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Alternate names for `List.concat` and `List.append`

lines edited this page Dec 4, 2023 · 34 revisions

This follows on from ideas in:

Note that Lean's documentation is often inconsistent with its naming: e.g. a function called concat is said to append, a function called append is said to perform concatenation.

Comparison across languages

(m) means "mutates in place"

Language Type x :: xs xs ++ [x] xs ++ ys xss[0] ++ xss[1] ++ ...
Lean List cons x xs concat xs x append xs ys join xss
Lean Fin n -> X cons x xs snoc xs x append xs ys We don't seem to have this. See below.*
Python list xs.insert(0, x) (m) xs.append(x) (m) operator.concat(xs, ys) (though append and extend also work)
Python deque xs.appendleft(x) (m) xs.appendright(x) (m) operator.concat(xs, ys)
PHP Array array_unshift() array_push() array_merge($xs, $ys) array_merge(...$xss)
Cryptol Sequence (size-dependent) [x] # xs xs # [x] (#) (doc: "append"). join xss
Haskell List (:) snoc (++) (doc: "append") concat
Scala List (::) or, more generically, (+:) (:+) (++) or (:::) or List.concat List.flatten
Scala Array (+:), or (+:=) for (m) (:+), or (:+=) for (m) (++) or Array.concat Array.flatten
Rust Vec<n> Vec::insert, with argument index as 0 Vec::push, docs describe as append. Vec::append Vec::concat

* This is how we could do join for tuples. But I don't believe we have it currently.

def finJoin : (Fin n → Fin m → α) ≃ (Fin (n * m) → α) :=
(Equiv.curry _ _ _).symm.trans ((finProdFinEquiv).arrowCongr (Equiv.refl _))