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Initial chart options

Firstly, a preferred size needs to be set when creating a chart.

Also, the localization option may help you set a suitable date format and user language. The following date formats are available:

  • dd MMM 'yy - 25 Jun '18 (default)
  • yyyy-MM-dd - 2018-06-25
  • yy-MM-dd - 18-06-25
  • yy/MM/dd - 18/06/25
  • yyyy/MM/dd - 2018/06/25
  • dd-MM-yyyy - 25-06-2018
  • dd-MM-yy - 25-06-18
  • dd/MM/yy - 25/06/18
  • dd/MM/yyyy - 25/06/2018
  • MM/dd/yy - 06/25/18
  • MM/dd/yyyy - 06/25/2018

Default user language is the same as browser language and can be changed using the locale property of the localization option.

An example of chart creation

const chart = createChart(document.body, {
    width: 600,
    height: 380,
    localization: {
        dateFormat: 'yyyy/MM/dd',
        locale: 'ja-JP',

Once a chart has been created, there is a possibility to resize it or customize its appearance and behavior by calling applyOptions:

    width: 250,
    height: 150,
    localization: {
        dateFormat: 'MM/dd/yy',
        locale: 'en-US',

Price Axis

Price axis is the vertical scale used for price value data.

Price scale has 4 data display modes:

  • Normal
  • Logarithmic
  • Percentage
  • Indexed to 100

The scale itself can be positioned either on the right/left side of a series. Use position: none if you don't want it to be visible on the chart.

The following set of options can be used to adjust the price axis interface:

Name Type Default Description
position left | right | none right Sets the position to display price scale
mode PriceScaleMode PriceScaleMode.Normal Sets the price scale mode
autoScale boolean true If true, fits series data to a chart size
invertScale boolean false If true, a chart series is reflected vertically, so that a growing trend is shown as a falling one and vise versa
alignLabels boolean true If true, labels with price data do not overlap
borderVisible boolean true If true, price scale border is visible
borderColor string #2b2b43 Pricescale border color
scaleMargins { bottom, top } { bottom: 0.1, top: 0.2 } Sets the series margins from the top and bottom chart borders (per cent)

An example of a price scale customization

    priceScale: {
        position: 'left',
        mode: 2,
        autoScale: false,
        invertScale: true,
        alignLabels: false,
        borderVisible: false,
        borderColor: '#555ffd',
        scaleMargins: {
            top: 0.30,
            bottom: 0.25,

Time Axis

Time axis is a horizontal scale at the bottom of the chart, used to display different time units.

Time scale options enable adjusting of series that are displayed on a chart when scaling and resizing a chart.

Time scale can be hidden if needed.

The following options are available in the time axis interface:

Name Type Default Description
rightOffset number 0 Sets the margin space in bars from the right side of the chart
barSpacing number 6 Sets the space between bars in pixels
fixLeftEdge boolean false If true, prevents scrolling to the left of the first historical bar
lockVisibleTimeRangeOnResize boolean false If true, prevents changing visible time area during chart resizing
rightBarStaysOnScroll boolean false If false, the hovered bar remains in the same place when scrolling
borderVisible boolean true If true, timescale border is visible
borderColor string #2b2b43 Timescale border color
visible boolean true If true, timescale is shown on a chart
timeVisible boolean false If true, time is shown on the time scale and crosshair vertical label

Example of timescale customization

    timeScale: {
        rightOffset: 12,
        barSpacing: 3,
        fixLeftEdge: true,
        lockVisibleTimeRangeOnResize: true,
        rightBarStaysOnScroll: true,
        borderVisible: false,
        borderColor: '#fff000',
        visible: true,
        timeVisible: true,


Crosshair shows an intersection of a price and time axis values on any hovered point of on the chart.

It is presented by horizontal and vertical lines. Each of them can be either customized by setting their color, width and style or disabled by using the visible option if necessary. Note that disabling crosshair lines does not disable crosshair marker on Line and Area series. It can be disabled by using the crosshairMarkerVisible option of relevant series.

Vertical and horizontal lines of the crosshair have marks on the price and time axis. Any of those marks can be disabled.

Crosshair has two moving modes:

  • Magnet mode, which is enabled by default, sticks crosshair's horizontal line to the price value of Line and Area series or closing price marks of Bar and Candlestick series.
  • Normal mode lets the crosshair move freely across the chart.

Note that crosshair lines have to be customized separately.

The following options are available for vertical and horizontal lines of a crosshair:

Name Type Default Description
color string #758696 Crosshair line color
width number 1 Crosshair line width in pixels
style LineStyle LineStyle.Dashed Crosshair line style
visible boolean true If true, crosshair line is displayed on a chart
labelVisible boolean true If true, a data label is shown on a relevant scale
mode CrosshairMode CrosshairMode.Magnet Sets the mode of crosshair moving.

An example of a crosshair customization

    crosshair: {
        vertLine: {
            color: '#6A5ACD',
            width: 0.5,
            style: 1,
            visible: true,
            labelVisible: false,
        horzLine: {
            color: '#6A5ACD',
            width: 0.5,
            style: 0,
            visible: true,
            labelVisible: true,
        mode: 1,


A grid is represented in chart background by vertical and horizontal lines drawn at the levels of visible marks of price and time axis. It is possible to set a custom color and style for grid lines or disable their visibility if necessary. Note that vertical and horizontal lines of a grid have to be customized separately.

The following options are available for vertical and horizontal lines of a grid:

Name Type Default Description
color string #d6dcde Grid lines color
style LineStyle LineStyle.Solid Grid lines style
visible boolean true If true, grid lines are displayed on a chart

An example of a grid customization

    grid: {
        vertLines: {
            color: 'rgba(70, 130, 180, 0.5)',
            style: 1,
            visible: true,
        horzLines: {
            color: 'rgba(70, 130, 180, 0.5)',
            style: 1,
            visible: true,


A watermark is a background label that includes a brief description of the drawn data. Any text can be added to it. A display of a watermark is disabled by default. Please make sure you enable it and set an appropriate font color and size to make your watermark visible in the background of the chart. We recommend a semi-transparent color and a large font. Also note that watermark position can be aligned vertically and horizontally.

The following options are available for the watermark:

Name Type Default Description
color string rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) Watermark color
visible boolean false If true, the watermark is displayed on a chart
text string '' Contains the text to be displayed in the watermark
fontSize number 48 Watermark's font size in pixels
horzAlign left | center | right center Watermark horizontal alignment position
vertAlign top | center | bottom center Watermark vertical alignment position

An example of a watermark customization

    watermark: {
        color: 'rgba(11, 94, 29, 0.4)',
        visible: true,
        text: 'TradingView Watermark Example',
        fontSize: 24,
        horzAlign: 'left',
        vertAlign: 'bottom',

Chart layout options

The following options can be used to customize chart design:

Name Type Default Description
backgroundColor string #ffffff Chart and scale background color
textColor string #191919 Scale value text color
fontSize number 11 Scales values' font size
fontFamily string 'Trebuchet MS', Roboto, Ubuntu, sans-serif Font family to be used on scales

An example of layout customization

    layout: {
        backgroundColor: '#FAEBD7',
        textColor: '#696969',
        fontSize: 12,
        fontFamily: 'Calibri',

Scrolling and scaling options

The following scrolling and scaling modes on series and scales are enabled by default. You can disable any of them using handleScroll and handleScale options.

Scrolling options

Name Type Default Description
mouseWheel boolean true If true series scrolling with horizontal mouse wheel is enabled
pressedMouseMove boolean true If true series scrolling with left mouse button pressed is allowed

Scaling options

Name Type Default Description
axisPressedMouseMove boolean true If true axis scaling with left mouse button pressed is allowed
mouseWheel boolean true If true series scaling with mouse whee is enabled
pinch boolean true If true series scaling with pinch/zoom gestures (this option is supported on touch devices) is enabled

An example of a scrolling/scaling customization

    handleScroll: {
        mouseWheel: true,
        pressedMouseMove: true,
    handleScale: {
        axisPressedMouseMove: true,
        mouseWheel: true,
        pinch: true,


You may hide our branding if you feel that it harms user experience on your website. Note that according to our terms you should add a link leading to somewhere on your web page. This link must contain the text from the NOTICE file which is a part of the product package. Please see disableBranding method below.
