A list of all methods in the AuditLogsService
service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.
Methods | Description |
GetAuditLogsAsync | Gets a list of your team's generated audit events. For a complete list of all audit events, read our Utilizing audit logs documentation. |
Gets a list of your team's generated audit events. For a complete list of all audit events, read our Utilizing audit logs documentation.
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
since | string | ❌ | Return logs created after the given time, in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
until | string | ❌ | Return logs created before the given time, in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
limit | long | ❌ | The maximum number of audit events to return at once. |
cursor | string | ❌ | The pointer to the first record of the set of paginated results. To view the next response, use the nextCursor value for this parameter. |
orderBy | AscDescDefaultDesc | ❌ | Return the records in ascending (asc ) or descending (desc ) order. |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
using PostmanClient;
using PostmanClient.Models;
var client = new PostmanClientClient();
var response = await client.AuditLogs.GetAuditLogsAsync("2022-08-30", "2022-09-15", 50, "RnJpIEZlYiAyNCAyMDIzIDEzOjI0OjA5IEdNVCswMDAwIChDb29yZGluYXRlZCBVbml2ZXJzYWwgVGltZSk=", AscDescDefaultDesc.Asc);