First you have to import pandas. The convention for this is as follows:
import pandas as pd
Note: I usually name my data frames dta
the python convention is to usually use df
To create a data dataframe you can enter the following code:
dta = pd.DataFrame(
[['sam', 328], ['ruby', 3213], ['jon', 121]],
columns=['name', 'score']
When you need to take a data frame and extract all of the observations (rows) that match some value. Where dta is the data frame column_name is the name of the column you're filtering and x is the value you want the observations from the target column to match. Doing this for one column you can do the following:
dta = dta[dta["column_name"] == x]
Filtering from a list of values is a bit more complicated but the code to do this is pretty easy:
dta = dta[dta["column_name"].isin(target_list)]
For testing you usually do not want to run whatever you're doing on all of your data (unless you don't have too much data). In my case I often have millions of rows to process at a time. To make sure my code is working it is very useful to cut down on the number of rows you process just to see if everything is working right. Below is how I accomplish that. This code takes the first to the 10th row and all of the columns from the dataframe called dta. It then writes over the old dta dataframe with the smaller one.
# this trims a dataframe from whatever length it was before to just 10 rows dta = dta.iloc[0:10,] # this is the same but to avoid accidentally leaving this code in my script the text afterwards helps me find it before I use a script into production dta = dta.iloc[0:10,] # TESTCODE: remove for production # another option is to use the head method to get the top rows dta = dta.head(10) # TESTCODE:
Splitting a dataframe into a list can sometimes be very helpful for either breaking up processing over time or (theoretically anyway python is NOT good at parallel processing) for parallel processing. I usually use this for breaking up really long processing times so that I can restart my computer or regain all of my computer's resources for something more intensive. API calls with query limits is a great example of this. I then usually use a for loop to write these to separate files in a subfolder for keeping track of them in my processing.
# choose your chunk size chunk_size = 200000 # or choose how many dataframes you want chunk_size = int(len(dta) / 20) # then create the list of dataframes dataframe_list = [dta[i:i+chunk_size] for i in range(0,dta.shape[0],chunk_size)]
In networking creating a weighted two-mode network can be a bit complicated but I found this question on stackoverflow that address this perfectly. The code given in the answer is as follows:
df = df.groupby(['Col1', 'Col2']).size().reset_index(name='Freq')
This is a collection of functions that I find to be useful in various scripts.
Pandas can now use Apache Arrow as a backend engine which will sometimes use less memory and often work faster. This can be enabled with one line of code:
- Note that this will probably be released with pandas 2.0 (it may be the default I'm not sure)
import pandas as pd pd.options.mode.dtype_backend = 'pyarrow'
Sometimes you need to see the whole dataframe below is a way to do that in just a couple of lines
def display_full_dataframe(dta): """ displays a dataframe without cutting anything off for being too long Arguments: dta {dataframe} -- a dataframe you wish to display """ with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None): print(dta)
I have often needed to get the unique number of values in some column, below is some code that I use to do that
- If you want the unique values as a list (or dataframe) then just replace the
# this will give you the number of unique values in the "month_year" column dta_small["month_year"].nunique() # this gets the number of unique values for every column in the dataframe for each unique value in the "month_year" column dta_small.groupby("month_year").nunique() # this gets the number of unique values from the "author" column for each unique value found in the "month_year" column dta_small.groupby("month_year")["author"].nunique() # this gets count for each unique value in the"author" column and puts them into a dataframe for easy viewing result of the print out are below dta_filtered =
AutoModerator 7973 author 7548 author 7423 author 7295 ... author 1 author 1 author 1 author 1 author 1
- If you want the unique values as a list (or dataframe) then just replace the
I have needed to create a list from a dataframe but needed by rows rather than by columns this is how you can do that
row_list = dta.values.tolist()
When you playing with data you don't want to have to reload the data over and over again so you can check to see if whatever you're working on works. Rather than load that data you can check to see if it is already loaded.
if "dta" in globals(): # or locals for locally defined variables print("dta is already loaded") else: print("you need to load the data")
Sometimes you need to add a column that is all of one value you can do this by using assign method. The example below crates a new column where every value in that column is the string testing:
dta = dta.assign(file="testing")
Dealing with dateitmes in python is not too difficult but there are some aspects of datetimes that require rote memorization. Often I want to convert one type of datetime into another. For all of the different formats you can go here to find a list. Also below I have an example of converting a column to datetime then outputing a year_month column in this format
.dta["pd_created_time"] = pd.to_datetime(dta["pd_created_time"]) dta["month_year"] = pd.to_datetime(dta["pd_created_time"]).dt.strftime("%Y-%m")
For network analysis it is useful to be able to convert between an adjacency matrix and an edgelist. The code below (taken from here) can convert an adjacency matrix in a pandas dataframe into an edgelist:
import pandas as pd import numpy as np dta.values[[np.arange(len(dta))]*2] = np.nan edgelist = dta.stack().reset_index()