A list of all methods in the WorkspacesService
service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.
Methods | Description |
GetWorkspacesAsync | Gets all workspaces. The response includes your workspaces and any workspaces that you have access to. Note: This endpoint's response contains the visibility field. Visibility determines who can access the workspace: - personal — Only you can access the workspace. - team — All team members can access the workspace. - private — Only invited team members can access the workspace (Professional and Enterprise plans only). - public — Everyone can access the workspace. - partner — Only invited team members and partners can access the workspace (Professional and Enterprise plans only). |
CreateWorkspaceAsync | Creates a new workspace. Note: This endpoint returns a 403 Forbidden response if the user does not have permission to create workspaces. Admins and Super Admins can configure workspace permissions to restrict users and/or user groups from creating workspaces or require approvals for the creation of team workspaces. ### Important We deprecated linking collections or environments between workspaces. We do not recommend that you do this. If you have a linked collection or environment, note the following: - The endpoint does not create a clone of a collection or environment. - Any changes you make to a linked collection or environment changes them in all workspaces. - If you delete a collection or environment linked between workspaces, the system deletes it in all the workspaces. |
GetWorkspaceRolesAsync | Gets information about all roles in a workspace, based on the team's plan. |
GetWorkspaceAsync | Gets information about a workspace. Note: This endpoint's response contains the visibility field. Visibility determines who can access the workspace: - personal — Only you can access the workspace. - team — All team members can access the workspace. - private — Only invited team members can access the workspace (Professional and Enterprise plans only). - public — Everyone can access the workspace. - partner — Only invited team members and partners can access the workspace (Professional and Enterprise plans only). ### Important We have deprecated the name and uid responses in the following array of objects: - collections - environments - mocks - monitors - apis |
UpdateWorkspaceAsync | Updates a workspace. ### Important We deprecated linking collections or environments between workspaces. We do not recommend that you do this. If you have a linked collection or environment, note the following: - The endpoint does not create a clone of a collection or environment. - Any changes you make to a linked collection or environment changes them in all workspaces. - If you delete a collection or environment linked between workspaces, the system deletes it in all the workspaces. |
DeleteWorkspaceAsync | Deletes an existing workspace. ### Important If you delete a workspace that has a linked collection or environment with another workspace, this will delete the collection and environment in all workspaces. |
GetWorkspaceGlobalVariablesAsync | Gets a workspace's global variables. |
UpdateWorkspaceGlobalVariablesAsync | Updates and replaces a workspace's global variables. This endpoint replaces all existing global variables with the variables you pass in the request body. |
UpdateWorkspaceRolesAsync | Updates the roles of users or user groups in a workspace. To get a list of roles, use the GET /workspace-roles endpoint. Note: - This endpoint does not support the external Partner or Guest roles. - This endpoint is restricted to 50 operations per call. - The request body must contain one unique action per user or user group. For example, you cannot add and remove multiple roles for a user in the same request body. |
Gets all workspaces. The response includes your workspaces and any workspaces that you have access to. Note: This endpoint's response contains the visibility field. Visibility determines who can access the workspace: - personal
— Only you can access the workspace. - team
— All team members can access the workspace. - private
— Only invited team members can access the workspace (Professional and Enterprise plans only). - public
— Everyone can access the workspace. - partner
— Only invited team members and partners can access the workspace (Professional and Enterprise plans only).
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type_ | GetWorkspacesType | ❌ | The type of workspace to filter the response by. |
createdBy | long | ❌ | Return only workspaces created by a specific user ID. For multiple users, pass this value as a comma-separated list of user IDs. The response only returns workspaces that you have access to. |
include | GetWorkspacesInclude | ❌ | Include the following information in the endpoint's response: - mocks:deactivated — Include all deactivated mock servers in the response. |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
using PostmanClient;
using PostmanClient.Models;
var client = new PostmanClientClient();
var response = await client.Workspaces.GetWorkspacesAsync(GetWorkspacesType.Personal, 12345678, GetWorkspacesInclude.MocksDeactivated);
Creates a new workspace. Note: This endpoint returns a 403 Forbidden
response if the user does not have permission to create workspaces. Admins and Super Admins can configure workspace permissions to restrict users and/or user groups from creating workspaces or require approvals for the creation of team workspaces. ### Important We deprecated linking collections or environments between workspaces. We do not recommend that you do this. If you have a linked collection or environment, note the following: - The endpoint does not create a clone of a collection or environment. - Any changes you make to a linked collection or environment changes them in all workspaces. - If you delete a collection or environment linked between workspaces, the system deletes it in all the workspaces.
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
input | CreateWorkspaceRequest | ❌ | The request body. |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
using PostmanClient;
using PostmanClient.Models;
var client = new PostmanClientClient();
var input = new CreateWorkspaceRequest();
var response = await client.Workspaces.CreateWorkspaceAsync(input);
Gets information about all roles in a workspace, based on the team's plan.
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
using PostmanClient;
var client = new PostmanClientClient();
var response = await client.Workspaces.GetWorkspaceRolesAsync();
Gets information about a workspace. Note: This endpoint's response contains the visibility
field. Visibility determines who can access the workspace: - personal
— Only you can access the workspace. - team
— All team members can access the workspace. - private
— Only invited team members can access the workspace (Professional and Enterprise plans only). - public
— Everyone can access the workspace. - partner
— Only invited team members and partners can access the workspace (Professional and Enterprise plans only). ### Important We have deprecated the name
and uid
responses in the following array of objects: - collections
- environments
- mocks
- monitors
- apis
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workspaceId | string | ✅ | The workspace's ID. |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
using PostmanClient;
var client = new PostmanClientClient();
var response = await client.Workspaces.GetWorkspaceAsync("1f0df51a-8658-4ee8-a2a1-d2567dfa09a9");
Updates a workspace. ### Important We deprecated linking collections or environments between workspaces. We do not recommend that you do this. If you have a linked collection or environment, note the following: - The endpoint does not create a clone of a collection or environment. - Any changes you make to a linked collection or environment changes them in all workspaces. - If you delete a collection or environment linked between workspaces, the system deletes it in all the workspaces.
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
input | UpdateWorkspaceRequest | ❌ | The request body. |
workspaceId | string | ✅ | The workspace's ID. |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
using PostmanClient;
using PostmanClient.Models;
var client = new PostmanClientClient();
var input = new UpdateWorkspaceRequest();
var response = await client.Workspaces.UpdateWorkspaceAsync(input, "1f0df51a-8658-4ee8-a2a1-d2567dfa09a9");
Deletes an existing workspace. ### Important If you delete a workspace that has a linked collection or environment with another workspace, this will delete the collection and environment in all workspaces.
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workspaceId | string | ✅ | The workspace's ID. |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
using PostmanClient;
var client = new PostmanClientClient();
var response = await client.Workspaces.DeleteWorkspaceAsync("1f0df51a-8658-4ee8-a2a1-d2567dfa09a9");
Gets a workspace's global variables.
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
workspaceId | string | ✅ | The workspace's ID. |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
using PostmanClient;
var client = new PostmanClientClient();
var response = await client.Workspaces.GetWorkspaceGlobalVariablesAsync("1f0df51a-8658-4ee8-a2a1-d2567dfa09a9");
Updates and replaces a workspace's global variables. This endpoint replaces all existing global variables with the variables you pass in the request body.
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
input | UpdateWorkspaceGlobalVariablesRequest | ❌ | The request body. |
workspaceId | string | ✅ | The workspace's ID. |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
using PostmanClient;
using PostmanClient.Models;
var client = new PostmanClientClient();
var input = new UpdateWorkspaceGlobalVariablesRequest();
var response = await client.Workspaces.UpdateWorkspaceGlobalVariablesAsync(input, "1f0df51a-8658-4ee8-a2a1-d2567dfa09a9");
Updates the roles of users or user groups in a workspace. To get a list of roles, use the GET /workspace-roles
endpoint. Note: - This endpoint does not support the external Partner or Guest roles. - This endpoint is restricted to 50 operations per call. - The request body must contain one unique action per user or user group. For example, you cannot add and remove multiple roles for a user in the same request body.
- HTTP Method:
- Endpoint:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
input | UpdateWorkspaceRolesRequest | ❌ | The request body. |
workspaceId | string | ✅ | The workspace's ID. |
Return Type
Example Usage Code Snippet
using PostmanClient;
using PostmanClient.Models;
var client = new PostmanClientClient();
var input = new UpdateWorkspaceRolesRequest();
var response = await client.Workspaces.UpdateWorkspaceRolesAsync(input, "1f0df51a-8658-4ee8-a2a1-d2567dfa09a9");