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Example on how to build self-hosted Azure DevOps agents inside containers 🚀!


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Azure DevOps Agent Containers

Hello 👋

In this repo, you will find the various files needed to host a Self-Hosted Azure DevOps Agent inside a container as well as examples of a CI/CD workflow.

These images try to follow the Microsoft documentation on running self-hosted agent in Docker, but try to add some improvements to this workflow (at least for me), and the repos purpose is to give an overall example of a workflow on how you can do this. Obviously, being containers, we will all have different usability, so please, feel free to take the examples and gut the parts you don't need.

There are several projects which attempt to do this, but never in a way that I "liked", so this workflow is to document those short-gaps and try and provide some community support where I can. I am by no means an expert in this, and this project comes with absolutely no warranty, but should you wish to raise an issue with question, or iterate an improvement where I've missed something, then please, raise a PR and issue thread to discuss 😄.

The only thing to note, these containers have no "real" inherit dependencies, in theory, passing ENV and/or ARG's into your container with the and start.ps1 scripts that I have based from the Microsoft documentation is enough to get going. But I will try to document what parts are what and why - and my containers are only an example, so check out the Usage section for more info.

Our containers probably don't follow best practice as I am not really employing any real shell-scripts tricks or layer optimization, but these work for me. Here is some high level.

High-level info

  • CI/CD with Azure DevOps 🚀

    • Using easy, readable, script params instead of in-built Steps, Templates & Actions for easy migrations to other CI/CDs
  • Container registry using GitHub Packages with GitHub Container Registry 😎

  • Example scripts in Podman, CI/CD pipelines in Podman for Linux and Docker for Windows 🐳

  • Linux Images used in the repo:

  • Windows Image used in the repo:

  • Agent Name is auto-generated for pool to avoid conflicts, in format:

    • Linux: azdo-${OS-NAME}-agent-${{ddmmyyy}-${random_chars}
    • Windows: azdo-${OS-NAME}-agent-${ddmmyyyy}-${RANDOM_NUMBERS}



docker run -it \
-e AZP_URL="${AZP_URL}" \

or minimally

docker run -it \
-e AZP_URL="${AZP_URL}" \


docker run -it `
-e AZP_URL = "${AZP_URL}" `
-e AZP_POOL = "${AZP_POOL}" `
-e AZP_WORK = "${AZP_WORK}" ` 


Looking to run Podman containers within a container? The rhel and default containers in this repo support it!. To do this however, you do need to run the container in --priviledged mode and run the container user as root. You can still run the container itself as a standard user, it's just the inside user that will need to be root. Here is an example on how to run:

podman run -it --privileged -u root \
-e AZP_URL="${AZP_URL}" \
podman run -it --privileged -u root \
-e AZP_URL="${AZP_URL}" \

And then inside the container:

root@7483265642f0:/azp# podman run -it ubuntu:latest
Resolved "ubuntu" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/000-shortnames.conf)
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob e0b25ef51634 done
Copying config 825d55fb63 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
root@7483265642f0:/# ls
bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib32  lib64  libx32  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var

Run Azure DevOps agent as root

podman run -it --privileged -u root \
    -e AZP_URL="${AZP_URL}" \
    -e AZP_TOKEN="${AZP_TOKEN}" \

As Kubernetes

Create a kube-azdo-creds.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: azdo-agents-creds
type: Opaque
  azdo-token: <base64-encoded-token-without-newline>
  azdo-url: <base64-encoded-url-without-newline>

Run kubectl

kubectl apply -f azdo-agents-creds.yaml && \
kubectl apply -f azdo-agents-deployment.yaml

As Kubernetes in Podman

Run the helper script

# Ensure the script stops if an error occurs
set -e

# Pull the necessary pause image
podman pull

podman kube play kube-azdo-creds.yaml && \
podman play kube podman-kube-deployment.yaml

Alternatively, you can fork the repo and edit the pipelines to include your secrets as build args into the template!

We do not own or give any explicit license agreements which may be contained with the software in these images, but have given images for examples and published them to allow experiments 🧑‍🔬. The images are as follows:

  • All images are tagged as latest and YYYY-MM and available in${name}
  • For legacy reasons, the image (also tagged is kept for legacy users. Please use an alternative image for updates