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Signalen backend Helm chart

The backend Helm chart installs the Signalen API and the by default the following dependencies using subcharts:

  • PostgreSQL
  • RabbitMQ
  • Elasticsearch


Parameter Description Default
tags.postgresql Install PostgreSQL subchart true
tags.rabbitmq Install RabbitMQ subchart true
tags.elasticsearch Install Elasticsearch subchart true
image.repository The repository of the Docker image signalen/frontend
image.tag The tag of the Docker image latest
replicaCount The number of API replicas 1
workerReplicaCount The number of background worker replicas 1
uwsgi.processes The number of uWSGI processes 4
uwsgi.threads The number of uWSGI threads 2
celery.concurrency The number of Celery concurrent child processes 2
celery.loglevel The loglevel of Celery WARNING
flower.enabled Enable real-time Celery monitoring tool false Enable persistence of media true Enable persistence of media on worker false Specify the size of the media PVC 1Gi Name of an existing PVC to use null The accessModes of media { ReadWriteOnce } The storageClassName of media ""
persistence.datawarehouse.enabled Enable persistence of datawarehouse false
persistence.datawarehouse.enabledOnWorker Enable persistence of media on datawarehouse true
persistence.datawarehouse.size Specify the size of the datawarehouse PVC 1Gi
persistence.datawarehouse.existingClaim Name of an existing PVC to use for datawarehouse null
persistence.datawarehouse.accessModes The accessModes of datawarehouse { ReadWriteMany }
persistence.datawarehouse.storageClassName The storageClassName of datawarehouse ""
existingSecret Name of an existing secret to avoid managing secrets through Helm null
extraVolumes Ability to add exta volumes []
extraVolumeMounts Ability to add exta volume mounts []
envFrom Additional environment variables mounted from secrets or config maps. []
env Additional environment variables passed directly to containers. {}
envVars Similar to env but with support for all possible configurations. []
managementCommands Run management commands post-install and post-upgrade ""
settings.secretKey The secret key of the backend change-to-something-secret
settings.allowedHosts Restrict the allowed hosts of the API *
settings.defaultPdokMunicipalities A (comma-seperated) list of PDOK municipalities the API allows complaints for (e.g. "Amsterdam,'s-Hertogenbosch") ""
settings.environment The environment name. Can be acceptance or production. "production"
settings.organizationName The name of the organization "Signalen"
settings.defaultFromEmail The default from e-mail "webmaster@localhost"
settings.apiTransformSourceBasedOnReporter Transform the source of a complaint when a complaint comes from a particular e-mail domain false
settings.apiTransformSourceBasedOnReporterSource The source to transform to when a complaint comes from a particular e-mail domain "Internal"
settings.apiTransformSourceBasedOnReporterDomainExtensions The (comma-seperated) list of e-mail domains to automatically transform the source for "@localhost"
settings.apiTransformSourceBasedOnReporterExceptions Do not transform the source automatically for these e-mail addresses "ignore@localhost"
settings.apiPdfLogoStaticFile Link to PDF logo on local system "api/logo-gemeente-amsterdam.svg"
settings.jwksUrl The JWKS url of the OpenID Connect Identity Provider ""
settings.userIdField The JWKS url of the OpenID Connect Identity Provider "" The hostname of the SMTP server for e-mail notifications "" The port of the SMTP server "" Use TLS while connecting to the SMTP server false Use SSL while connecting to the SMTP server false The REST endpoint when using REST backend "" The path to the client certificate when using REST backend "" The path to the client key when using REST backend ""
settings.celeryEmailBackend The e-mail backend to use (SMTP or REST) django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend
settings.frontendUrl The URL of the frontend ""
settings.classificationEndpoint Use SSL while connecting to the SMTP server
settings.enablePublicGeoSignalEndpoint Enable public endpoint for viewing Signals false
settings.allowInvalidAddressAsUnverified Allow a backoffice employee to enter an unknown address true
settings.excludedPermissionsInResponses sia_ permissions to hide from backoffice settings page sia_delete_attachment_of_normal_signal, sia_delete_attachment_of_parent_signal, sia_delete_attachment_of_child_signal, sia_delete_attachment_of_other_user
settings.systemMailFeedbackReceivedEnabled Send email on reception of feedback false
settings.reporterMailHandledNegativeContactEnabled Allow transition VERZOEK_TOT_HEROPENEN to AFGEHANDELD to send a mail to reporter false
settings.signalHistoryLogEnabled Enable new-style history log false
sigmax.enabled Enable the connection with Sigmax City Control false
sigmax.serverUrl The server URL of Sigmax ``
sigmax.authToken The token to authenticate with Sigmax ``
ingress.enabled Expose the API through an ingress true
ingress.annotations Additional annotations on the API ingress {}
ingress.hosts The hosts of the ingress {}
ingress.tls The TLS settings of the ingress {}

Check values.yaml for all the possible configuration options.