Name | Type | Required | Description |
assists | float | ✅ | |
baron_kills | float | ✅ | |
deaths | float | ✅ | |
dragon_kills | float | ✅ | |
game_length | int | ✅ | Duration of the game in seconds. null when the game status is not finished |
gold_earned | float | ✅ | |
herald_kill | float | ✅ | |
inhibitor_kills | float | ✅ | |
kills | float | ✅ | |
ratios | LoLTeamRatios | ✅ | |
total_minions_killed | float | ✅ | |
tower_kills | float | ✅ | |
voidgrub_kills | float | ✅ | The number of voidgrubs killed by a team. |
wards_placed | float | ✅ |