diff --git a/cu_ntiedtke.meta b/cu_ntiedtke.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e36855b --- /dev/null +++ b/cu_ntiedtke.meta @@ -0,0 +1,895 @@ +[ccpp-table-properties] + name = cu_ntiedtke + type = scheme + dependencies = ccpp.F,cu_ntiedtke.F +######################################################################## +[ccpp-arg-table] + name = cu_ntietdke_init + type = scheme +[con_cp] + standard_name = specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure + long_name = specific heat of dry air at constant pressure + units = J kg-1 K-1 + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[con_rd] + standard_name = gas_constant_dry_air + long_name = gas constant dry air + units = J kg-1 K-1 + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[con_rv] + standard_name = gas_constant_water_vapor + long_name = gas constant water vapor + units = J kg-1 K-1 + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[con_xlv] + standard_name = latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C + long_name = latent heat of vaporization of water at 0C + units = J kg-1 + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[con_xls] + standard_name = latent_heat_of_sublimation_of_water_at_0C + long_name = latent heat of sublimation of water at 0C + units = J kg-1 + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[con_xlf] + standard_name = latent_heat_of_fusion_of_water_at_0C + long_name = latent heat of fusion of water at 0C + units = J kg-1 + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[con_grav] + standard_name = gravitational_acceleration + long_name = gravitational acceleration + units = m s-2 + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[errmsg] + standard_name = ccpp_error_message + long_name = error message for error handling in CCPP + units = 1 + dimensions = () + type = character + kind = len=* + intent = out + optional = F +[errflg] + standard_name = option_ccpp_error + long_name = option error handling in CCPP + units = flag + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = out + optional = F +######################################################################## +[ccpp-arg-table] + name = cu_ntietdke_final + type = scheme +[errmsg] + standard_name = ccpp_error_message + long_name = error message for error handling in CCPP + units = 1 + dimensions = () + type = character + kind = len=* + intent = out + optional = F +[errflg] + standard_name = option_ccpp_error + long_name = option error handling in CCPP + units = flag + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = out + optional = F +######################################################################## +[ccpp-arg-table] + name = cu_ntietdke_timestep_init + type = scheme +[its] + standard_name = horizontal_begin + long_name = horizontal begin + units = none + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[ite] + standard_name = horizontal_end + long_name = horizontal end + units = none + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[kts] + standard_name = vertical_begin + long_name = vertical begin + units = none + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[kte] + standard_name = vertical_end + long_name = vertical end + units = none + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[im] + standard_name = horizontal_dimension + long_name = size of horizontal dimension + units = count + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = out + optional = F +[kx] + standard_name = vertical_layer_dimension + long_name = number of vertical layers + units = count + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = out + optional = F +[kx1] + standard_name = vertical_interface_dimension + long_name = number of vertical interfaces + units = count + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = out + optional = F +[itimestep] + standard_name = index_of_timestep + long_name = current number of time steps + units = index + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[stepcu] -> NOTE: do not know the standard name. + standard_name = ? + long_name = number of fundamental timesteps between convection calls + units = none + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[dt] + standard_name = time_step_for_physics + long_name = time step for physics + units = s + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[grav] + standard_name = gravitational_acceleration + long_name = gravitational acceleration + units = m s-2 + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[xland] + standard_name = sea_land_ice_mask + long_name = sea land ice mask + units = none + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[dz] + standard_name = layer_thickness + long_name = layer thickness + units = m + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[pres] + standard_name = air_pressure + long_name = air pressure + units = Pa + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[presi] + standard_name = air_pressure_at_interface + long_name = air pressure at interface + units = Pa + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_interface_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[t] + standard_name = air_temperature + long_name = air temperature + units = K + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[rho] -> NOTE: total density, not dry air density. + standard_name = air_density + long_name = air density + units = kg m-3 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qv] + standard_name = water_vapor_mixing_ratio + long_name = water vapor mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qc] + standard_name = cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio + long_name = cloud condensed water mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qi] + standard_name = ice_water_mixing_ratio + long_name = ice water mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[u] + standard_name = x_wind + long_name = x wind + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[v] + standard_name = y_wind + long_name = y wind + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[w] + standard_name = vertical_velocity + long_name = vertical velocity + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_interface_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qvften] -> NOTE: do not know how to call the standard name. qvften is the sum of the horizontal and + vertical dynamical advection tendency plus PBL tendency plus radiative tendency of the + water vapor mixing ratio. + standard_name = ? + long_name = dynamical tendency plus PBL tendency of the water vapor mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[thften] -> NOTE: do not know how to call the standard name. thften is the sum of the horizontal and + vertical dynamical advection tendency plus PBL tendency plus radiative tendency of the + temperature. + standard_name = ? + long_name = dynamical tendency plus PBL tendency of the potential temperature + units = K s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qvftenz] -> NOTE: do not know how to call the standard name. qvften is the sum of the horizontal and + vertical dynamical advection tendency plus PBL tendency plus radiative tendency of the + water vapor mixing ratio. + standard_name = ? + long_name = dynamical tendency plus PBL tendency of the water vapor mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[thftenz] -> NOTE: do not know how to call the standard name. thften is the sum of the horizontal and + vertical dynamical advection tendency plus PBL tendency plus radiative tendency of the + temperature. + standard_name = ? + long_name = dynamical tendency plus PBL tendency of the potential temperature + units = K s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[slimsk] + standard_name = sea_land_ice_mask + long_name = sea land ice mask + units = none + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[delt] -> NOTE: do not know how to call the standard name to distinguish it from [dt]. + standard_name = time_step_for_physics + long_name = time step for physics + units = s + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[prsl] + standard_name = air_pressure + long_name = air pressure + units = Pa + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[[ghtl] + standard_name = height + long_name = height w.r.t. sea level + units = m + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[tf] + standard_name = air_temperature + long_name = air temperature + units = K + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[qvf] + standard_name = water_vapor_mixing_ratio + long_name = water vapor mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[qcf] + standard_name = cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio + long_name = cloud condensed water mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[qif] + standard_name = ice_water_mixing_ratio + long_name = ice water mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[uf] + standard_name = x_wind + long_name = x wind + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[vf] + standard_name = y_wind + long_name = y wind + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[prsi] + standard_name = air_pressure_at_interface + long_name = air pressure at interface + units = Pa + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension:vertical_interface_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[ghti] + standard_name = height_at_interface + long_name = height at interface w.r.t. sea level + units = m + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[omg] + standard_name = vertical_velocity + long_name = vertical velocity + units = Pa s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[errmsg] + standard_name = ccpp_error_message + long_name = error message for error handling in CCPP + units = 1 + dimensions = () + type = character + kind = len=* + intent = out + optional = F +[errflg] + standard_name = option_ccpp_error + long_name = option error handling in CCPP + units = flag + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = out + optional = F +######################################################################## +[ccpp-arg-table] + name = cu_ntietdke_timestep_final + type = scheme +[its] + standard_name = horizontal_begin + long_name = horizontal begin + units = none + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[ite] + standard_name = horizontal_end + long_name = horizontal end + units = none + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[kts] + standard_name = vertical_begin + long_name = vertical begin + units = none + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[kte] + standard_name = vertical_end + long_name = vertical end + units = none + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[stepcu] -> NOTE: do not know the standard name. + standard_name = ? + long_name = number of fundamental timesteps between convection calls + units = none + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[dt] + standard_name = time_step_for_physics + long_name = time step for physics + units = s + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[exner] + standard_name = dimensionless_exner_function + long_name = dimensionless exner function + units = none + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qv] + standard_name = water_vapor_mixing_ratio + long_name = water vapor mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qc] + standard_name = cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio + long_name = cloud condensed water mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qi] + standard_name = ice_water_mixing_ratio + long_name = ice water mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[t] + standard_name = air_temperature + long_name = air temperature + units = K + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[u] + standard_name = x_wind + long_name = x wind + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[v] + standard_name = y_wind + long_name = y wind + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qvf] + standard_name = updated_water_vapor_mixing_ratio_after_convection + long_name = updated water vapor mixing ratio after convection + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qcf] + standard_name = updated_cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_after_convection + long_name = updated cloud condensed water mixing ratio after cnovection + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[qif] + standard_name = updated_ice_water_mixing_ratio_after_convection + long_name = updated ice water mixing ratio after convection + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[tf] + standard_name = updated_air_temperature_after_convection + long_name = updated air temperature after convection + units = K + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[uf] + standard_name = updated_x_wind_after_convection + long_name = updated x wind after convection + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[vf] + standard_name = updated_y_wind_after_convection + long_name = updated y wind after convection + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[rn] + standard_name = total_precipitation_at_surface + long_name = total precipitation at surface + units = m + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[raincv] + standard_name = convective_timestep_rain + long_name = convective timestep rain + units = m + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[pratec] + standard_name = convective_timestep_rain_rate + long_name = convective timestep rain rate + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[rthcuten] + standard_name = tendency_of_potential_temperature_due_to_convection + long_name = tendency of potential temperature due to convection + units = K s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_interface_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[rqvcuten] + standard_name = tendency_of_water_vapor_mixing ratio_due_to_convection + long_name = tendency of water vapor mixing ratio due to convection + units = kg kg-1 s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_interface_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[rqccuten] + standard_name = tendency_of_cloud_water_mixing ratio_due_to_convection + long_name = tendency of cloud water mixing ratio due to convection + units = kg kg-1 s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_interface_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[rqicuten] + standard_name = tendency_of_cloud_ice_mixing ratio_due_to_convection + long_name = tendency of cloud ice mixing ratio due to convection + units = kg kg-1 s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_interface_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[rucuten] + standard_name = tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_convection + long_name = tendency of x wind due to convection + units = m s-1 s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_interface_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[rvcuten] + standard_name = tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_convection + long_name = tendency of y wind due to convection + units = m s-1 s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end,vertical_begin:vertical_interface_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[errmsg] + standard_name = ccpp_error_message + long_name = error message for error handling in CCPP + units = 1 + dimensions = () + type = character + kind = len=* + intent = out + optional = F +[errflg] + standard_name = option_ccpp_error + long_name = option error handling in CCPP + units = flag + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = out + optional = F +######################################################################## +[ccpp-arg-table] + name = cu_ntiedtke_run + type = scheme +[pu] + standard_name = x_wind + long_name = x wind + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[pv] + standard_name = y_wind + long_name = y wind + units = m s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[pt] + standard_name = air_temperature + long_name = air temperature + units = K + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[pqv] + standard_name = water_vapor_mixing_ratio + long_name = water vapor mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[pqc] + standard_name = cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio + long_name = cloud condensed water mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[pqi] + standard_name = ice_water_mixing_ratio + long_name = ice water mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[pqvf] -> NOTE: do not know how to call the standard name. qvften is the sum of the horizontal and + vertical dynamical advection tendency plus PBL tendency plus radiative tendency of the + water vapor mixing ratio. + standard_name = ? + long_name = dynamical tendency plus PBL tendency of the water vapor mixing ratio + units = kg kg-1 s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[ptf] -> NOTE: do not know how to call the standard name. thften is the sum of the horizontal and + vertical dynamical advection tendency plus PBL tendency plus radiative tendency of the + temperature. + standard_name = ? + long_name = dynamical tendency plus PBL tendency of the potential temperature + units = K s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[poz] + standard_name = height + long_name = height w.r.t. sea level + units = m + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[pzz] + standard_name = height_at_interface + long_name = height at interface w.r.t. sea level + units = m + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_interface_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[pomg] + standard_name = vertical_velocity + long_name = vertical velocity + units = Pa s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[pap] + standard_name = air_pressure + long_name = air pressure + units = Pa + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_layer_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[paph] + standard_name = air_pressure_at_interface + long_name = air pressure at interface + units = Pa + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension:vertical_interface_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[evap] + standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_moisture_flux + long_name = kinematic surface upward moisture flux + units = kg m-2 s-1 + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in +[hfx] + standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux + long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux + units = W m-2 + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in +[zprecc] + standard_name = total_precipitation_at_surface + long_name = total precipitation at surface + units = m + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = inout + optional = F +[lndj] + standard_name = sea_land_ice_mask + long_name = landmask: sea/land=0/1 + units = none + dimensions = (horizontal_dimension) + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[lq] + standard_name = horizontal_dimension + long_name = size of horizontal dimension + units = count + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[km] + standard_name = vertical_layer_dimension + long_name = number of vertical layers + units = count + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[km1] + standard_name = vertical_interface_dimension + long_name = number of vertical interfaces + units = count + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = in + optional = F +[dt] + standard_name = time_step_for_physics + long_name = time step for physics + units = s + dimensions = () + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[dx] + standard_name = cell_size + long_name = size of the grid cell + units = m + dimensions = (horizontal_begin:horizontal_end) + type = real | kind = kind_phys + intent = in + optional = F +[errmsg] + standard_name = ccpp_error_message + long_name = error message for error handling in CCPP + units = 1 + dimensions = () + type = character + kind = len=* + intent = out + optional = F +[errflg] + standard_name = option_ccpp_error + long_name = option error handling in CCPP + units = flag + dimensions = () + type = integer + intent = out + optional = F