This is a widget plugin for that displays a simple RAG (Red/Amber/Green) Indicator.
Include the widget.ragIndicator.js in your main web page for freeboard, after the base 'freeboard.widgets.js' file and any other widget plugin files.
This plugin uses the plugin to create keyframes for the flashing lights. Copy the jquery.keyframes/jquery.keyframes.min.js file to the plugins/thirdparty folder of your Freeboard installation.
This widget displays a different coloured light depending on the value received. The light can also be set to flashing or dimmed.
#####0 Green light #####1 Amber light #####2 Red light
####Widget Settings
#####Value Requires an integer. Accepted values are 0 (Green), 1 (Amber) and 2 (Red).
#####Green Text The text to show when the light is green. This can be linked to a dynamic datasource or be statically set.
#####Amber Text The text to show when the light is amber. This can be linked to a dynamic datasource or be statically set.
#####Red Text The text to show when the light is green. This can be linked to a dynamic datasource or be statically set.
#####Type (Optional) An optional setting that can set the light to be Dim or make it Flash. If set to null or any other value it will show a solid light as per normal.