This elixir library helps microservices communicate with each other through some external message queue service like AWS SQS. It is designed under the back pressure pattern and uses GenStage under the hood.
Add the following to your dependencies in mix file:
def deps do
{:ex_queue_bus_client, git: "", tag: "2.0.1"}
Then run mix deps.get
command to fetch dependencies.
Library includes ex_aws
as a dependency, so to use it you need to add
a configuration to your Mix.Config
use Mix.Config
config :ex_aws,
access_key_id: [System.get_env("AWS_ACCESS_KEY"), :instance_role],
secret_access_key: [System.get_env("AWS_SECRET_KEY"), :instance_role],
region: System.get_env("AWS_REGION")
To configure your bus you need to create a module like following:
defmodule MyApp.Bus do
use ExQueueBusClient.Bus,
otp_app: :my_app,
event_handler: MyApp.EventHandler,
tx: :sns,
rx: :sqs
and according to your :tx
and :rx
parameters add config to
your Mix.Config
config :my_app, MyApp.Bus,
consumers_count: 5, # number of workers to process messages, by default 2
sqs_queue_name: "queue",
sns_topic_arn: "long topic arn"
Then you should add your bus to the supervision tree:
def start(_, _) do
children = [
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
Event handler is a module where you define how to deal with different incoming
events. For this purpose you should use handle_event/3
function which must
return :process
or :skip
it will let library know whether remove message
from queue or leave it alive waiting.
defmodule MyApp.EventHandler do
def handle_event("important_event", "my_service", %{members_count: 100})
def handle_event(_, _, _), do: :skip
Several message attributes are defined and supported by ExQueueBusClient
these are:
of type:string
of type:string
of type:string
of type:"String.Array"
of type:number
of type:string
That is the resource, the event subject. When you receive message with defined :event
and :resource
attributes, ExQueueBusClient
join these two with "."
and handle_event/3
will receive "resource.event"
as en event argument.
Also when you send message and set the event
key of a map the library will automatically try to split your event into resource and event if resource is not explicitely defined.
If neither event nor resource are defined handle_event/3
will receive "unknown-event"
as en event argument.
Name of a micro service that sent a message. This attribute when defined is passed to handle_event/3
as a second argument, when not defined handle_event/3
will receive "unknown-provider"
as a provider argument.
With this number attribute you can control different message's payloads depending of the api version.
Just define handle_event/3
callback clauses at your event handler module and you are good with this.
This version supports:
- AWS SQS as a queue service for sending and receiving.
- AWS SNS for sending.
{:ok, _response} = MyApp.Bus.publish(%{
payload: %{content: "Hello folks !"},
event: "message.create",
provider: "my_app"
ExUnit framework was used to test the library. To run tests just
execute mix test
and to include some integration tests use mix test --include integration
but it requires ex_aws config for testing.