");
// get rating value
var passwordRate=rating.rating;
//get rating comment
var ratingComment=rating.comment
// get all details for the rating with all meaningful comments
var allRatingDetails=spt.getLastRatingDetails();
The provided rating policy is password length first (by a factor of 4),then (variety/charsets/sequences/keymaps)being equals.
The rating is entirely subjective, inspired from many password security rules found here and there over the internet.
- variety: the number of different characters compared to the length of the password
- charsets: the number of character sets/types used (e.g. alphabetical uppercase, lowercase, numbers, ...etc.)
- sequences: the cumulated length of sequences of characters compared to the length of the password (e.g. 123456, abcdef...etc.)
- keymaps: The sequences matchning a keyboard keymap compared to the length of the password (e.g. qwertyuiop (en), azerty(french), asdfgh ...etc.)
- dictionary: The length of the longest recognized dictionary word, compared to password length.
- common passwords: The length of the longest recognized word in the 10K worst passwords, compared to evaluated password length.
With every rating detailed text is provided explaining the strength and found issues (e.g. sequences, words matched from dictionary).
All ratings are provided as a number between 0 and 1.
For size reason only a few thousands common words are provided and pre-loaded (French and English). The included dictionaries include the 6,000 most used words longer than 2 characters for French language, and about 80,000 for English language. Lists are built according to Wiktionary Frequency lists To gain space English words list is compressed and inlined in base64... Unfortunately French special chars did not uncompress correctly, so French is not compressed yet.
Full Dictionaries are loaded asynchronously by the dict.js javascriot file, which is in turn loaded by the UI script.
One or several dictionaries can be loaded at the same time, and they can be customized or enriched.
Load a space-separated set of words:
var dictwords="this is a test"; // can be loaded from text or ajax request
spt.loadDictionary( dictwords, "test" );
Unload a dictionary
spt.unloadDictionary( "test" );
Unload all dictionaries
If you fork this project you may choose to remove the dictionaries in order to reduce size of the javascript or replaced by more adapted one(s).
The 10,000 most common passwords are already included as "10k worst passwords". To gain space passwords list is compressed and inlined in base64...
One or several passwords lists can be loaded at the same time, and they can be customized or enriched.
Load a space-separated set of words:
var commonPasswords="this is a test"; // can be loaded from text or ajax request
spt.loadPasswdDictionary( dictwords, "test" );
Unload a dictionary
spt.unloadPasswdDictionary( "test" );
Unload all dictionaries
If you fork this project you may choose to remove the dictionaries in order to reduce size of the javascript or replaced by more adapted one(s).
For convenience (e.g. test password robustness on a rainbow table cracking tool), a set of password hashes is calculated.
Provided hash functions are for the time being:
NTLM is not yet implemented.
Get hashes on a passwords via API:
// returns a Dictionnary Object in the form "Hash function name":"Password Hash in hexadecimal"
var passHashes=SecurePasswordTool.makeHashFunctions("anyPassword");
for(var hashFunctionName in passHashes){
console.log( "Function: " + hashFunctionName + " => " + passHashes[hashFunctionName]);
Add new hash functions:(that take only one parameter that is the password to hash)
// e.g. you have a function named NTLMHash
Default language is English. Support of translation with embedded translation to French is WIP.
Choose the language:
// Set language to French
Password generation and rating have one dependency (only)
- jshash
UI has very few more dependencies:
- JQuery
- JQuery-UI
- (for the rating gauge)
As already mentioned, an UI library using JQuery is being provided.
The UI needs the following HTML elements IDs (DIV or SPAN):
- generatedPassword
- passwordRate
- passwordRateValue
- coloredRate
Individual HTML elements can be built calling the UI functions (elem_ID refers to an ID of an HTML element):
- buildCharsetsForm("elem_ID") : build the charsets selection form in HTML elem_ID. e.g. "#charsetsform"
- buildOptionsForm("elem_ID") : build the password generation options selection form in elem_ID
- buildRatingElements("elem_ID") : build the password rating UI elements in elem_ID
- buildGenerateButton("elem_ID") : build the password generation button in elem_ID
- buildGaugeElement(canvas_ID) : build a visual secure rating gauge in a HTML5 canvas with ID canvas_ID. Note that the element ID is not passed as a string.
- buildTestButton("elem_ID") : build the password rate testing (evaluate how secure the password is) button in elem_ID
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="passgen.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="passgen-ui.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="gauge.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui.custom.min.js"></script>
<h1>Need password?</h1>
<form id="charsetsSelector"></form>
<div id="optionsDiv"><form id="optionsSelector"></form></div> <br />
<input type="submit" value="Generate a new password" id="generateButton"> - or - <input type="submit" value="Test password below" id="testButton"> <br />
<h2>Password: <input type="text" id="generatedPassword"></input></h2> <br />
<div id="gaugeDiv" align="center"><canvas id="gauge" width="220" height="150"></canvas></div><br />
<div id="coloredRate"> Security Rate: <span id="passwordRate"></span> <span id="passwordRateValue"></span></div><br />
<div id="ratingDetails"></div><br />
$( document ).ready(function() {
new SecurePasswordUI().buildCharsetsForm("#charsetsSelector").
Unit tests are provided, most non-randomized functions are tested using unit tests. Unit tests depend on QUnit javascript framework. Simply open test/passgentests.html file to see results
Available charsets are the following:
special=' `|^$£€[]{}';
- Add internationalization
- Separate generator and rating in different libraries
- Allow custom charset
- Make sure that there's no duplicates characters with selected charsets when using a custom charset
- Remove dependency to hardcoded element IDs
- Improve Javascript : Better structure, lower repetition
- Add support for other rating policies