We generally follow the Todd Moto guide
- Prefer Angular Components over Directives
- Embrace unidirectional dataflow
- Components, filters and services should live in
, andservices
folders, respectively. These are nested under the folder named after the feature. - Component's definition and controller belong to separate files and are named
, respectively. - Component folder structure is always flat (do not nest components inside of component folders, even if the component is nested within that in the DOM)
- Folder Structure:
app/assets/javascripts/ |- module_name/ |- |- components |- |- |- component_1.controller.js |- |- |- component_1.component.js |- |- |- component_2.controller.js |- |- |- component_2.component.js |- |- services |- |- filters
Injection should be done in the following order:
- Angular dependencies (like
) first - Third party dependencies second
- app dependencies last
- generally alphabetical order (in the groups)
- Angular dependencies (like
Components can hold their own state, as long as it is not shared with other components
- Shared state should always go to the component that is the nearest shared parent component in the component tree
- Avoid
unless you need to update something from a non-Angular event (i.e. from a google event,$scope
apply) - Bind callback methods to
class SubmitButtonController { static $inject = ['RainService'] constructor(RainService) { this.rainService = RainService } handleClick = () => { this.rainService.stopIt().then(() => { this.rideIntoSunset() }) } rideIntoSunset() { … } } angular .module('app.core') .controller('SubmitButtonController', SubmitButtonController)
for every component. Example component:const submitButton = { controller: 'SubmitButtonContrller', controllerAs: 'ctrl', bindings: { onSubmit: '<', }, template: "<button on-click='ctrl.handleClick'>Click Me</button>", } angular .module('app.core') .component('submitButton', submitButton)
- Template
If a template consists of only a couple of lines, keep it in the same file. If it's longer, extract it to its own HTML file and use
to load it:
const template = require('submit_button.template.html') const submitButton = { controller: 'SubmitButtonContrller', template }
- Template
If a template consists of only a couple of lines, keep it in the same file. If it's longer, extract it to its own HTML file and use
- use them to define the interface with other components
- avoid
bindings, use@
to pass raw text and<
for anything else(see http://blog.krawaller.se/posts/dissecting-bindings-in-angularjs/) - always list callbacks last
- careful: HTML attributes that denote bindings are written with
(kebab-case) and Angular interprets this as CamelCase - callbacks are passed down via HTML attribute
<submit-button on-submit="ctrl.parentSubmit" />
- Keep logic in the services